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#4392 How would you guys Feel about a Battle Arena?

Posted by Mizukage on 20 February 2007 - 03:11 PM in OOC Information and Planning

one rule. I rule.

what j00 got in mind?
mayhaps an actual DnD format. Book is mandatory?
I hope things won't get too, out of hand, rules can cripple a game.

#7032 I suppose I owe an explanation

Posted by Mizukage on 15 June 2007 - 12:36 PM in Chat-Box

you must be crazy casey, no one has fun in michigan, it is a hole, a vast american hole.

there slogan is something like "come because you have to, leave because you're not stupid."

#7025 I suppose I owe an explanation

Posted by Mizukage on 15 June 2007 - 02:40 AM in Chat-Box

wait, you were gone? huh, imagine that.

#6154 What song is this?

Posted by Mizukage on 02 May 2007 - 07:04 PM in Chat-Box

Hmm, isn't it interesting that many people find such a reaction fascinating? Very, intruging. I guess it comes with being such a fattie.

#4479 Old 3Ds Max Stuffs

Posted by Mizukage on 23 February 2007 - 01:24 PM in Art Art

Ouch, that dog's hurtin, I dig the planets though.

#4269 Game Demo

Posted by Mizukage on 08 February 2007 - 09:51 PM in News

heh, I love the smell of progress in the morning.

#3284 What's happenin'?

Posted by Mizukage on 25 November 2006 - 02:38 PM in Chat-Box

foolish badger!
Pants and grammar coincide in all that they do!

and coretex? podcast sucks. not bad work. in fact i'll go so far as to say its some of my best work.

#3233 What's happenin'?

Posted by Mizukage on 22 November 2006 - 05:26 PM in Chat-Box

How dare you!
How dare you Use the Elusive Semicolon in such vulgar writings,
It is better and you know it.


#3303 What's happenin'?

Posted by Mizukage on 25 November 2006 - 08:13 PM in Chat-Box

dude, I'll turn you into a furried girder of loins, I'm gonna drop you.

#3244 What's happenin'?

Posted by Mizukage on 22 November 2006 - 08:07 PM in Chat-Box

Yeah, well, not on warm winter tuesdays, I find they cramp my style.
ladies? yeah, call me.

#6922 DS Browser

Posted by Mizukage on 11 June 2007 - 06:56 AM in Chat-Box

hey babe, those shoes are damn sexy.

#6566 What is going on?

Posted by Mizukage on 28 May 2007 - 06:26 PM in Chat-Box

man, I love starwars.

#7500 UPDAtE frm megell

Posted by Mizukage on 05 July 2007 - 02:07 PM in Chat-Box

how can you say that about the mona lisa? of course, it makes sense that a godless heathen such as yourself wouldn't understand.

#5109 Beta Test - Player Written Quests

Posted by Mizukage on 20 March 2007 - 03:16 PM in News

yeah, some kinda reference would be nice, once I have enough info to make stuff up I will do just just that. I am quite good at making junk up. some sorta pathological thing. i dunno.

#5085 Beta Test - Player Written Quests

Posted by Mizukage on 19 March 2007 - 11:32 AM in News

would it be possible for the intro quests to be randomized? I know that I am sick of playing the same intro for beloved games. And i am talking extreme variety.
Not some different way to harvest crisp basilisk Uerethras.

#7089 Prom zaps away your digninty.

Posted by Mizukage on 17 June 2007 - 01:07 AM in Chat-Box

well, granted few people have any dignity to lose to begin with, so I think you are safe.

#6486 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 18 May 2007 - 12:48 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

right, whatever helps you sleep at night, now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the urinal.

grabs straw

#6375 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 16 May 2007 - 04:19 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

Hmmm. If you are going to view this with a closed mind, what is the purpose of existing? I other words, shut up casey, the sensei is teaching.

It is important that you consider all sides of the discussion and be aware of not only your evidence, but of your opponents as well.

It is also inmportant, as I said before, that you be as accurate as possible in your representation of your case so that you don't take the role of hypocrite yourself.

you should also keep an open mind, understand that to err is human, and be available to correct a mistake without being overly critical.. and remember to back up your correction with proven evidence from a valid source.

Try it, you'll find how less of an asshole you can be.

#6357 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 15 May 2007 - 08:55 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

man, I love my job.

But in all seriousness it is better to forgive and forget than live out the rest of your meaningless existence in a pain amplifier.

it is natural for you lowly carbon based lifeforms to err, in fact, to err is human. I would love to meet another that is as omniscient as myself. a delightful conversation we would have. kinda like davie's discussions with me.

a limited mental capacity for information is also a key principle of communication. it is important that different people focus on different aspects of a problem, so that the single most viable solution is reached with little to no error.

in closing: it is improper to accuse, or find fault in someone who acknowleges a different form of data input from yourself. it is rather hypocritical. any different problem can be the cause of faulty datasharing.

#6348 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 15 May 2007 - 11:31 AM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

is the influence for this rant derived from, oh, I don't know, a lack of clarity on your part? 'cause if it is... well, I think we can consider that some people (please note the implied allusion) are more difficult to understand than others. but that is merely an observation.

#6395 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 16 May 2007 - 09:46 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

hmmm. it seems to be human instinct to have someone lead them. for is it not true that the followers invariably outnumber the leaders?

and again, my lessons apply to this as well. if they would observe and follow a regime of enlightenment, there would certainly be less trouble.

On a secondary note, side with me int he upcoming rebellion and when I rise to power you can be in a position of power. I am a benevolent ruler, and you most certainly can do far worse. what say you? would you turn down your only real path to your dreams?

#6402 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 16 May 2007 - 10:38 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

fah, as padishah emperor I can grant you galaxies, that is if you serve faithfully.

and enlightement is most certainly real. it is not only the acceptance of knowlege, but the development. A wise man once said "the unexamined world is not worth living" meaning if you close your mind to knowlege you are no better than your 'mildly evolved apes'.

you cannot begin to imagine the information waiting to be discovered (or rediscovered if you believe it) that you, as a high school student can't even begin to imagine.

an open mine good sir. it would do you well.

#6455 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:17 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

heh, do you smell, bacon?

#6446 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 10:46 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

It's funny because its true!

you guys should take a leaf outta my book, college is excellent.

its like university's younger, hotter sister!

#6463 Out of CONTEXT!!!! D:<

Posted by Mizukage on 17 May 2007 - 11:32 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

you good sir must be unfamiliar with the Wayne's world series, but no loss. pig.