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#5014 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 09:16 PM in RP Archive

'so the rumors are true'

At the first appearance of the woodsman I pour the remaining whisky all over myself and leapup into the trees just as the wolves enter the grove. 'excellent timing again'

I call down to the strange plant man " nice to see you uji-san, we are in dire need of assistance, forgive the boy, it was the only way we knew to get your attention."

I climb through the grasping branches, barely avoiding it attempts to restrain me

" we came across that vagrant, we are but poor refugees, we had no manner in which to aid him. we knew tales of your kindness, and we knew that someone as wise in the world could understand this new threat to humanity better than any, help the man and spare the lad his ignorance, we have had trying times!"

#4877 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 11 March 2007 - 07:52 PM in RP Archive

Returning from my habitual position as scout I find my companions tromping across the open fields we have taken, instead of the much used road. With a sigh I say "your bulk rattles too much Sir Badtouch, it would be wiser for you to keep it down, a blind onelegged thorn deamon would have no trouble finding you." seeing that my slight reference to the beasts from the town startle the boy I turn on him.

"and you boy, how out of shape you are! you blow wind like Nistir, the North! you two are impossible, I would be sorely disapointed if you were to draw unwanted attention to me."

I crouch down and clear a patch of earth and directing thier attentions to the rudimentary map I create.

"now then, if you ignorant lot can get this through your thick skulls, pay attention, it may save your life. I have chosen this path for one excellent reason, up ahead lies the northmost tip of the Darkwoods, this area is surrounded with many myths and legend, it may be one of the most dangerous places on this plane."

I pause to draw our location and our surroundings on the ground.

"you are lucky however that I know the secret of the passage, we must travel only during the day, and cause no harm to the forest or its residents. You must follow me in all that I do, and for the love of Simic be quiet! No whining, no clinking no weezing and absolutely no talking! hand signals will be used. Questions? no? Good, I want to be in the fortest before midday, it won't take long to get through. And mind yourselves, we are being watched, two parties."

and with that I stand up, scratch out the drawing thouroughly and double pace it towards the trees.

#4843 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 10 March 2007 - 11:53 AM in RP Archive

I stand awhile as if in thought, but my desires had already been met, a meat shield and a booty boy, what else could I desire? they seem to be good chaps, this will work. I continue on past the two and call back "so be it, but I do not have time to wait, we humans are now prey and to draw attention to our location would be folly, follow of your own accord Sir Badtouch, but remember, I Do not take kindly to failures. Your will be joining us to boy? lets go then."

With that I break into the trees, always searching for trouble, I like trouble.

#5093 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 19 March 2007 - 01:57 PM in RP Archive

"hmmm, noted uji-san. since this is your home, would you do us the favour of taking point? oh, and this-" I shake the flask at Miguel " is for you."

As I toss it to him I quickly cut the bottom out of the leather container, spilling the water all over the ground.

" Remember the price I pay for useless information, half truths and whole lies."

I crouch down to look the startled merchant in the face. 'he dares threaten me?'

"you seem out of touch with the world, the number thirteen is law. keep up merchant, or we'll hmm,ahh, have to lock you up and carry you, the boy has an urgent message and you will not hold him back. Am I clear?"

I stand and turn away from his shudders at my allusions and say with a bow.

"let us away then, if you would uji-san? and sir badtouch can take second, the boy in the centre, then the merchant where I can see him and I'll take vanguard, tu satis?"

#5336 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 01 April 2007 - 12:45 PM in RP Archive

"a bear hmm, he would not mind our presence for a night? maybe longer?"

I fill up all of my empty flasks with the water then wash the gore off of my chest arms, and face.

" how far is it from here? we can carry the boy there correct?"

I then notice the foolish merchant sitting, as though in a classroom, waving a scrap of paper at me, I thought it best to humor the man.

"Thank you Druid, you have been most kind, we need to gather the attention of the warrior, he seems to have strayed off. excuse me a moment."

I walk calmly to the fool and crouch beside him, snatching the scrap from his outstretched hand

"now what do you have for me? hmmm, ahhh. This is good, forgive my previous disposition towards you Laviler, you seem to have your wits about you. I had guessed there was poison involved, but this other information is very useful."

I reach into my cloak and hand him the vials of body parts I had taken from the creature

"If what you say is true, you should guard these with your life. Are you ready to move? excellent, we depart soon."

And with that I stand up, redon my shirt and cloak and proceed back to the boy who seemed to be sturggling with conciousness.

#6153 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 02 May 2007 - 06:55 PM in RP Archive

"hmm, we cannot travel far in these conditions, and here is just as well now that the past resident has been-" I look at the large boulder that had fallen "-held up. Druid? the boy is out the back of the cave, hidden i have no doubt that you can find him, peddler? erase the dust trap I left at the entrance, throw some dirt over it to break the enchantment."

I finish the bandage with a sharp tug and turn to the vampire

"Now mistress, what can you tell us."

#5729 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 16 April 2007 - 07:06 PM in RP Archive

"do not worry hag, you won't die quickly, if at all. why the boy? surely anyone of us could be a meal, take the cripple" I say this with a gesture to the injured paladin " And of what do you claim your heritage? surely you do not defile the host of elves with your presence?"

