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#6011 Building a computer...

Posted by Trebor on 23 April 2007 - 01:09 PM in Chat-Box

HEY!!! ITS A ME!!! long time since ive said anything here... anywho... im toying with the idea of buliding a computer myself... mostly for gaming (my laptop is good for word processing cus i can take it downstairs and watch tv while i type) im just really reseaching right now i know that im not gonna go top of the line ive still got 2 semesters of schooling to pay for first but im gonna go all out on my motherboard so i can upgrade the cpu and video card later, which would be better to get though a dual core or just a single does it really matter for gaming and should i go vista right away? anyways get your ass up here drack and visit me im bored!