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#5178 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 26 March 2007 - 11:23 AM in RP Archive

"Hmmm ahhh, an interesting technique, I must get the recipe" I say to the old man that had seemingly twisted time and space to his whim.

"Does this mean that you'll be leaving us? your help was, well, apreciated to say the least. i wouldn't want to keep you from your, ahhh, hermitous duties."

#4216 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 31 January 2007 - 11:54 PM in RP Archive

" No thank you, good sir, the sound of good wholesome food being prepared is truly a blessing for one such as I, who has suffered so much." and after a quick drink, seemingly to wet my throat, but in actuallity I scan the gathered people once more " my story is not a tale of happiness, but of loss and sadness. Truly the spirits of plague and poverty have taken interest in me. One of my employ should not be Troubled as I have, I am just so hungry, I was lucky to be able to pass within this establishment, a fine sight it would have been, if I had fainted outside your door, imagine what business would have been like then!"

#5403 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 04 April 2007 - 04:57 PM in RP Archive

Even in the deep darkness the peddler's torment was obvious, even without my curse (or was it a blessing?) I could see his agony. I would love to meet his brother, a truly powerful man he must be.

With my darksight I was able to see my companions spread around the small cavern, though none truly appeared asleep.

I watched the boy's laboured breathing and caught the reflection of my ghastly glowing eyes in his own open, tear filled ones, no conciousness behind them, the sleeping draught still worked.

The knight and the druid seemed the closest to sleep, sitting quietly withdrawn to themselves, eyes closed. Did they too feel the evil gaze that watched over us?

I was slightly disapointed with the druid's apperant thought that we did not need to be informed that we had company still in the cave, but at least she (for it was a she) would guard the back door.

with a chuckle I curl up on my knees and slip into a restful state, my keen senses attuned to the darkness around me, my domain.

#4220 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 01 February 2007 - 10:46 PM in RP Archive

upon seeing the runtish boy hobble up to the counter with my food I reach out and grab it from his trembling hands, " you can take the roll lad" and with that I wolf down half of the simple stew.

Satisfied with the meal I look up and see the bartender talking with a rather boorish looking man, I quickly notice him to be a spellshaper, and with a quick sniff of contempt I finish my meal. " holding the bowl up I call to the keeper, "ahh, now thats a meal to be proud of, now, you were wanting to her of my travels then? It is good to be back amongst civilized people. Let you first know that I am a Loremaster, I have travelled far and wide across this continent, I have even travelled past the Far Seas, strange folk out that way. but if you'd rather speak with your, hmmm, friend over there, I can hold my tongue"

#5320 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 31 March 2007 - 03:04 PM in RP Archive

"hmm, crisis averted, we need to find somewhere to rest, the boy won't be able to make any long trips. Druid? could you do us one more favor?"

I climb on top of the stone embankment and look to the old shell of the house, seeing the flash of the knight's chainmail and make a quick decision.

"we need somewhere, safe and natural to rest up, could you maybe send a scout, like a bird or something to have a look around? somewhere unnoticable, but close to the road if you please."

#4843 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 10 March 2007 - 11:53 AM in RP Archive

I stand awhile as if in thought, but my desires had already been met, a meat shield and a booty boy, what else could I desire? they seem to be good chaps, this will work. I continue on past the two and call back "so be it, but I do not have time to wait, we humans are now prey and to draw attention to our location would be folly, follow of your own accord Sir Badtouch, but remember, I Do not take kindly to failures. Your will be joining us to boy? lets go then."

With that I break into the trees, always searching for trouble, I like trouble.

#5961 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 21 April 2007 - 10:18 AM in RP Archive

"come now, theres no need to be so hostile, I am as I have always been, just o so much more."

I crouch down and start binding his leg, all the while exploring my new abilities, giving the leg rough jerks for emphasis.

"besides, you wouldn't want to be without your healer would you? who would take care of you when you have a sore toe? and your right, she DOES have some important information, but I'll let her tell you about it."

