Chapter 1
The Long Journey Ahead
My life, my creations, my research ? all have been based on the core assumption that science is all that truly exists. I have even studied the zealous group calling themselves the Magi, and concluded that their powers attributed to a god of mystics is nothing more than a scientific anomaly. However, as my research of the human being continues, I find it more and more implausible that there is no higher power.
I have been able to create and manipulate almost every substance known to man, and I have delved further into the forbidden art of alchemy than any. But I cannot create a human. Not because of anything such as a soul, as my current knowledge leads me to believe that no such thing exists ? instead, it is the human ability to perceive, consciousness, and cognition ? these are the things that I cannot simulate. I?ve been able to study and observe the human brain, analyze the chemical reactions, but I cannot create them. I, who have created everything imaginable, cannot create the human mind.
So even in my becoming the closest thing to a god a human can come, I am stumped. Does this mean I?ve lived my life under a false notion? My next experiment should lead me to a final conclusion.
The rest of the page was completely illegible due to a large black ink stain on the page. Hayden sighed, tossing the journal of Peritus Creo, an alchemist of legend, on the table once more. It was the only clue he had so far, but it was getting him nowhere.
For two years now, Hayden Mentis had been looking through the research of Peritus Creo. At first, it was due to his own fascination with the man and his work, but recently, it had become a matter of finding the alchemist?s lab and the remnants of his research.
It had become an obsession, slowly taking over Hayden?s life. He was rarely at home, and when he was, he was in his basement laboratory, sealed off from the rest of the world. Time passed, and with it Hayden became paler, thinner, and more fragile. Things were going straight downhill, but still he?d yet to make any progress do to the fact that his only clues were the last few pages of the alchemist?s journal.
Whatever had happened in Peritus Creo?s lab after that entry was the reason for his disappearance, as well as that of his disciples. Determined to find an answer, Hayden Mentis was already planning his next journey.
* * *
Her slender frame seemed to float rather than walk. Her presence alone was elegant enough to distract from the rotting logs and old, moldy, and tattered furniture that made up this particular room in the cabin. Her beauty could not mask her sorrow, however; and to see something so beautiful being torn apart in such a manner was worse than the wreck she now called a home.
Sometimes, she wondered why she chose this life. Shunned by both communities that she had any chance of fitting in with, her beauty was meaningless. Even the husband who led her down this path seemed to ignore her now. Yet her attachment to him had never weakened on her behalf. Always dedicated and always loving, Aleah Mentis was all that a man could want in a wife. Why then, did Hayden still ignore her?
Exiting the dismal cabin within an even more dismal forest through a damaged, rotting, creaking, and dismal doorway, somehow maintaining her ever-present poise, the first tear began its tragic journey down the flawless face of the oriental-looking woman. Many tears later, the woman was walking through the deep layer icy powder on the ground and endless rows and columns of leafless trees towards a small clearing. Often she came hear to think, for only one real reason ? it was a true reminder of the life she had given up for Hayden.
Before she even arrived, she could feel its warmth wash over her despite the bone-chilling cold. No, not so much a fiery warmth, but more of a soothing, fulfilling warmth. It?s source could be seen growing brilliantly from many yards away, guiding the woman towards her destination. That same source was one of two reasons the entire village would be slain if the Magi ever found this village, the other being that every resident was somehow associated with the forbidden art of Alchemy.
The Magi. This rather eccentric group of people had developed around a massive crystal with a seemingly infinite supply of a powerful celestial energy. No one knew of its origin, and no one knew of its purpose. Because of this, gifted scholars gathered around its location at the northernmost point of the globe. Years passed, and decades came, yet nothing was found. However, as generations came, there were magnificent oddities occurring within the small settlement. It began with abnormal amounts of energy, greater intellect, and physical prowess. Soon came the control of a flowing energy within their bodies, acting as either a weapon of shield, depending on how the user wielded it. The crystal was immediately associated with this great power, and the people labeled it as a gift from the Gods.
Regarded as great prophets and a higher class than any other, the civilization chose to isolate this power to prevent it from manifesting itself within many of the corrupt beings that filled the world. Their status soon lead to high positions of government, and within seventy years, the world was united under one theocracy. Who could deny that their power was inhuman? No one argued, and they were welcomed as leaders of the new world.
It didn?t take long for their enemy to show face, though. His origin a mystery in its own, Peritus Creo, the first of the alchemists, rose to challenge the Magi?s beliefs. Living life by the notion that all could be explained by science, even the power of the Magi and the origin of the crystal, these humans invaded the territory of the Gods in their attempt to manipulate, transform, and even create matter. Potions, crystals, jewels, stones, and many more things were created by combining the properties of the many elements already in the world, but Creo wasn?t satisfied with just this ? he had a vision, a dream. A vision of a perfect world ruled with intellect and reason, governed by nothing but those things that would make for a more peaceful society.
