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#5783 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 09:42 AM in Chat-Box

then she will suffer my divine wrath. have you even played it? i thirst for conquest!
Poland will only satiate my desires for a brief time!

#5756 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 17 April 2007 - 02:47 PM in Chat-Box

V, I just love it. first one with real class changes wasn't it?
and six is the best, bar none, except for you know, some other ones.

#5937 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 11:27 PM in Chat-Box

A wise choice, we could be unstoppable. too much explanations otherwise.

#5934 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 11:14 PM in Chat-Box

ooh, you now how to count and generalize, whoopeee.

doesn't really do us any good well know different stuff though, no comp if you catch my drift.

#5930 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 10:58 PM in Chat-Box

we will see foolish one, it is unwise to test a sennin.

#5922 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 10:29 PM in Chat-Box

baka, you don't even know the origins of the quote so butt out, in the butt.

Heh, buttsex.

Believe me, no one knows that anime better than I.

#5888 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 01:50 PM in Chat-Box

yes, he is great.

And casey? that was a lame rapeass quote, it actually goes : you should taste your words to be certain they are palatable.

#5880 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 19 April 2007 - 11:21 PM in Chat-Box

my diagnosis? latent homosexuality. resulting in an overwhelming desire to be sephiroth.

#5865 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 19 April 2007 - 04:23 PM in Chat-Box

pfft, sephiroth rocks both your asses! sephiroth is my bishie! mmm, daikatana.

#5819 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 06:02 PM in Chat-Box

you betcha.

#5787 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 09:58 AM in Chat-Box

I won't be so easily tricked, you think to tempt me with that which i already own? fool, it is dead to me as far as you are concerned!

I will simply play more SoA, the blood. shall. flow!

#5795 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 02:48 PM in Chat-Box

No.. I did not say that. i just mean that you will pay for mistreating it. pay with your dignity...

Oh, right forgot. your all out of that. my bad.

#5785 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 09:49 AM in Chat-Box

it would simply better to satiate the beast, much better than relying on metorological warfare.

#5629 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 12 April 2007 - 12:55 PM in RP Archive

the cacophony that resonated through the cave was rather disturbing, the sounds of battle were still present but things were, well, different.

The smell of a trio of brown wolves were added to the fray and the sounds of the the mutants life were dripping away. there was still an unseen watcher though, at she was preparing a deathblow.

again logic was overcome by something, greed, lust, desire, whatever it was it played off my natural caution and cunning. it would not be good if I had to deal with this without a crew.

After carefully concealing the child from most senses I stealthily climb up the small mound to survey the surroundings, a strange sight this battle was.

it appeared that the whole world had decided to rise against us, the peddler was dancing with a trio of wolves directly above the entrance to the cave, rocks and rubble were stewn around the battlegrounds. the bear was pinned and being assaulted by the remaining two shadowhounds, the mutant rat had been dealt with but had inflicted some moderate wounds on the paladin and a werewolf was standing off to the left, despite the appearance it would seem this was the druid.

and out in the treeline, 15 feet from the cave i saw what I was looking for, the bog hag, preparing her spell.

seeing that i was in the best position to deal with her I acted swiftly, running towards the edge I make a running jump out towards her. as I near the treeline
(32 on my fantastic leap check) I use a similar tactic to before, but with a slight twist. attached to my first dagger was a small clay jar of a caustic liquid, designed to break on impact. i throw the weapons and (with the critical hit, magical damage plus a substance of fire and wounding) hit the bog witch right in the forehead with the caustic blade, the jar explodes and the vile substance destroys her head without a sound.

her summons disapate as I finish my leap by catching onto one of the branches of a tree and break through the cover, knocking the wind out of me as I fall to a lower branch and suffer several cuts and scrapes

#5369 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 02 April 2007 - 09:50 PM in RP Archive

appearences could be decieving, and carrying the boy was of no discourse for my deceptive strength. wwhen the knight and peddler rejoined the group me made a slow march to the cave.

