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There have been 6 items by Ravenglass (Search limited from 14-May 23)

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#9524 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 03 June 2009 - 01:06 PM in Roleplaying

Nusakan was bored. Bored, bored, bored! Even that lovely dinner he had had with that nice young lady a few nights back did really yield anything of interest. She asked way too many questions about his past. Questions he hadn’t liked having to answer. Oh he didn’t think she actually knew who he was, she probably would’ve killed him, or at least tried to, had she actually known the truth about him. Still that at least would’ve been interesting, but now everything had become routine, and he wanted new research material, parts of his days were spent shooting the breeze with Angus the old man was interesting and had some intriguing stories, but Nusakan still didn’t consider right for research material.
Nusakan was perched on the foredeck watching the waves pass by and the icebergs come and go, then he saw what looked like a very large cluster of icebergs coming up as the horizon came closer the big spikes moved but from his vantage point he couldn’t see why they weren’t turning. Suddenly from above he heard that Oren fellow shout "Hey! I see land, but there's no path to it! How are we getting through here?" Nusakan shivered “well it looks like I’m going to have to keep this boat together” he muttered to himself. He slowly made his way over to the captain at the helm, he went up to the young lady  and said, if I had known we were going to go swimming Cherryl I would’ve packed my inner tube.” He remarked with a smile. “finally” he thought to himself “things are getting interesting”

#9518 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 02 June 2009 - 01:36 PM in Roleplaying

“A document was delivered into my possession by a nice young man.” Nusakan said with a rectus smile “I decided to come because I thought it would be interesting research. I’ve always wanted to study the Plant Man, and this girl sounds like she could be a reasonable facsimile.” He studied the old man and decided to be pleasant for the time being “my name is Dr. Heroi Nusakan, most people just call me Nusakan, or doctor if they want to be formal.”
He remembered how all those people he used for research material had never gotten had never been able to call him more than just doctor, those that could speak by the end of it any way.
“so tell me good sir, by what title shall I refer to you?” Nusakan asked

#9502 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 29 May 2009 - 01:14 PM in Roleplaying

He watched the old man go back below without much interest, the old tended to serve as very poor research material, they broke too easily.

As he stood alone pondering on the deck, waiting for nightfall to approach so he could go see the young captain. “How long since I’ve had a woman?” he pondered to himself. He chided himself and remembered not to get the wrong idea. Just because she wanted to talk to him in her cabin didn’t mean she wanted to sleep with him. Still, an interesting list of possibilities ran through his head, each more entertaining than the last.

As he stood there thinking to himself he heard a loud smash from below, he turned his attention to where the noise had come from but decided against investigating, “it’s none of my accord” he thought to himself, besides if it was serious he was sure little miss immortal could handle it. There was a sound of shouting and shuffling he guessed a fight had broken out among one or more of his fellow passengers. He figured briefly on going down to the lower deck to see the fight, so he could see what they’re abilities were, if any, it might prove to be good research material. But just as he was about to go that old man from before came back up the ladder.  

Nusakan decided it would be a much more economical use of his time to simply ask the old man what was going on. “Sounds like the crew is having a rough disagreement down there, old man, what’s going on, is it a mutiny, or has this tub sprung a leak?” he asked after the old man had made his way up onto the deck.

#9468 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 26 May 2009 - 02:04 PM in Roleplaying

He glanced down at the key the captain had slipped into his hand. "Finally" he thought "something interesting is happening, this little interlude might provide new opportunities" he chuckled to himself.
He casually slipped the key into his pocket beside the scalpel, he didn't actually need the key, if he wanted to enter her quarters he would, but it might be nice to keep it with him. Just to give the captain some sense of security. He made a mental note to visit the young lady later. She had potential, and if she was immortal as that letter claimed she was, the potential for research was almost limitless.
He took a deep breath to calm himself, getting all worked up now would help nothing and would certainly not benefit him in any way. As he tried to calm himself, he heard someone behind him say in a gruff voice "You forget to pack socks, or what? It's bloody freezing out here." Nusakan turned around and saw a scruffy old man whose face was covered in scars, standing behind him.
Nusakan grinned at the old man. "my talents, unfortunately, require a lack of footwear. I suppose I've just gotten used to going barefoot." He said. He smirked at the old man and decided he might as well get some information on his fellow crew members, since he was going to be stuck with them for a while.
"so tell me good sir" he said in his most respectful voice. "What brings you to this oversized tub?"

