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#3432 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 01 December 2006 - 11:11 PM in Chat-Box

you lie!
Lust for Otaku!

#5173 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 25 March 2007 - 07:49 PM in Chat-Box

Hmm, how drole. You think your funny huh?

#5177 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 26 March 2007 - 11:11 AM in Chat-Box

What do you mean take the time? the majority of the comic is a reference to me. not very original if you ask me.

#6336 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 13 May 2007 - 07:19 PM in Chat-Box

hmmm. I concur.

#4393 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 20 February 2007 - 03:15 PM in Chat-Box

Admit it, your jealous. I am, I wish I had toast come out of my head. that would kick five ways ass.

#3861 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 06 January 2007 - 07:07 PM in Chat-Box

Of course! This can only end well, common anime and comic book themes aside.

#3797 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 27 December 2006 - 09:20 PM in Chat-Box

Pfft, don't know why you bother, Australia is merely a conspiracy of cartographers.

#3486 The Webcomic.

Posted by Mizukage on 06 December 2006 - 07:56 PM in Chat-Box

What trust? they owe you thier lives! such as they be.

#5282 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 29 March 2007 - 09:13 PM in RP Archive

'hmpf, bandit indeed' I survey the horizon, looking for new threats and call to the now obviously capable knight

" give a shout if you require backup!"

I return to the party and gather my weapons nonchalantly, making sure the beasts were dead as i go.

The boy had lost an ear and the wound was bleeding profusely, the peddler was nowhere near his side.

'if you want something done right you have to do it yourself I guess.'

I hurry to the boy's side and pull out a set of flasks and vials, including a skin of water.

a quick look at the teeth of the beast informed me that the wound would grow infected, but wouldn't trouble the boy, if i could stop the bleeding.

Opening some of the vials I pour a mix of medicine onto a strip of cloth, then, washing the wound in some water i pour the salt on and tie the poultice around the lost ear.

"keep strong boy, heh, you belong to me now" I whisper in his ear as I give him a shot of brandy and a mix of drugs to ease pain and increase the healing.

#5292 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 30 March 2007 - 11:30 AM in RP Archive

'beautiful' "I need to examine one further, watch the boy, druid, and keep an eye on the peddler."

Removing my cloak so that the vermilion tattoo on my back flashes in the sunlight I walk over to the beast that attacked the child and set about doing a quick field dress, blood and ichor spread everywhere.

from the resulting mass an obscure tale arises.

"these are not true beasts, they are summons. the presence of dark magic has twisted these once normal beasts, they fester with darkness and hate. Druid! we need water! Lots of Water! Don't touch the mess, it could kill one who is not equipped to handle it!

I gather up a few important scraps and seal them in a small jar I have, they may prove useful later. and look at my fellow travelers, the slime drips from my arms and face.

"we need a fire, quickly! burn all the bodies!"

#5364 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 02 April 2007 - 08:21 PM in RP Archive

'the trial of leading fools' Really it was of no concern that they would run off but we had something to do so until the completion they served under me.

Cupping my hands around my mouth I call out "we have a place to stay! hurry up and get back here! we don't have much time!"

And with that I turn to the boy, pick him up in a fireman's carry and motion the druid to lead on.

#5716 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 April 2007 - 08:15 AM in RP Archive

For the group to give in so easily, it was disheartening, the boy obviously had some use even as a simple meal for the hag. I had no choice in my actions now, so I went ahead.

taking a rock I threw it with all my might at the merchant, drawing the hags attention to his startled response, then with a quick prayer to the gods I made my attack, aiming for the spine so as to incapacitate
(assasin's strike X2: 3d6 additional damage, crippling fatigue and wounding, magical damage)

the first blade flew way off target, vanishing into the bush but the second struck the witch right in the back, severing her spine.

With her support gone she fell to the ground, landing in a heap with the magic coursing through her body, immobilized and bleeding to death.

Rising from my position I saunter towards her as her body spasms with pain, standing above her to gloat.

" hmmm, so, you think to rob my of my gains? surely one as aged should know better than to cross the wily one."

the name causes a wave of horrid surprise to break through her pain wracked face as her fate dawns on her.