As promised it was abandoned but the sent of the previous inhabitant was still present, like a screen baring entrance.

The cave was no more than a hole in the side of the cliff, barely warranting the name cave. The small entrance led into a narrow tunnel that gradually widened the father you went back, the darkness was opressive, denying a clear view of the back of the cave, though a breeze hinted at a back entrance.

Sticking my head back out of the cave mouth I tell the squad, "its a little tight, almost claustrophobic, but its dry and out of the weather, its too late for a forage so we will have to sleep in the dark and hungry."

I turn back into the cave and call back. " we should set a watch, shall we draw lots? or can we decide an order amoungst ourselves?

#5364 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 02 April 2007 - 08:21 PM in RP Archive

'the trial of leading fools' Really it was of no concern that they would run off but we had something to do so until the completion they served under me.

Cupping my hands around my mouth I call out "we have a place to stay! hurry up and get back here! we don't have much time!"

And with that I turn to the boy, pick him up in a fireman's carry and motion the druid to lead on.

#5277 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 29 March 2007 - 08:32 PM in RP Archive

A shock, these beasts were. targeting Eli as they did. I quickly throw a pair of knives at the beast attacking the boy, hitting just hard enough to divert it from destroying the boy's face. A quick look around and he saw the knight finish an alpha, the druid impale a flanker and four more creatures bounding up the road.

Assessing the situation I shout "Merchant! Attend to the boy! Druid! put up a wall around you three! Badtouch! your with me! quickly!"

With that I run forwards and up the stone spire and leap over the approaching creatures, throw a knife at all four, killing two instantly
Critical hits! and injuring a third and land behind them, hoping to draw thier attention long enough for thew meatshield to do his job.

#5053 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 18 March 2007 - 05:42 PM in RP Archive

" i'll take this one boy, Old man, you are not used to humanity so I will forgive you your ignorance, this forest is well known for its mythical powers, powers I am certain have something to do with your presence. These arte ancient and fearsome beasts that hunt us and we needed to use every trick at our disposal. Not to mention while this is really just an unruly garden it is the fastest path to or destination."

Having settled the issue to my satisfaction I turn to the tattered man fawning over the boy and say,

"what have you got to do with this hmm?"

#5023 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 17 March 2007 - 04:18 PM in RP Archive

The trees, Beasts? "As I have noticed, but the kitsune won't be caught with his tail between his legs. Yes Boy, tell the people."

I step out from behind the tree that had been set aflame, having snuck out of sight during the proceedings.

" I would certainly like to here all accounts myself"

#5014 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 09:16 PM in RP Archive

'so the rumors are true'

At the first appearance of the woodsman I pour the remaining whisky all over myself and leapup into the trees just as the wolves enter the grove. 'excellent timing again'

I call down to the strange plant man " nice to see you uji-san, we are in dire need of assistance, forgive the boy, it was the only way we knew to get your attention."

I climb through the grasping branches, barely avoiding it attempts to restrain me

" we came across that vagrant, we are but poor refugees, we had no manner in which to aid him. we knew tales of your kindness, and we knew that someone as wise in the world could understand this new threat to humanity better than any, help the man and spare the lad his ignorance, we have had trying times!"

#4789 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 09 March 2007 - 01:04 PM in RP Archive

when I was called I cursed the day the gods make water wet, I then stood up from my stalk no more than fifteen paces away from the pair and said"hold good sir, you do not recognize me?" the warrior shakes his head and before the boy can say anything I reply "excellent. I am Felixe. I was merely wary of a new warrior's arrival at such a fortuitous time. rather late are we not?" I look around the carnage as if for the first time and say whistfully" ahhh, if we had a fine knight such as yourself on the night before, i could have slept in a warm bed."

I start making a large effort in wringing out my cloak turning away from the pair i call over my shoulder" It is somewhat suspicious, good sir, as to why a strong fighter such as yourself would approach this poor boy, a lad that has suffered so much" I turn back to face them "you wouldn't be holding an alterior motive now would you? Sir Badtouch?"

