Mysql DB Conversion -
Convert all (or most) database files from flat file (files on my computer) to a mysql database (either on my computer or on my website). This will be a LOT faster than writing to flat files on my computer. It will also allow for stats of players found on website and even eventually integrated with their message board user. Eg. it would tell you a persons level in this forum!
Recode Winsock -
Winsock is very slow and once I find a suitable replacement I will replace it to (hopefully) make the server a little faster.
Fix Map Sending -
Right now the map sending/receiving is slow and laggy. I will probably break up the maps into chunks to send instead of trying to mash 40kb down the tube at one time.
Map Screenshot -
I'm trying to figure out how to save a screenshot of an entire map in hopes of compiling a full world map (although shrunken in size).
Enter At Login -
I've already completed this. Login's will be a bit faster now since you dont have to click buttons if you are logging in and your password is saved. When you get to the main screen in game if you press enter it will go to the character login screen. If you press enter again it will login to your account. If you press it a third time (or select a different character and press it) it will log you into the game. Also, when you type in your password at the login you can press enter instead of clicking and if you choose an empty character and press enter it will take you to the character creation screen.
Multi-Door -
This is doors that are more than 1 tile high. I have yet to look into it but it shouldn't be too complicated.
New NPC Type -
I'm going to make a new kind of npc that acts a bit differently. We've all seen games where you can mine for metal and chop for wood. Well, I'm going to make a non-moving npc that will only let you attack it with a certain type of weapon [(or tool

Map Dependant Weather -
Snow on snow maps. Rain on not snow maps. Sand storms on desert maps.
That's it for now. I will update this as ideas come to me. Have a good one.