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#4268 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 07 February 2007 - 07:00 PM in Chat-Box

All and one, belongs to none. Greater in power are we.

But remember, they that fear the dark no not what the light can do.

#7293 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 26 June 2007 - 08:07 PM in Chat-Box

well, that certainly is a long winded hello.

#5941 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 11:53 PM in Chat-Box

not again.

#5917 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 10:18 PM in Chat-Box

they fell into the abyss known as FPS! we need shootas!

#4600 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 01 March 2007 - 10:08 PM in Chat-Box

Them damn space gophers be stealin mah hooch!
And how you doin?

#4787 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 09 March 2007 - 12:43 PM in Chat-Box

Dammit Casey, you missed the point, Bella? watch out or this one, he's a little shifty. And i am positive he is a practicer of different sexual orientations. you see, he likes the side door.

#4745 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Mizukage on 08 March 2007 - 03:49 PM in Chat-Box

Ah, Bella! how nice to see you! What took you so long? I had sent the pages to you ages ago. And mind the names, we make use of the alter ego here.

#7204 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 23 June 2007 - 12:59 AM in Chat-Box

hmm, I assumed that was going to happen, if not from you than somewhere else.

The camp deal is reasonable, the tent kinewa was thinking of providing, though she seems intent on earl rowe.

plus we cannot just allow people to show up at the theatre, meeting up beforehand for interviews and delegations is a good idea no?

#7294 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 26 June 2007 - 08:10 PM in Chat-Box

oh, and FYI, there is not much chance of a friday 6th engagement, kinewa works by then and I am back in class. this friday seems to work out much better.

but details are needed.

#7207 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 23 June 2007 - 10:19 AM in Chat-Box

more than enough, besides, trunks and squeezing will do if neccessary, pile the short ones in like cord wood.

of course, megell is out of town at the time and quetz has yet to give a confirm.

#7418 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 01 July 2007 - 10:57 PM in Chat-Box

sorry man, pulling a double shift, unless we are going after nine and i can get to newmarket there is no chance, but if you are really going to miss me, take a slice of sandpaper with you, draw a disaproving glare on it. that is just as good as the cardboard casey no?

#7501 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 05 July 2007 - 02:12 PM in Chat-Box

does not matter, anybody want a free copy? cost you 10, excellent frigging movie, i love barricade even more.

#7193 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 22 June 2007 - 06:10 PM in Chat-Box

va va, but how many are looking at this? quetz, you still live around there don't you?

so, with keisad and quetz, there are 7 interested, and I am certain there are a few that I don't know, Duma?

#7365 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 28 June 2007 - 05:19 PM in Chat-Box

how is admission handled there? do you pay to enter, or just for a billet, otherwise it could get expensive. 30 bucks a pop does not sound so hot.

#7334 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 27 June 2007 - 07:45 PM in Chat-Box

when? not his friday, but the next. july 6th. so far they are seeing a movie, the transformers, and they hope to plan something for afterwards. camping in alliston.

I just looked at the calendar and found that I cannot attend, I have classes that weekend, if only it was this weekend.

#7112 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 18 June 2007 - 01:36 PM in Chat-Box

does this mean bloodshed? o please let it be so. It has been some time since obenkyo has feasted.

quetz, do not Anger us, you were doing so well. It is not wise to taunt they that control the mighty Vengerection. Your small frame would not likely survive the initial bludgeoning.

#7011 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 14 June 2007 - 03:53 PM in Chat-Box

and willing to brutally murder. *leaves no witnesses*

alright, well, I have a week in two. that is all i can do.

#7008 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 14 June 2007 - 03:45 PM in Chat-Box

And I should not let you live the night, but you still do.

#7006 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 14 June 2007 - 03:40 PM in Chat-Box

or you could just die. what a foolish idea! I do not need to know you people outside this forum, I am having a hard time knowing you inside the forum, do not make it harder on yourselves. It would not be casey and his cleavers you would have to watch....

#7043 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 16 June 2007 - 05:03 AM in Chat-Box

I believe megell deigns to leave us by then, but since he was never invited to begin with... Transformers sounds well, we can use my hut as a staging ground.

#7061 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 16 June 2007 - 04:18 PM in Chat-Box

Kinewa's a girl?

wait, is that not how it normally is?

#7142 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 19 June 2007 - 09:02 PM in Chat-Box

that is unfortunate, no worries I will film a copy for you, i have the feeling that this would most certainly be your thing. Casey? you in? do i need to even ask?

Oh, and now that we have decided to roll on the friday coretechs idea for a camp deal is more feasable, I think Kinewa was thinking of such a deal...

#7129 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 18 June 2007 - 10:00 PM in Chat-Box

hmm, he has a point, alright, so release date, barrie. so good you could come to reason.

#7101 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 17 June 2007 - 03:15 PM in Chat-Box

Why yes! that sounds like an excellent Idea!

no, wait, wrong word.... let me see, expensive? boorish? mundane? foolish? nah, need a new one for that,

Behold! Stuptradgic! the idea is stuptradgic.

#7164 Gathering

Posted by Mizukage on 21 June 2007 - 11:34 AM in Chat-Box

So I guess that you are in as well? that makes five that are interested.... Keisad, you said that you lived in the area, you are in? who else is in the area, it's no good if we do not know the numbers...

We need to organize travelings, will it be come as you are? several people do not have access to a car of some sort... this needs to be considered.

Times shown, too early but it will be good to know which is the one that is easiest.

Foodstuffs? IF camping is a viable option that needs to be organized as well, I am certain that there are also things I am not considering...

Good thing there are like two weeks to think about all that.