#4877 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 11 March 2007 - 07:52 PM in RP Archive

Returning from my habitual position as scout I find my companions tromping across the open fields we have taken, instead of the much used road. With a sigh I say "your bulk rattles too much Sir Badtouch, it would be wiser for you to keep it down, a blind onelegged thorn deamon would have no trouble finding you." seeing that my slight reference to the beasts from the town startle the boy I turn on him.

"and you boy, how out of shape you are! you blow wind like Nistir, the North! you two are impossible, I would be sorely disapointed if you were to draw unwanted attention to me."

I crouch down and clear a patch of earth and directing thier attentions to the rudimentary map I create.

"now then, if you ignorant lot can get this through your thick skulls, pay attention, it may save your life. I have chosen this path for one excellent reason, up ahead lies the northmost tip of the Darkwoods, this area is surrounded with many myths and legend, it may be one of the most dangerous places on this plane."

I pause to draw our location and our surroundings on the ground.

"you are lucky however that I know the secret of the passage, we must travel only during the day, and cause no harm to the forest or its residents. You must follow me in all that I do, and for the love of Simic be quiet! No whining, no clinking no weezing and absolutely no talking! hand signals will be used. Questions? no? Good, I want to be in the fortest before midday, it won't take long to get through. And mind yourselves, we are being watched, two parties."

and with that I stand up, scratch out the drawing thouroughly and double pace it towards the trees.

#5305 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 30 March 2007 - 01:24 PM in RP Archive

" come on man, take a look around. My supplies are all but spent and I would like to wash this curse off, use your best judgement, fill a pool or something!" geez, the trial of leadership indeed, I missed this.

#4994 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 12:39 PM in RP Archive

"hmpf, foolish meatshield, running around the multiverse looking for sidequests, all the aid we need is right here. But like I said it is rather drastic. there is a force in this forest that can be summoned, but you must light the trees on fire, he will be summoned by the departing spirits of the trees and he can heal this interloper, we don't have much time so you should hurry, I will try to stop the bleeding and help him a little, I have a few items that'll work, here" I toss my flint and tinder to the boy " we need a huge fire, that oak he was hanging in will work"

and with that I give a smirk and turn to the body, taking out a flask of whiskey I had grabbed at the tavern the night before and pour some of it into the mans cuts.

#5336 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 01 April 2007 - 12:45 PM in RP Archive

"a bear hmm, he would not mind our presence for a night? maybe longer?"

I fill up all of my empty flasks with the water then wash the gore off of my chest arms, and face.

" how far is it from here? we can carry the boy there correct?"

I then notice the foolish merchant sitting, as though in a classroom, waving a scrap of paper at me, I thought it best to humor the man.

"Thank you Druid, you have been most kind, we need to gather the attention of the warrior, he seems to have strayed off. excuse me a moment."

I walk calmly to the fool and crouch beside him, snatching the scrap from his outstretched hand

"now what do you have for me? hmmm, ahhh. This is good, forgive my previous disposition towards you Laviler, you seem to have your wits about you. I had guessed there was poison involved, but this other information is very useful."

I reach into my cloak and hand him the vials of body parts I had taken from the creature

"If what you say is true, you should guard these with your life. Are you ready to move? excellent, we depart soon."

And with that I stand up, redon my shirt and cloak and proceed back to the boy who seemed to be sturggling with conciousness.

#5093 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 19 March 2007 - 01:57 PM in RP Archive

"hmmm, noted uji-san. since this is your home, would you do us the favour of taking point? oh, and this-" I shake the flask at Miguel " is for you."

As I toss it to him I quickly cut the bottom out of the leather container, spilling the water all over the ground.

" Remember the price I pay for useless information, half truths and whole lies."

I crouch down to look the startled merchant in the face. 'he dares threaten me?'

"you seem out of touch with the world, the number thirteen is law. keep up merchant, or we'll hmm,ahh, have to lock you up and carry you, the boy has an urgent message and you will not hold him back. Am I clear?"