"ahhh, now then, what do you know? what was your side of the bargain? and remember, I will know when you are lying, you can still survive this night, by my whim. Now speak."

#5187 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 26 March 2007 - 02:15 PM in RP Archive

"Don't stop indeed" I murmur as I survey my new surroundings, looking for any sign of a familiar landmark in the glare of the afternoon sun.

"for the record Uji-san, Where EXACTLY are we?"

#5710 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 15 April 2007 - 08:26 PM in RP Archive

an interesting trick, but it wouldn't stop me. she didn't seem to be an actual threat, she just had a low CHA score. Listening as i climbed down from my perch I watched her, absorbing ever nuance of her movements. she may be speaking reason but that doesn't mean she was incapable of another outburst.

I stealthily snuck behind a large poplar, its smell masking my presence. watching the witch and her interactions I readied another set of knives, she may need, pursuasion, to see things my way.

#5403 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 04 April 2007 - 04:57 PM in RP Archive

Even in the deep darkness the peddler's torment was obvious, even without my curse (or was it a blessing?) I could see his agony. I would love to meet his brother, a truly powerful man he must be.

With my darksight I was able to see my companions spread around the small cavern, though none truly appeared asleep.

I watched the boy's laboured breathing and caught the reflection of my ghastly glowing eyes in his own open, tear filled ones, no conciousness behind them, the sleeping draught still worked.

The knight and the druid seemed the closest to sleep, sitting quietly withdrawn to themselves, eyes closed. Did they too feel the evil gaze that watched over us?

I was slightly disapointed with the druid's apperant thought that we did not need to be informed that we had company still in the cave, but at least she (for it was a she) would guard the back door.

with a chuckle I curl up on my knees and slip into a restful state, my keen senses attuned to the darkness around me, my domain.

#5919 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 20 April 2007 - 10:23 PM in RP Archive

"hmm, this is excellent, a definite selling point." I look to my new mistress and nod to the cave saying "this is us, watch out for the short one"

Turning back to my shocked compatriots I call "whats wrong? what questions do we have, she definitely can help us."

I start to walk towards the knight and prepare some tensures for his leg.

" or you can take care of yourself, walk cripple for your ,hmpf, faith has made you well HA HA HA!"

#5081 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 19 March 2007 - 11:11 AM in RP Archive

"not so fast, foole. Your story has a few, ahh, minor contradictions."

Laviler huh? this was getting interesting.

"Why are your hands in such poor shape, such deeply fine cuts are not habitual with a long fall into a treeline, nor by any usual hood weapon. plus the fact that the marauders would spare you your life, one of such a wealthy, sordid background. A foolish way to eliminate even an unknown merchant. now, if you please- "

understanding the minds of such gentlemen I pull out a flash of water that I had filled in the well I had spent the night and proffered it mockingly, keeping the other hand obviously on a set of knives.

"the truth if you will, I won't tolerate another lie from a supplicant."

#4223 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 01 February 2007 - 11:07 PM in RP Archive

" My seat is fine, but he may listen, in fact as I am well trained in the verse I can aid you in gaining customers, I have been told that my stories have the power to transport you to far away places, as is my job as loremaster. but i would not presume to tell you how to run your business, but I can guarentee that I could fill this hall to the breaches, I am called Lolith, a name my recently lost master gave to me, she said it was of an elven origin, but it hasn't brought me any luck." I turn from the bar and say to the gathered, " what say you? would you as well like to hear my tales? I guarantee a pleasant time"

#4220 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 01 February 2007 - 10:46 PM in RP Archive

upon seeing the runtish boy hobble up to the counter with my food I reach out and grab it from his trembling hands, " you can take the roll lad" and with that I wolf down half of the simple stew.