A great dreamer, without any doubt ? but he was regarded as a traitor and a heretic by the Magi. Alchemy was forbidden, and he and his followers were hunted down. Few were ever found though; it seemed that their intellect allowed for far more elusive tactics than even the Magi could trace ? nothing less would be expected with such a leader. Creo vanished, though, along with the very crystal that gave the Magi their power and many of his closest followers. Those not chosen to come along with him remained, but were forced into hiding once more.
Thus the feud between the Magi and the few remaining alchemists began. It was the showdown of Science vs. Divinity ? an epic battle with no apparent end. All alchemists associated with Magi were shunned, as were all Magi associated with alchemists ? though the Magi held the greater contempt and normally executed all who associated with their opposition. Two hundred years later, though the Magi?s power was decaying without the crystal, the feud continued.
And so it was that Hayden and Aleah, alchemist and Magi, were both looked down upon in either society. Their love was more than enough to overcome this though? Or at least for awhile, it was.
Hayden?s obsession with Peritus Creo?s research not only troubled Aleah from a religious standpoint, but it had also forced Hayden into seclusion. He was either gone on another journey seeking clues, or he was isolated from all in the basement of the small cabin he was allowed to have by the village head, only because of his many great alchemical achievements and creations. He, at least, maintained a small shred of respect.
Aleah wasn?t so lucky, though. Because of that, the slow collapse of their marriage troubled her more than it did Hayden, who was blinded by the glory he would have if he could discover the location of Peritus Creo. All in the alchemic community would revere him, despite his ?less than tasteful preference in women?, as the head of the village had put it.
?But surely, they would still shun me?? It was barely a whisper, followed by a small whimper. She looked to one of three fragments of the Magi crystal embedded deep within the magnificent tree with lightly glowing teal colored leaves. The comfort it brought to the young woman could only be described as euphoria; as she basked in its soothing warmth, she felt at peace. It was the only time she felt this way, lately. Hayden failed to satisfy her now; it was the last comfort she had to look forward to anymore. With Hayden now gone on his next journey, Aleah knew that this feeling would be the only reason to wake each morning.
?Goodbye, my love,? she had whispered as she tightly embraced him. The empty shell that had once been the man she loved merely smiled and turned away. Without a word, he had once again left her with tear filled eyes and a broken heart. This time though, she had a sinking feeling that he wouldn?t be coming back home.

A Perfect Dream
Started by Rytiko, Mar 04 2007 04:20 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 04 March 2007 - 04:20 PM
Chapter 2
A City of Flames and Devastation
?Have you heard of it? It?s like a sanctuary for alchemists, protected by a wall of some form of artificial flame. Rumor has it that it was one of the potions left by that Creo fellow that made the fire. No idea where they found some of his work, but as much as I hate the people, I must applaud them for such a thing?.?
?Sanctuary, huh? Then why don?t they all go there, to keep safe??
?Well, from what I?ve heard, it is run by a group that travels together? I guess you?d call it a guild. They don?t want others invading what they believe to be their territory.?
?Makes sense, I guess. No reason to attract attention to themselves. But it would seem they?ve failed in preventing the Magi from finding out.?
?Indeed. We?re sending out an exploration brigade tomorrow ?the emperor seems more concerned with this place than anybody, even the most zealous of us. I suppose he took insult to a group of those people thinking they could hide from him??
?So, I?d guess that that is why you look like you?re leaving on a trip. You?re a part of this brigade??
?Yes. As a high ranking officer, they feel they need my skills to bring this group down. There?s no way of knowing how many there are, and they don?t want to take any unnecessary risks? but our forces are spread too wide, so the government thinks we can overcome them with a highly skilled attack force.?
Hayden, who had been listening to the two for quite awhile under the guise of a drunken citizen of the town who had no money left for another pint of beer. Walking, or rather stumbling, around the tavern for the past ten minutes asking everyone in a slurred voice for some spare change, though his acting may have been a little too good, as it seemed no one could even understand him. Or perhaps that was just the townsmen acting as they normally do to drunken foreigners.
But Hayden had been right in recognizing the man as a Magi military officer, and had heard all he?d needed to hear. This sanctuary fit the description of something he had read in one of the pages of Peritus Creo?s journal that spoke of ?a city of flames and devastation, the final protection that I offer to those not chosen to join me.? The irony of the statement had thrown Hayden off for some time now, but now he understood.
