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How i wold set up Clans

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#1 storm


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Posted 04 October 2005 - 02:51 PM

To setup a Clan the use wold have to be level 35.

He be given 4 maps as his clans lands to rule over as he see fite.

The 4 maps wold eather be maps all ready made or 4 new maps that the user ask to get made.

If the user wants new maps for his clan the user must be at list level 50 and have a lot of gold to pay in to the Fonduis mod bank acont.

The bank wold be in the city of fonduis and only mods of the game cold make lone and remove gold from that bank.

Ther wold be a limmit of 4 maps per Clan master only and only the 4 maps will be made for that Clan master.

If the Clan master lost his lands to another clan he be out of luck and wold have to rebuild his army and take over another Clan.

He wold not be abull to buy new maps AKA Lands agan after buy the fist 4 maps.

Ther wood only be room for 12 Clans at enny one time.

This meens ones a Clan gets wipeout the Fonduis Bank wold post on the forum and the Game that a new Clan spot is open.

If ther was more than one user trying to open a clan then ther wold be a bid on the spot by all partys wanting to have the spot.

Enny user at level 35 cold bid for the spot.

Ones the Fonduis bank got its Gold the user at level 35 wood get to pic 4 maps that border each other as his lands.

A user at level 50 cold Pay to have 4 maps made for him.

All Moola is Game Moola only.

Ok to take over a Clan 3 things must happen.

1 You must post on the forum that you are at war with a Clan and 24 hower must be given to the Clan you are going to war with so that Clan can get his Clan member to gather.

2 Clan must start ther war at a set time between them and have this posted on the forum.

3 to beat a clan you must kill all the other Clan member that have logon at the time you posted on the forum.

If a player logon late ones the war start he will be consiter dead meat all ready.

Not only dos each side have to kill off the other side but thay need to get the leaders Clan key to get in to the Clan hall to get to the Clan magic object and then get it back to ther Clan hall.

Ones this has been done the winer gets the loser lands and can ask the loseing Clan player to jone up with ther Clan.

The loseing Clan member do not need to jone up with the winer but can become Roge waror that will keep killing off member of the wineing Clan.

The Roge can only kill off thows member on the wineing clans lands and can not kill that clan member player on enny other maps inlise the Roge waror rejone a new clane and is infoceing the new Clane leder rule on his new clan lands.

Ones a Roge Jone a new Clan he is no longer a Roge waror and can not atack enny other Clan member off his Clan lands inlise he and his new clan are at war with that other Clan.

last thing ones a clan has been taken over and has new lands the victory will be posted and a list of the lands and goodys and new clan member to the wineing Clane will be posted on the forum under Victorys.

Victory post is wher the clans get to Crow about the battel and the loseing side will Demand Vingens agast the wineing side.

#2 Drackir


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Posted 04 October 2005 - 07:39 PM

Wowzers. That's pretty well thought out (and a lot of work so we'll add that later:P) but just one question: Rogue Warriors can kill other winning team clan members but you said clan members cant kill anyone else unless they are at war with them. Or did I understand it wrong?

#3 storm


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Posted 05 October 2005 - 10:23 AM

No what i meen is ones a clan has been taken over by another clan the loseing clan member can become a roge waror if he dos not want to jone the clan that just wipeout his home Clan

Being a roge he can keep fighting and killing the Clan that wipeout his clan as long as he is atacking them on ther lands and or on lands that are not under enny other clans rule.

The only time one clan member can kill another clan member is if he is infoceing or obaying his clan leeder to do so.

For instints a Clan leeder say ther is a 10 gold crossing tax on all non clan member that wish to travel thow his lands.

A non clan member refuses to pay up to a clan member that is infoceing the the crossing tax on his clan lands the clan member can kill that non member for not paying the tax.

If the non member dos pay the tax and is still kill , the clan member that did the killing and took the gold he wood become a hiway man.

And a wanted post wold be place on the hiway man head by eather the head clans men who rules that land or the mode of the game wood place a price on the head of the killer hiway man.

A post wold go up on the forum telling all players how much gold thay will get for bring in the hiway man or killing him.

if the Clan leder did not place a wanted post for the killer the mods will and the Clan leder will pay the reward each time the hiway man is kill.

So if the hiway man gets kill 10 time and the reward was 50 gold each time the clan leader will be paying the mod Bank 500 in gold.

So it will be up to the clan leader to deal with ther clan member that are being nasty and bracking the rules.

if thay dont deal with them thay will go bankrup real fast and not be abull to get lones and or healing poson from the bank.

This meen thay risk geting atack by other clans that have fat bank acont with lots of healing poson and other thing that can only be goten at the mod bank.

Ok now for Roge and how other clan can uses them.
Lets say Clan of the humping pony wants to weeken Clan of the cave bear how just took over Clan of the long hears

Ok Clan of the humping pony wood hier the roge from the defeeted clan of the long hears to keep atacking the Clane of the humping ponys so thay can foce that clan to keep useing up gold and healing poson on the roge that are atacking them.

The clan wood pay off the roge to do this by paying off the roges with healing poson and gold.

One the clan leader thinks Clan of the cave bear is weeken up a nuff he can declear war on them by posting on the forum and informing the mods that he is going to war.

Clan of the humping ponys uses the roge to atack clan of the cave bears in tell the war begens at the set time.

Ones the set time comes the roge have done ther job thay eather jone up with one of the waring Clans or thay set back and wach the battel and plunder the bodys as thay fall :)

Now rember all a player or clan needs to do to take over a clan lands is to get thats clane Home key and the Clans magic object back to ther clan home.

If its a roge player he need to get the key and object back to the mode bank as proff he has it.

So if a player is a roge and finds the key and object on a dead body or on a battel feld and gets it to a bank he will take over thats clan lands.

So to take over a Clan you must have the Clans home Key and its Magic object in order to take over the clan.

If a Clan lost one of this things that clan wold have to deal with the user that has it.

If a clan has only one part of this objects he will not be abull to uses the bank to buy healing poson or other magic object that only clan member can buy and will have to deal with other clan to get thee things in tell he gets back the key or clan magic object.

#4 Drackir


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Posted 07 October 2005 - 01:16 AM

Wow. That is so intense. At this point in time it can't be done but for sure I'll keep all this in mind. I like the idea of a secondary type of currency that is limited in the amount of it. We'll see what happens.

#5 storm


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Posted 07 October 2005 - 10:32 AM

Yahh will this is just stuff i been thinking about for over a year now.

I was going to do this on my own project but niver had the coder or the engine to do it this way.

I still am working on my project but i have not found a scripter to build the clan code for it.

So i am hoping one day you will figer it out and do it :) for now i will just stick to makeing this project and makeing the eye candy look good

#6 Drackir


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Posted 08 October 2005 - 08:53 AM

Alright, cool. Hopefully some day I'll have the time to implement it or at least parts of it. I'm gonna close this topic and leave it here for future reference. If you want to add more you can open it again (use the red dropdown box at the bottom of the page on the left).

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