I have some good news. I have purchased a license for the latest version of IP.Board. I'm waiting on the download link and key so I can install it. Hopefully tomorrow I will get it. I may have to wait until Monday ("business day") before I can get it but either way I will be upgrading the forums this week some time. I'll make a post about it before I do so you know what's going on.
It cost me a bit more than I expected ($190 CDN) (because of the crappy exchange rate) so if you want to donate $5 or $10 to offset the cost for me..hehe, that'd be nice. The paypal link to donations is on this page: http://www.fondusis.com/index.php?act=donate The page is old and not applicable anymore since we don't host it on that server but yeah, I'd appreciate it even if you can spare a few bucks.

Also, I've taken the test board offline.
I'll update again when I have more info.