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Checking up on things...

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#1 Pontifus


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 02:53 AM

Wow...you guys seem to have come a long way since I stepped out for a bit.

Yeah, um, a bit...about that...quite a few real-life issues came up around summer 2006, and haven't gone away since. And even now, with another school year ending, I'm so mired in personal projects and stupid drama that I don't think I can step in and write for you all consistently again.

But I am pretty excited to see that you've been busy in my absence, and I do apologize for said absence. Furthermore, if you keep my access to the staff boards, I'll try to jump in and contribute when I can. This is going to be one hell of a little sprite-based ORPG, and all the time put into it will show through when the public gets a chance to test it.

#2 Moose



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Posted 03 May 2007 - 05:41 AM

haha dont worry about problems about being busy, we all have real life issues that stops us from forums/games etc. its just good to have you back here :D
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#3 Drackir


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Posted 03 May 2007 - 10:26 AM

Yeah, what moose said. Really the point is that even though a lot of us have to step back for a bit when other priorities come into play, we always come back and get back to work eventually (even though it may take a bit longer).

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