With eyes, stature, and steps filled with triumph, Hayden left the tavern and headed back to the small inn he had chosen to reside in for the night. On his way, he couldn?t help but notice the comfort of such a town. Even in the harshness of the cold, people were so warm and friendly towards each other. They?d stop and exchange gossip in the streets, exchange friendly waves between each other, the children would play together, and all people of all ages shared a genuine respect for one another. It only reminded him of how much he missed the lifestyle he led as a child, before he had begun his alchemic endeavors? And he realized how much Aleah must miss the lifestyle she had once led, with more respect than he could have ever hoped for, even as a child.
The guilt now overcoming his joy, he began thinking that maybe he should have never began this research. The toll it was taking on him and Aleah was great? Perhaps too great for them to handle.
?No?, he thought. ?This is for both of us, so we can have the honor, admiration, and respect that we deserve?. And I can?t let my emotions get in the way of my quest. I must stay the course.? This was not a new thought, though. This was the way he had repeatedly convinced himself that he was doing the right thing. It was the only way he could manage to rid himself of the guilty actions that were tearing him, Aleah, and their marriage apart.
He had already absentmindedly pushed his way through the doors of the inn and was now walking down the only hall on the first floor towards his room. These were the cheapest rooms in the inn, and all that Hayden could currently afford. Regardless, he thought as he entered through the doorway to his room, the plush furniture, soft bed, and clean bedding was nicer than he could expect to find in his own home. How pathetic ? the cheapest room available in a small farm town was a step up from the rotting log cab he called a home. With a sigh, Hayden quickly gathered the materials he needed so that he could follow the carriage the Magi officer would be taking to the capital. From there, he?d track the Brigade and find his way to the city. What he would do them depended on the flames protecting it.
And thus, he pulled out a few supplies - including vials, stones, jewels, and assortments of odd objects that looked as though they could serve no logical purpose (a false assumption, but a logical one when looking at things like a string tied to a small metal pole) ? from one of the bags now piled in the corner of the room so hat he could quickly grab them when morning came. He had only this night and the next to make a variety of potions that may douse the flames. He needed this variety because he was sure that, if it was Creo?s doing, it wouldn?t be put out with the common mixture used to rid of any average alchemist?s flame potion.
His work continued diligently throughout the night, and with fewer explosions than normal ? a good sign when experimenting with various vaguely known chemicals and elements. One of the explosions left a lingering stench of rotten eggs though, which seemed to offset the fact that there were fewer of them.
By the time the sunrise came, Hayden had completed the twelfth of his fire extinguishing experiments. Though, accurately, it could only be said that eleven of them were fire extinguishing ? one had an inconsistent habit of either causing more fire or putting out the one already there? he?d save that one for last when the time came to use them.
Not having intended to work through the entire night, though, Hayden was regretting that he had. Surely there would be at least a day?s walk from the small farm town all the way to Demuth, the capital city. Even more unfortunate is that it was almost entirely an uphill walk. But it was too late for such thoughts, as a carriage pulled by two great stallions, had came into the town off the main road, which led to the capital. That was the officer?s ride.
Quickly gathering all of the supplies with great care not to drop any of the vials, Hayden readied himself for the long journey ahead. His only hope was that the stallions would walk rather than run; he?d have a hard time keeping up if they set off at top speed.
To Hayden?s unfortunate luck, as he left the inn he saw that they were doing just that. Left caughing in the dust blown up by the speeding carriage, Hayden let out a grunt of disappointment. Wondering why he hadn?t left the previous night to get a head start in case of such an event, Hayden followed their trail. He was sure they?d wait until morning to send the brigade, but it didn?t help matters any that he didn?t know the way there?
A City of Flames and Devastation
?Have you heard of it? It?s like a sanctuary for alchemists, protected by a wall of some form of artificial flame. Rumor has it that it was one of the potions left by that Creo fellow that made the fire. No idea where they found some of his work, but as much as I hate the people, I must applaud them for such a thing?.?
?Sanctuary, huh? Then why don?t they all go there, to keep safe??
?Well, from what I?ve heard, it is run by a group that travels together? I guess you?d call it a guild. They don?t want others invading what they believe to be their territory.?
?Makes sense, I guess. No reason to attract attention to themselves. But it would seem they?ve failed in preventing the Magi from finding out.?
?Indeed. We?re sending out an exploration brigade tomorrow ?the emperor seems more concerned with this place than anybody, even the most zealous of us. I suppose he took insult to a group of those people thinking they could hide from him??
?So, I?d guess that that is why you look like you?re leaving on a trip. You?re a part of this brigade??