Satisfied with the meal I look up and see the bartender talking with a rather boorish looking man, I quickly notice him to be a spellshaper, and with a quick sniff of contempt I finish my meal. " holding the bowl up I call to the keeper, "ahh, now thats a meal to be proud of, now, you were wanting to her of my travels then? It is good to be back amongst civilized people. Let you first know that I am a Loremaster, I have travelled far and wide across this continent, I have even travelled past the Far Seas, strange folk out that way. but if you'd rather speak with your, hmmm, friend over there, I can hold my tongue"

#4216 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 31 January 2007 - 11:54 PM in RP Archive

" No thank you, good sir, the sound of good wholesome food being prepared is truly a blessing for one such as I, who has suffered so much." and after a quick drink, seemingly to wet my throat, but in actuallity I scan the gathered people once more " my story is not a tale of happiness, but of loss and sadness. Truly the spirits of plague and poverty have taken interest in me. One of my employ should not be Troubled as I have, I am just so hungry, I was lucky to be able to pass within this establishment, a fine sight it would have been, if I had fainted outside your door, imagine what business would have been like then!"

#4429 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 21 February 2007 - 03:45 PM in RP Archive

As I wait for his response to my most recent proposal a frantic man bursts into the hall screaming "the myst! the Myst is eating the village!"

we all turn to him and laugh, "looks like you have had too much to drink!" someone shouts.

But then a tendril of mist streams in through the open door, everything it touches disapears with a mournful sigh.

at the sight of the tendril seemingly eating everything in its path the hall erupts with a panic. tables are overturned and the people try to get past the mist into the night.

Not wanting a good situation to go to waste I hop over the bar and clean out the money box. then i hurry up the stairs and look out a window. the tavern seems to sit as a boat in an ocean, thick fog envelops the entire area.

I crawl through the window and jump off the ledge to grap the roof and pull myself up. the fog rises slowly.

"well, this is a fine situation, to think they would try this." i say to myself as i pace from one side of the small rooftop to the other. "I guess i have no choice then, Rotoli de Ossa!" I take a running leap and jump into the growing myst. the instant it touches my my body is overcome with a numbing feeling and i hear in my ear a slight voice, as though from far away, "very well, try me" I land outside the tavern with a tumble, immediately alert..

as the mist disapates I hear the sound of combat and the cries of fear, human cries. suddenly a strange shape runs through the mist at me, a monsterous simian, armed with a stone axe.

I reach into my cloak and grap one of my knives and hurl it to hit the beast in the throat. It stumbles with the impact and i sidestep its charge easily. i grab my knife and wipe it off on the creatures tattered clothing, then i turn and proceed into the mist, keeping my hand on my knives.

#4793 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 09 March 2007 - 03:12 PM in RP Archive

" well sir Badtouch, I do not make a habit of sleeping in the town's water supply, nor do I seek to interrupt your illicit business. If you are so curious, ask your victim." he will explain all."

#4994 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 12:39 PM in RP Archive

"hmpf, foolish meatshield, running around the multiverse looking for sidequests, all the aid we need is right here. But like I said it is rather drastic. there is a force in this forest that can be summoned, but you must light the trees on fire, he will be summoned by the departing spirits of the trees and he can heal this interloper, we don't have much time so you should hurry, I will try to stop the bleeding and help him a little, I have a few items that'll work, here" I toss my flint and tinder to the boy " we need a huge fire, that oak he was hanging in will work"

and with that I give a smirk and turn to the body, taking out a flask of whiskey I had grabbed at the tavern the night before and pour some of it into the mans cuts.

#4805 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 09 March 2007 - 09:06 PM in RP Archive

" how, foolish of me. the circumstances merely pointed at an unpleasant arrangement. I thought only for the best of the poor lad, we have been through so much this past night." So he is a bounty hunter.

" a acute and obviously dangerous man such as yourself, well trained in wilderness lore. you should be able to recognize what has happened, open your eyes boy and look around, how dense can you be? now if you excuse me, I must leave for Aldreida, Someone has to tell them what has happened."

I quickly stride forward and shoulder the paladin out of the way "excuse me sir Badtouch."

#5178 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 26 March 2007 - 11:23 AM in RP Archive

"Hmmm ahhh, an interesting technique, I must get the recipe" I say to the old man that had seemingly twisted time and space to his whim.

"Does this mean that you'll be leaving us? your help was, well, apreciated to say the least. i wouldn't want to keep you from your, ahhh, hermitous duties."