More findings stuff complain about to.
Posted 06 December 2007 - 12:33 PM
I don't know how I didn't notice it before, as I have added a few extra SP, but in the add points menu, it says add 5 SP, the multiplier says you get 5 SP, but you only get 3... which is what I think you are supposed to get and the 5's never got changed.
Also, I have collected all items that can be sold to the shop except one, the Moth egg. I have killed me many, many Giant Moths, like 3 lvl's worth, trying to get their eggs, but have been unsuccessful, and I was wondering if they are just a nearly impossible drop, or if they don't drop them.
Finally, the Backwood Lantern item is probably the hardest item to get, aside from the moth egg... but it is worth less to the shop than both kinds of snake scales, and the moth eggs, was this done for a reason, or could it be a mistake?
Posted 07 December 2007 - 07:41 PM
I've updated the moths so they drop the eggs (haha sorry).
The drifters have the same drop rate as the saphire snakes but the price has been increased to be more appropriate to it's level.

Posted 11 December 2007 - 03:04 AM

And FYI, my character has been lvl 20 for some time now... and I have been too busy playin Halo 3, Call of Duty 4, and Bio Shock to spend the 1.5 hrs or so to get to lvl 21... seeing as the only thing I can get exp from are the last 20% of the Backwood drifter's and the Kylask, which seems to take almost 5 minutes to respawn, and is really just too bothersome with all the sapphire serpents buggin me with their no exp givin arses... This could prove to be a real downside to your game... if people cannot gain exp anymore most will see no reason to keep coming back.
Posted 11 December 2007 - 08:32 AM
As for the Exp thing. I know there's a max level right now which is about 21 unless you're really endeavourous but this is only tests for what it will be like in open beta and there will be lots of changes (like the incorporation of the other stats). Most of the stats right now will be different when I incorporate a few more things into the game to keep balance. What is there is mainly for testing purposes (so you guys have something to play). So yeah, point noted but it's still a long way from final so don't worry.

How long did you play to get to level 20?
Posted 11 December 2007 - 01:03 PM
I have been wondering about the magic system for a while now, have you been having trouble implementing spells? A few really good ones would be a basic healing spell, recovering 3-5 hp for every 2-15 mp consumed, to keep the game at a slower pace you would obviously use the latter

It could also be conceivable that these classes could be upgraded through individual quests per class, or a generic quest that might require a partied team to make it through. Possible upgrades for each mentioned could be; Jounin, Wizard, Royal Knight, Pirate, and Warrior. Each class could have its own set of magic skills/abilities/spells, Ninjas could have an assassination skill, where it consumes a great deal of MP and does triple their attack damage, mages would obviously need lots of powerful spells, but could have level limits on defense and attack, so as not to make them out of character, thieves could have a steal ability, and or an evasion tactic, to prevent them from being trapped, making enemies scatter, and barbarians maybe have no magic abilities, at least until they become warriors when they could have a protect spell, or something the like, to double defense. This all seems like a lot to process, and a lot of work... So... I'll let this simmer and probably post some more ideas later, under a more appropriate topic.
Posted 11 December 2007 - 07:51 PM
It's coming. You left out arhcer tooI was having a hard time on my first few levels, because I wanted to do it the same way as before the update, from sting blossoms, to dragon flies, and so on, but once I found out about the chickens my leveling started to take off, they are really good, maybe too good. But I got to level 17 2 days after the update came out... and took some time off to do other things and got to level 20, within an hour, a few days later, after finding a great place to beast upon one Backwood Drifter at a time.
I have been wondering about the magic system for a while now, have you been having trouble implementing spells? A few really good ones would be a basic healing spell, recovering 3-5 hp for every 2-15 mp consumed, to keep the game at a slower pace you would obviously use the latterYou also have a class system but no choices there in... The common suggestions would be; ninja, mage, knight, thief, barbarian, and maybe a special class original to the game
It could also be conceivable that these classes could be upgraded through individual quests per class, or a generic quest that might require a partied team to make it through. Possible upgrades for each mentioned could be; Jounin, Wizard, Royal Knight, Pirate, and Warrior. Each class could have its own set of magic skills/abilities/spells, Ninjas could have an assassination skill, where it consumes a great deal of MP and does triple their attack damage, mages would obviously need lots of powerful spells, but could have level limits on defense and attack, so as not to make them out of character, thieves could have a steal ability, and or an evasion tactic, to prevent them from being trapped, making enemies scatter, and barbarians maybe have no magic abilities, at least until they become warriors when they could have a protect spell, or something the like, to double defense. This all seems like a lot to process, and a lot of work... So... I'll let this simmer and probably post some more ideas later, under a more appropriate topic.

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