?Yes. As a high ranking officer, they feel they need my skills to bring this group down. There?s no way of knowing how many there are, and they don?t want to take any unnecessary risks? but our forces are spread too wide, so the government thinks we can overcome them with a highly skilled attack force.?
Hayden, who had been listening to the two for quite awhile under the guise of a drunken citizen of the town who had no money left for another pint of beer. Walking, or rather stumbling, around the tavern for the past ten minutes asking everyone in a slurred voice for some spare change, though his acting may have been a little too good, as it seemed no one could even understand him. Or perhaps that was just the townsmen acting as they normally do to drunken foreigners.
But Hayden had been right in recognizing the man as a Magi military officer, and had heard all he?d needed to hear. This sanctuary fit the description of something he had read in one of the pages of Peritus Creo?s journal that spoke of ?a city of flames and devastation, the final protection that I offer to those not chosen to join me.? The irony of the statement had thrown Hayden off for some time now, but now he understood.
With eyes, stature, and steps filled with triumph, Hayden left the tavern and headed back to the small inn he had chosen to reside in for the night. On his way, he couldn?t help but notice the comfort of such a town. Even in the harshness of the cold, people were so warm and friendly towards each other. They?d stop and exchange gossip in the streets, exchange friendly waves between each other, the children would play together, and all people of all ages shared a genuine respect for one another. It only reminded him of how much he missed the lifestyle he led as a child, before he had begun his alchemic endeavors? And he realized how much Aleah must miss the lifestyle she had once led, with more respect than he could have ever hoped for, even as a child.
The guilt now overcoming his joy, he began thinking that maybe he should have never began this research. The toll it was taking on him and Aleah was great? Perhaps too great for them to handle.
?No?, he thought. ?This is for both of us, so we can have the honor, admiration, and respect that we deserve?. And I can?t let my emotions get in the way of my quest. I must stay the course.? This was not a new thought, though. This was the way he had repeatedly convinced himself that he was doing the right thing. It was the only way he could manage to rid himself of the guilty actions that were tearing him, Aleah, and their marriage apart.
He had already absentmindedly pushed his way through the doors of the inn and was now walking down the only hall on the first floor towards his room. These were the cheapest rooms in the inn, and all that Hayden could currently afford. Regardless, he thought as he entered through the doorway to his room, the plush furniture, soft bed, and clean bedding was nicer than he could expect to find in his own home. How pathetic ? the cheapest room available in a small farm town was a step up from the rotting log cab he called a home. With a sigh, Hayden quickly gathered the materials he needed so that he could follow the carriage the Magi officer would be taking to the capital. From there, he?d track the Brigade and find his way to the city. What he would do them depended on the flames protecting it.
And thus, he pulled out a few supplies - including vials, stones, jewels, and assortments of odd objects that looked as though they could serve no logical purpose (a false assumption, but a logical one when looking at things like a string tied to a small metal pole) ? from one of the bags now piled in the corner of the room so hat he could quickly grab them when morning came. He had only this night and the next to make a variety of potions that may douse the flames. He needed this variety because he was sure that, if it was Creo?s doing, it wouldn?t be put out with the common mixture used to rid of any average alchemist?s flame potion.
His work continued diligently throughout the night, and with fewer explosions than normal ? a good sign when experimenting with various vaguely known chemicals and elements. One of the explosions left a lingering stench of rotten eggs though, which seemed to offset the fact that there were fewer of them.
By the time the sunrise came, Hayden had completed the twelfth of his fire extinguishing experiments. Though, accurately, it could only be said that eleven of them were fire extinguishing ? one had an inconsistent habit of either causing more fire or putting out the one already there? he?d save that one for last when the time came to use them.
Not having intended to work through the entire night, though, Hayden was regretting that he had. Surely there would be at least a day?s walk from the small farm town all the way to Demuth, the capital city. Even more unfortunate is that it was almost entirely an uphill walk. But it was too late for such thoughts, as a carriage pulled by two great stallions, had came into the town off the main road, which led to the capital. That was the officer?s ride.
Quickly gathering all of the supplies with great care not to drop any of the vials, Hayden readied himself for the long journey ahead. His only hope was that the stallions would walk rather than run; he?d have a hard time keeping up if they set off at top speed.
To Hayden?s unfortunate luck, as he left the inn he saw that they were doing just that. Left caughing in the dust blown up by the speeding carriage, Hayden let out a grunt of disappointment. Wondering why he hadn?t left the previous night to get a head start in case of such an event, Hayden followed their trail. He was sure they?d wait until morning to send the brigade, but it didn?t help matters any that he didn?t know the way there?
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