Posted 18 January 2007 - 02:36 AM
a red prehistoric mineral. The Mammon Machine, red knife, Masamune, and Schala's pendant were all made of dreamstone. It's exact properties are unknown, however dreamstone is quite good at amplifying energy, as seen on numerous occasions. The last era in which the rare mineral was found was in 12,000 BC. It is also said to be able to cultivate dreams, but exactly how this is done has not been explained.
So? What is it? Was it just some aspect of the Earth that was before being perverted by Lavos? I doubt it.
Well, here's something that may seem unrelated at first. The frozen flame, according to http://cot.drackir.com/glossary2.htm#F
a piece of Lavos that was presumably broken off his shell upon impact with the planet in the Prehistoric Age. It was buried underground only to be unearthed around 3 million BC. Humanity?s contact with it began a process of artificial evolution which tripled their brain size until the present. The flame was found on the seabed in the Apocalypse-averted future and stored within Chronopolis for study, held in the most secured depths of the facility. The artifact was instrumental in causing the Time Crash and was used during FATE?s division and sealing of the Dragon God. The flame is integral in linking the Arbiter to the Time Devourer and is intended to ultimately be used to free the beast from the Darkness of Time. It is said the flame can grant any wish, though it remains to be seen how this is accomplished.
Hm. So Lavos' shell contains otherworldly powers? My... So does the dreamstone!
In one of the cutscenes explaining Lavos, it's depicted as orbiting the planet a few times before seemingly choosing an impact site (heart of reptite territory... coincidence?). Well, let's assume that Lavos, flying through space, ran into a few asteroids in our solar system's belt. A whole mess of Lavos shell shatters, and without any better advice, gets sucked up in Lavos' dust tail (http://www.ifa.hawai...ewitt/tail.html) and sprays the Earth while Lavos maintains artificial vectors (to counteract gravity). So Lavos stays up there for a while, observing the humans and the reptites, deciding which to choose for its genetic playthings, and the Earthlings discover this neat rock with special properties. Red stone! Dreamstone!
But the Frozen Flame is a direct connection to Lavos. Why wouldn't the dreamstone be the same way?
Well, assuming the notion that Lavos had a few in-space collisions with asteroids, debris, small planets... the bits of its shell would be diluted a whole lot by the mess from the other objects. Still absolutely incredible in comparison with normal Earth rocks, they might be more than a bit further removed from Lavos itself.
The Frozen Flame, however, is said to have broken off on impact, deliberate or no.
Any thoughts?
sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...
Posted 19 January 2007 - 04:04 PM
or maybe were talking sequel?

Posted 20 January 2007 - 12:16 PM
I also specifically pointed to both games.
The question is this. Did Lavos bring the dreamstone? This is not abstract. I think it's likely, and wouldn't mean that something good is secretly evil. I pointed out that the Frozen Flame is directly connected to Lavos, but the other stuff wouldn't necessarily be the same.
Lavos used the Frozen Flame to affect genetics. The dreamstone might have been more removed, but still imbued with something that is quite a bit more than native Earth rock.
sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...
Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:33 PM

Posted 24 January 2007 - 05:56 PM
The original crew is still together and well, Masato Kato and Yasunori Mitsuda are still in agreement - Mitsuda's got music covered.
The issue is that they are all still tied down to another project - patches and expansions for Final Fantasy 11. As soon as that's over... well, anything goes. Hopefully a sequel.
sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...
Posted 26 January 2007 - 03:44 PM
But I like the thought that we could recieve more excellence, maybe DS compatible? I mean even if they brought back the old titles for DS, that system was made for the RPG.

Posted 26 January 2007 - 05:37 PM
sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...
Posted 26 January 2007 - 05:52 PM

Posted 29 January 2007 - 11:50 AM
That's right. We're taking back the franchise.
sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...
Posted 30 January 2007 - 06:16 PM
Did you see? POP the two thrones on Wii? WOOOOO! its gonna kick more ass!
sorry for the digression

Posted 28 March 2007 - 03:10 PM
I don't doubt your conclusion at all.
Posted 06 September 2007 - 09:30 AM
They also promissed to rerelease tactics for Psp... ha...Square Enix did run a poll regarding the rerelease of Chrono Trigger for the DS. All the more likely if to publicize the series for a new release, hmm?
1 month incounting!!!
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