#9456 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 24 May 2009 - 11:49 AM in Roleplaying

He sat alone on the foredeck flicking his scalpel up in the air and letting it hit the deck of the ship, then retrieving it from where it was stuck in the deck.

Nusakan remembered the letter he had pulled from the corpse of that nice young man he had turned gel. The one that had described this little expedition to him, at first he thought it sounded like fun, seeing new places and finding new research material, but now he was bored there was nothing to really do on this ship except wait. He thought of turning the ship deck into liquid and watching everyone slip down through. “But that would take to much time, and besides” he thought to himself “I’ve already done that before.”

He looked around at the people on the deck and decided he wanted to go and talk to someone, at random he chose the young lady who looked to be in charge, he levered himself up off the floor where he had been sitting, he retrieved his scalpel from where it had stuck in the wood of the deck and slipped it back into the breast pocket of his breast pocket of his black button down shirt. He casually strolled his way over to the young lady, the wind caught his frayed lab coat and flung it up around him, he let the garment flutter and didn’t try to control it.

He stepped up to the young lady and bared his teeth in what he hoped would be taken for a smile. “ So tell me, mon capitan, do you really thing this little girl in the frozen wastes will be able to help us against the Plant Man?”

#9442 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Ravenglass on 21 May 2009 - 01:05 PM in Roleplaying

Name: Heroi Nusakan (a.k.a. “The Good Doctor”)

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Tall, lanky, long black hair chased with silver tied in a ponytail wears a frayed lab-coat, a pair of wire mounted spectacles, a black button down shirt with a scalpel in the breast pocket, wears a pair of frayed black jeans and no shoes, (the relevance of no shoes comes in later).

Combat Info: reffered to as “shifting” Nusakan possesses the power to alter the physical structure of matter at will. This allows him to turn stone into liquid, or concentrate lemon juice into battery acid. He molds steel like it’s made out of putty. Organic compounds present small problems because of complexity but given time he can alter even a person’s molecular structure.

Heroi Nusakan wasn’t always this way, he used to be a great surgeon, a man who saved lives and helped people. He came from a long medical tradition, he was trained in the workings of the human body and how to mend hurts and broken bones and cure diseases. But that was before, before the Silver.

So much bad happened, and he couldn’t fix it, he couldn’t help them all, he couldn’t save them, no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted to find new medicine, a new way to treat patients, and so he needed a new substance, something that had never been thought of as a curative, The Silver. He left his home city and traveled to the silver forest. There avoided the meteor worshippers and managed to capture many specimens which had been altered from exposure to the Silver. He caught specimens large and small, he found an old bombed out shelter near the forest and began his experiments.

The years he spent weighed heavily upon him, he began to hear things, he didn’t sleep, he barely ate, he became a waif-like skeleton of a man. He used all his time to develop a method to extract pure Silver from the twisted creatures.
The meteor worshippers eventually found him and chased him off, but not before he had managed to develop a method for extract amounts of pure Silver from these twisted animals, and he escaped with large amounts of the precious substance.

The initial testing on using Silver as a curative was initially very successful, the Silver caused disease to recede, unfortunately it also caused mutations which were unpredictable in animals the first human tests of the effect of pure Silver were done by Nusakan on himself, he acquired the use of a medical facility after returning to New River. Using a syringe Nusakan injected himself with the pure silver…

That’s where it all went wrong; the injection of the strange substance shattered his mind, which was already unbalanced from years spent in isolation near the silver forest and his inability to help those around him. The Silver also conferred upon him the strange power by which he could “see” how something was constructed, right down to the molecular level, and he found that with just a little twisting he could alter the way a substance looked, felt or behaved. This opened up grand new possibilities in the shattered mind of the doctor.

He initially continued his research and perhaps even now he still believes he does but in reality he has long since abandoned the use of Silver for curative purposes. He began to experiment on the changes it could affect on the human body.

He kidnapped people off the streets, and cut them apart to experiment on dead tissue or see the way in which his new found powers could alter a humans appearance or physical structure. The killings, kidnappings, dismemberments, and corpses, infected with silver, began to pile up and Gradually rumors began to spread, rumors which talked about a mad doctor who took people off the streets and experimented on them, this figure came to be known as the “good doctor:” a name which is now spoken with equal parts fear and revulsion, a name which is used to frighten small children into line. Nusakan continues his work to this day, sealed away in his lab, no one knows where it is located, and no one is willing to go looking.