#4429 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 21 February 2007 - 03:45 PM in RP Archive

As I wait for his response to my most recent proposal a frantic man bursts into the hall screaming "the myst! the Myst is eating the village!"

we all turn to him and laugh, "looks like you have had too much to drink!" someone shouts.

But then a tendril of mist streams in through the open door, everything it touches disapears with a mournful sigh.

at the sight of the tendril seemingly eating everything in its path the hall erupts with a panic. tables are overturned and the people try to get past the mist into the night.

Not wanting a good situation to go to waste I hop over the bar and clean out the money box. then i hurry up the stairs and look out a window. the tavern seems to sit as a boat in an ocean, thick fog envelops the entire area.

I crawl through the window and jump off the ledge to grap the roof and pull myself up. the fog rises slowly.

"well, this is a fine situation, to think they would try this." i say to myself as i pace from one side of the small rooftop to the other. "I guess i have no choice then, Rotoli de Ossa!" I take a running leap and jump into the growing myst. the instant it touches my my body is overcome with a numbing feeling and i hear in my ear a slight voice, as though from far away, "very well, try me" I land outside the tavern with a tumble, immediately alert..

as the mist disapates I hear the sound of combat and the cries of fear, human cries. suddenly a strange shape runs through the mist at me, a monsterous simian, armed with a stone axe.

I reach into my cloak and grap one of my knives and hurl it to hit the beast in the throat. It stumbles with the impact and i sidestep its charge easily. i grab my knife and wipe it off on the creatures tattered clothing, then i turn and proceed into the mist, keeping my hand on my knives.

#4267 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 07 February 2007 - 06:56 PM in RP Archive

"heh, forgive my tongue, it twists itself into trouble it seems, the title I have given to you is merely my consideration of Talien, the slayer and my captor. Is it not understandable that I do not hold her in fair light? but I will abide by your request, for there are few that do not know of the ancients, fewer still that remember the truth. fear not! I will speak only of happy things, I shall entertain and you will hear no heresy from me." and with that I spit into the palm of my left hand and grasp Garrett's wrist. "when shall I start?" I lower my voice to little more than a wisper and leancloser to my new patron "I have heard an interesting rumor about the lakes during my travels, perhaps there? the pierced ones seem to be growing more, "active" in the past few years. an interesting thought do you not think?"

and with that I pull back and take my hand from his wrist, give him another wink and turn back to my new beer with a chuckle.

#4254 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 05 February 2007 - 09:37 PM in RP Archive

" of all the luck! good sir" I take the proffered hand and shake it heartily "you are too kind to a poor vagabond such as I, and it is good that you can notice my training, I will gladly tell my tale, but I fear that I must leave at some point, and at that time, surely my unholy huntress will nash at my very heels." I motion to one of the awestruck serving girls to bring me anther drink and turn back to Garrett. " thus it would be unfortunate that I were to leave, as i had arrived, broke. If you could but spare me a slice of your soon to be growing income <of this I guarantee!> I could tell other tales, tales of the anchients, the gods, the adventurer's of yore. While great, and tiring my story was, variety guarantee's a full house" a quick wink at the maid that brought my drink and a smile to Garrett, " and a small uhh, donation could not possibly hurt your swelling purse, I ask only what is fair good master." and with a small flourish of my cloak and a bow I gesture to my fresh tankard " I pray that I am not being to presumptious?"

#6153 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 02 May 2007 - 06:55 PM in RP Archive

"hmm, we cannot travel far in these conditions, and here is just as well now that the past resident has been-" I look at the large boulder that had fallen "-held up. Druid? the boy is out the back of the cave, hidden i have no doubt that you can find him, peddler? erase the dust trap I left at the entrance, throw some dirt over it to break the enchantment."

I finish the bandage with a sharp tug and turn to the vampire

"Now mistress, what can you tell us."