Give all PC and NPC rang atack.
Make it so the NPC see the PC careater and start a long rang atack.
Let say a NPC has a rang of 5 tiles away but see the PC carater 3 tiles away and starts to shot fire ball at PC.
The NPC careater will try to stay in rang to the PC caretaer intell the PC careater is dead or the PC careter gets out of the 5 tile rang of the NPC.
Make diffrint rang tipe wipeons for the PC carater.
Make it so that each new rang wipon can be used by all level stats.
I wold sojest bows and areows be 2 to 3 tile in rang. long bows 2 to 5 tiles in rang.
have difrent tipe of bows and areows each with diffrent tips of rang and hit ponts.
Same thing for magic user mage 1 fire ball 2 to 3 mage 2 fire ball 2 to 5 and so on.
Each new magic wipon has its own rang and hit ponts.
You cold even have rang healing poson so user can help out each other in a grop atack on a realy Nasty Boss monster or a atack on a Clane that thay are at war with.
Doing this will make object valubull to have and trade between the usesr and give Clans reson to take over other Clan to get ther Objects.
We cold even give out a standed amont of objects to new clans to start out with to build ther Clan with Things like posons magic objects bows and gold to get them started.
The other idea is ones a user gets to a serten level he has the right to build a clane and is given the basic magic and other objects and gold to build a clan.
Then he lay clam to part of the world map as his clan lands wher enny one on that land is subject to that clans rule.
Things like user A is on Clan of the cave bear land.
Clan member ask user A to jone his Clan or Pay up 10 Gold in trust passing tax.
Use A say go buger your self and your Tax.
Clan member kills A user and gets all his gold from the body of the not vary smart A user.
Or the other way arond Clan meber get kill and he loses his moola to user A wich meen clan member is telling his other clan member about get kill and mug buy user A wich meen ther a hit put out on Use A butt by the rest of the Clan member.
Ok giveing Clans land and giveing them the right to rule over thows land will give the game something thats niver been try befor it will make it wher the gold of the game will be to take over other clans land to build on to ther lands to controll.
Leveling up just meen you get to the pont wher you can stat up a clan or you can become a night or genrol or Duke of a Clan.
Wher you help to fight other clan that is paying you lots of Gold to fight on ther side to win more lands for that clan

Storm idea
Started by storm, Oct 04 2005 12:15 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 04 October 2005 - 12:15 PM
Posted 21 October 2005 - 06:20 PM
I like this ideas of order and law... it means that if a player is constantly killing random people or is disobeying clans, or being abusive, clan leaders can talk with mods, who would be like high knights of the entire game... the mods would be the monarchy and we are intrusting maps that we worked hard on, to the clans to take care of how they see fit, but if a player is abusing paying taxes or such it hurts the clan which in turn hurts the kingdom, this would also make the ability for mods to jail players a good idea, if a player continues to steal or not pay clan taxes, then a mod could aproch this player and give him a final chance to pay what he owes the clan, or be jailed until he does, if he has no gold or something of value to offer, he could be jailed for an amount of time, relesed but then owes a debt to the kingdom which could be kept on record, and has a said amount of time to pay up or be jailed until he finally pays up, or is banned...or something to that idea...
-Will clans pay taxes to this bank you are talking about for the land they are on?
-if the world bank did collect taxes,or if shop sales were put into the bank..we could pay our mods a wage out of the bank... if a mod is helping people or hunting after abusive players he/she does not always have time for himself/ to know you are always making at least something, it would be nice....8]
-Will clans pay taxes to this bank you are talking about for the land they are on?
-if the world bank did collect taxes,or if shop sales were put into the bank..we could pay our mods a wage out of the bank... if a mod is helping people or hunting after abusive players he/she does not always have time for himself/ to know you are always making at least something, it would be nice....8]
Posted 22 October 2005 - 12:21 AM
They're good ideas but not really important right now as our player base will not be that large. Perhaps if we can get to a steady 30 people on at a time this will be more important. We need people to be in clans before we can have them ruling over things! haha. Also what if the tax is like crazy outrageous?! Like a billion dollars!? MODify them; I know.
Posted 22 October 2005 - 12:25 AM
I mean will we..mods make the clans pay taxes
Posted 23 October 2005 - 01:19 PM
Will we cold do a tax at the bank every time a user buys heling poson ther is a GST taxs on it.
Hmm you shold no how that works guys you live in the Land of the GST.
Its one of the meeny reson i book it out of the republike of Canada land of the worlds bigist pollce stats on the planit
Hmm you shold no how that works guys you live in the Land of the GST.
Its one of the meeny reson i book it out of the republike of Canada land of the worlds bigist pollce stats on the planit

Posted 23 October 2005 - 10:39 PM
Lol you kids and your taxes!
Posted 23 October 2005 - 11:14 PM
I wasn't really thinking about items...I ment for clans who ocupy land
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