I stand and turn away from his shudders at my allusions and say with a bow.

"let us away then, if you would uji-san? and sir badtouch can take second, the boy in the centre, then the merchant where I can see him and I'll take vanguard, tu satis?"

#4214 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 31 January 2007 - 12:13 PM in RP Archive

"hmpf, your a curious old fart, aren't you? well I suppose I could tell you of my travels, but unfortunately I have been long on the road and I am quite famished, and I fear this beer will not suffice, doyou not know that it can be quite dangerous to speak of daring deeds and near escapes on an empty stomach, surely it would not bode well should I faint from over-exerting myself" and with a quick nudge to the bartender I turn back to my beer

#5729 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 April 2007 - 07:06 PM in RP Archive

"do not worry hag, you won't die quickly, if at all. why the boy? surely anyone of us could be a meal, take the cripple" I say this with a gesture to the injured paladin " And of what do you claim your heritage? surely you do not defile the host of elves with your presence?"

Looking for the first time at her face I am overcome with shock and fear, a sensation so strange to me.

"excuse me nosferatu, i did not truly grasp the situation, I should have known better, my humble apologies, I will do what I can to help you, but. you must answer our questions correctly. understand?"

With that I slowly back away, bowing once and never taking my eyes off her.

#6458 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:22 PM in OOC Information and Planning

Of course.my evaluation is merely a comment on my observations with a crossreference to standard elemental styles.

And as far as wind is concerned, it stands for speed in my list. with earth being strength, water being defense and fire being power, void is life and death.

#6312 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 12 May 2007 - 04:47 PM in OOC Information and Planning

hmm, so, we just wait it out? what happens when it runs out of AP?

#6150 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 02 May 2007 - 06:14 PM in OOC Information and Planning

sorry babe, the world waits for my corination. I WILL be the prettiest fairie!

#6314 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 12 May 2007 - 05:12 PM in OOC Information and Planning

yeah, I was hoping for a more physical battle as well, no loss i guess.

#6464 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:37 PM in OOC Information and Planning

excellent, with that said. my abilities are nothing fantastic, with the return to the earthen defender. my skills are exactly that. If you need I can throw together a list or something that covers my skill. as a warrior monk style I am not a mystic so my powers are limited.

#6322 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 12 May 2007 - 06:35 PM in OOC Information and Planning

standard dragon style attacks? wings, claws and beak?
with a fire effect or not?

#6454 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:14 PM in OOC Information and Planning

Hack? not I. Ummm... I claim the fifth!

so, with my character having minor influence from the wind aura (no more than a physical bonus, speed and jumping predominately) I would recieve a slight strength bonus from the crystal?

And megell's character? I see water, with wind secondary.

#6420 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 03:04 PM in OOC Information and Planning

Impressive, I never did like fliers.

before the next battle, how about some character development? you know, team bonding kinda thing? what little was mentioned in the bios was not very all encompasing, how did we end up in the prison, where is it? what's going on? that kinda thing.

#6461 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:30 PM in OOC Information and Planning

yes, I made a minor mistake in my posts, speaking of wind so I guess I'll continue as such. of course, with your acceptance i can remedy that for the future.

I had confused his abilities and focus with another character's of mine. so could i possibly follow my original plans of an earth based fighter?

#6444 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 10:38 PM in OOC Information and Planning

hmmm, well, in my style, picture a diamond. wind is at the top, earth is at the bottom, with fire on the left and water on the right. the space and the lines represent the void.

a person devotes themselves to one of the elements at the pinnacles, and can use that one or one of the ones it is allied with it, but not the "opposing" element.

the user can sense the void, via the lines, but cannot use it since it is unconnected.

#6485 The Black Shard OOC

Posted by Mizukage on 18 May 2007 - 12:46 PM in OOC Information and Planning

hmm, mo hashire. that seems to be quite interesting. of course, if he were entirely useless, say if we fight water next...