Looking for the first time at her face I am overcome with shock and fear, a sensation so strange to me.

"excuse me nosferatu, i did not truly grasp the situation, I should have known better, my humble apologies, I will do what I can to help you, but. you must answer our questions correctly. understand?"

With that I slowly back away, bowing once and never taking my eyes off her.

#4267 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 07 February 2007 - 06:56 PM in RP Archive

"heh, forgive my tongue, it twists itself into trouble it seems, the title I have given to you is merely my consideration of Talien, the slayer and my captor. Is it not understandable that I do not hold her in fair light? but I will abide by your request, for there are few that do not know of the ancients, fewer still that remember the truth. fear not! I will speak only of happy things, I shall entertain and you will hear no heresy from me." and with that I spit into the palm of my left hand and grasp Garrett's wrist. "when shall I start?" I lower my voice to little more than a wisper and leancloser to my new patron "I have heard an interesting rumor about the lakes during my travels, perhaps there? the pierced ones seem to be growing more, "active" in the past few years. an interesting thought do you not think?"

and with that I pull back and take my hand from his wrist, give him another wink and turn back to my new beer with a chuckle.

#4254 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Mizukage on 05 February 2007 - 09:37 PM in RP Archive

" of all the luck! good sir" I take the proffered hand and shake it heartily "you are too kind to a poor vagabond such as I, and it is good that you can notice my training, I will gladly tell my tale, but I fear that I must leave at some point, and at that time, surely my unholy huntress will nash at my very heels." I motion to one of the awestruck serving girls to bring me anther drink and turn back to Garrett. " thus it would be unfortunate that I were to leave, as i had arrived, broke. If you could but spare me a slice of your soon to be growing income <of this I guarantee!> I could tell other tales, tales of the anchients, the gods, the adventurer's of yore. While great, and tiring my story was, variety guarantee's a full house" a quick wink at the maid that brought my drink and a smile to Garrett, " and a small uhh, donation could not possibly hurt your swelling purse, I ask only what is fair good master." and with a small flourish of my cloak and a bow I gesture to my fresh tankard " I pray that I am not being to presumptious?"

#5096 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 19 March 2007 - 02:12 PM in Chat-Box

its really quite simple, I am the liviing embodiment of doublespeak and it carries over into my actions. i'm really just that good.

#3487 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 06 December 2006 - 08:00 PM in Chat-Box

I'm sure that with enough effort you can find people of interest online at 3.
they all be like, Могу я заплести ваши волос?

It's ok, I know them.

#5057 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 18 March 2007 - 06:07 PM in Chat-Box

How dare you! oh, wait, never mind. Bella, don't listen to these fools, they know not what they say, honest!

#5279 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 29 March 2007 - 08:38 PM in Chat-Box

how very conflict theory of you, and his major influence shows, it just drips with cynicism

#3469 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 04 December 2006 - 06:46 PM in Chat-Box

late isn't too bad,
its not like there is anyone normal on-line at 3:00 in the morning.

what time is it anyway?

#3304 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 25 November 2006 - 08:16 PM in Chat-Box

At the point in question it was neccesary.

but a skilled artist can produce a comic four minutes past sleep on a particularily challenging test of inebriacy.

or something like that.

#3354 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 28 November 2006 - 10:18 AM in Chat-Box

I will not suffer the slings of your *wit*

<packs up PC and goes home>
Besides Gordo's my inkman.

#3674 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 18 December 2006 - 05:36 PM in Chat-Box

oh yeah? what are you? some kinda Killzone pusher?
sure Halo sucks giant donkey fetus but I mean, it got it right the first time, unlike some other FPS.

#3739 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 25 December 2006 - 03:00 PM in Chat-Box

You must be mentally degenerate, sure perfect dark kicks ass one player, but were we not discussing multi? NO chance to catch up to the all powerful Goldeneye.

#4118 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 21 January 2007 - 07:53 PM in Chat-Box

Yes, please, I have forgotten where we are.

#4090 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 20 January 2007 - 11:48 AM in Chat-Box

Here here!
besides, I thought we were merely here to chat, it is not proper to impose regulations on free thought.

The forms must be obeyed!

Thought police! Thought Police!

#3282 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 25 November 2006 - 02:27 PM in Chat-Box

He's also a punk. And produces a rather unpleasant odor.
By and By Casey, wheres my 1st Riven Disk?

Honestly, I have 2-5 but these are nigh useless without the first crucial disk!

p.s i love your moms roast.

guilt trips, not so much.

#3859 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 06 January 2007 - 07:03 PM in Chat-Box

oh, he can still fail us, he is very profound at failure.

#3825 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 31 December 2006 - 07:47 PM in Chat-Box

Hire dan as quality control!
the lord knows you need it.

#4545 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 26 February 2007 - 10:57 PM in Chat-Box

no one asked for a change, I just want you to become better at crafting distubing images. its a voyeur feat.

#3960 Professional Man

Posted by Mizukage on 12 January 2007 - 07:38 PM in Chat-Box

Megell, watch yourself or you'll end up playing a pres-sentient goo like Kinewa.
And Kinewa, thanx for the vote of confidence, I know control the senate!