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#4596 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 01 March 2007 - 09:33 PM in RP Archive

His opponent was desperate and Montresor could see it. The butt struck his opponents chin with enough force to knock him out, but again this wiry spellshaper withstood the blow. also, his opponent had given yet another beautiful opportunity, Montresor stuck the trident's head into the sand and using it as a lever sprang up to deal a two booted kick to his opponent's neck and chest thinking 'if I had hit him hard enough with my butt he should have trouble avoiding this'

#4599 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 01 March 2007 - 09:52 PM in RP Archive

With his lever gone and the kick blocked Montresor had nowhere to go but down.

Bringing the trident down laterally underneath him with the point facing to his right Montresor landed on his knuckles, in a push up position, then released the trident and spun on his hands to bring his left knee into the small of his opponents back with enough force to shatter vertabrae.

((alright babe, hit me with your best shot))

#4465 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 23 February 2007 - 08:49 AM in RP Archive

Just outside the small subterranian village Montresor stands watching the arrival of the new warriors, they trickle in with a mix of fear and awe on their faces. Almost always they proceed to the great Colosseum. there was no doubt in his mind that he was easily the eldest of the warriors, he had been one of the originals in this hell, but he had no doubt that these pitiful recruits could not match his guile.

Picking up his trident and net, Montresor proceeded back into the town, to find a match. Upon reaching his favorite gathering hall he posted a challenge.

fighter wanted for a match, Type ten setting 3, and remember, Nemo me impune lacessit. I'll be waiting.

he then proceeded to the arena, hoping to catch the end of a battle. it was going to be a good day.

#4586 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 01 March 2007 - 01:20 PM in RP Archive

suprised and confused that his net did not grab his enemy's foot Montresor brought the butt of his trident up, hard aiming at his opponents exposed chin, and dropping down on his right knee, to catch the foot aimed to trip him and readied his dagger.

#4552 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 27 February 2007 - 03:43 PM in RP Archive

With a simple look Montresor could see the mysticism that swirled around this strange being, but knew for a fact that intelligence outwieghed aged religions and superstitions. " Special rules eh? hmm, setting 3 type two, shall we then?" and with that Montresor props himself up with his trident, grabs his razored net and hobbles towards the ring.

#4476 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 23 February 2007 - 01:09 PM in RP Archive

Upon arriving at the treasured arena Montresor was confused by the extremely dry air in the stands while the battlefield seemed to have undergone an extensive soaking, tendrils of mist still curled around the war zone.

After taking a seat Montresor was able to distinguish the combatants. "Four?" he said to himself quizically, but soon noticed the caster in the corner of the field, "Ahh, Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu, very nice." Montresor turns to the young skinny man beside him and says "but its not enough for Kakashi ((meh!)) wanna lay some odds? that Berserk has alot more fight in him."

#4543 Battle Arena

Posted by Mizukage on 26 February 2007 - 10:45 PM in RP Archive

Montresor turns to his partner with a gesture to the cleaned ring "so how about it? do you want to, mess around? I hope you can present a challenge to these old bones"

#6921 The Person Above You Game

Posted by Mizukage on 11 June 2007 - 06:55 AM in Chat-Box

^owes me six bucks

#5950 The Person Above You Game

Posted by Mizukage on 21 April 2007 - 09:31 AM in Chat-Box

/\ made himself a loincloth