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#6408 Word Disassociation

Posted by Duma on 17 May 2007 - 01:00 AM in Chat-Box


#4560 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 27 February 2007 - 10:47 PM in Art Art

:D Thank you! And I agree - the first two are really just the equivalent of doodling (same amount of work involved, as well).
Real corset piercings are much nicer to look at, and tend not to look like they hurt (bmezine.com for that one) and aren't meant to stay for very long.

~ Edit: Fixed your post for you. :) ~Drack ~

#4551 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 27 February 2007 - 03:22 PM in Art Art

Know how I said I'd post things once I found access to a scanner? I found a past work on my flash drive of Photoshop work I did a long, long time ago in 2005. Ah, ComTech.

Moving on!
If it has stock photos, I will say so, and all credit there to the stock photographers.

A Blue Glass Button
Usual, hum drum tutorial following, and I can't remember much of how to do it now, but that reflecting 'profesh' thing helped in a tiny competition. (All work from scratch).

A Red Necklace
Stock photo of a necklace, I added the red inset stones (if that's what they look like) from 'scratch', and some brushwork.

A Corset Piercing
Stock photo of woman's back; all else from scratch. At the time, this was the piece I was most proud of, aside from a rough mouse drawing based on a Hindu myth, but that'll be here, later.
Anyway! I'm now seeing more photos of actual corset piercings, and they're much better than this :D. Also, the ribbons don't line up worth crap when you look at them, but I like the shading with the hooks.

And that is all for now.

#5028 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 10:04 PM in Art Art

(Thank you, Drack! :D)

Right; here's just a really quick sketchy speed paint whatsit I did now that I have GIMP :D It's nothing I'm proud of, but it's nice to use all those Photoshoppy elements again.

Posted Image

...that part below the index finger on the right is glaring at me now. Too bad!

I really want to throw a bunch of sketches in here, and I will soon! Haha, 56kers will rue that day indeed.

#5694 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 14 April 2007 - 11:38 PM in Art Art

Right, just a quick thingy-

This is the rough thing on an endeavor to recreate my younger sister's 'dance' she does when nervous - it's rather easy: hop to either foot, elbows at 90degrees at the waist, wave hands in a fan-style.


Posted Image

Although the more I see them, the more they look like they're running.

#4141 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 23 January 2007 - 01:04 PM in Chat-Box

Megell is B--?
Wow - think of the chances that Mizukage and Megell have the same name, and their screennames start with the same sound....
*wiggly fingers* It's in the name!

#4347 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 18 February 2007 - 12:51 AM in Chat-Box

I don't know you, and I hope I will, and what mayan/aztec/incan/toltec ruins did you find your name off of?
(No, seriously, that's an awesome name)

#4127 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 21 January 2007 - 09:03 PM in Chat-Box

He went to my high school...
Kinewa, Core, and Mizukage know him....
He's a good artist....

Exactly how well am I expected to know him? What grade is he in, now, and how often have I seen him?
Megell, were you ever in any of my classes?
Do you have a black leather coat?
Did you sing at a Christmas Arts Night?
Are you naturally blonde and does my sister know you from elementary school?

From his posts he doesn't look good in yellow, has an eye for art, and could be equated with Mizukage, although Mizu would win.
Does he have many shirts regarding doctors on them?

#4020 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 16 January 2007 - 08:40 PM in Chat-Box

*Walks in wearing a black turtleneck and beret, sipping an espresso*

*snap, snap*

Swim, little fish, swim,
The river draws you to oaks.
Pencils are freedom.

*snap, snap*

Points if you find who out who I am from the haiku. Some of you know. *Grin*

#4038 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 17 January 2007 - 07:29 PM in Chat-Box

Who am I?

Curses! For I am hardly a conundrum. My camraderie among certain companions has not been quelled in these quandries. Quickly, if you can, collect the clues I cast before you. I am compelled to comb the corners of the Internet, clutching my computer. I care for Cezanne and Caravaggio, creating on canvases in a cavalcade of calamity. Casey can recall my countenance, as can Core, and Kinewa. Could they construct a comment, correctly?
But, of course, I must confess my classification as a college coed, and I am comissioned to call forth my character.

You may call me Catherine. :D

#4055 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 18 January 2007 - 07:22 PM in Chat-Box

Thank you :D
Who is Megell in RL?

Also Casey:
Joanna would be much complimented with Joanna Dark,
Largeman would suffice, as well, although Woodman or Forestman would be more specific...
And I don't have enough ingenuity nor bravery to be a Bueller. For both Ferris or his sister.

#5927 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 20 April 2007 - 10:53 PM in Chat-Box

You're back!
No more person above you game, this time!

#7711 UFO's?

Posted by Duma on 14 July 2007 - 04:38 PM in Chat-Box

As much as I respect your arguement - who's to say that we're the only stupid and sentient beings in the universe?
(Hitchiker's Guide, anyone?)

#7672 UFO's?

Posted by Duma on 12 July 2007 - 03:33 PM in Chat-Box

I vote yes, because the universe is a very big place, and to believe that we're the only things in this huge place to have discovered space travel is a little silly. (Add that to the fact we've only physically been around our own solar system, and so many other planets out there are laughing at us for our equivalent of training wheels on a bike).

Do I believe in Roswell and almond-eyed aliens and all that? Haven't decided, but leaning towards a 'Yes, flying things', but 'No, movie looking aliens' thing. Roswell could go either way - no human knows entirely what goes on in the world, but sometimes, science fiction sounds a bit out there.

And that's just what I think~

#4160 The Webcomic.

Posted by Duma on 23 January 2007 - 06:44 PM in Chat-Box

Because your left mind has, in fact, tied your right mind to a chair, and isn't letting it go until certain terms are met.
At least, that's what I've heard on the scanners....*cough*

#4126 The Webcomic.

Posted by Duma on 21 January 2007 - 08:44 PM in Chat-Box

*Read through all of them*
I like it! I like your sense of humour.
Also, I can really see you scaring your mum from a coffee-maker, like that.

#8416 The Person Above You Game

Posted by Duma on 19 September 2007 - 11:14 AM in Chat-Box

^^ Dude, those are totally dolls. I've seen them before, as have many, many others, and it is a painted doll's head on a cooked duck. No fetus involved.

Snopes backs me Up

Seriously, guys, it's the internet. Storehold of endless knowledge, most of which isn't all that true.

#5918 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Duma on 20 April 2007 - 10:23 PM in Chat-Box

yes, he is great.

And casey? that was a lame rapeass quote, it actually goes : you should taste your words to be certain they are palatable.

So you should taste your words to be sure they taste good.
I'm going with Casey on this one. Short words make anecdotes more accessible to the masses, and easier to remember.

#5869 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Duma on 19 April 2007 - 07:53 PM in Chat-Box

I always thought you were one for kink ass...

Yes and its damn sexy to boot. ;) Your just jelous that your ass isn't as half as kinky as mine.

I can outkink you both, with sources to boot. Oh, you better believe pun was intended.

Anyway -
Concerning FF, I've only played FFX on and off, and I think the story is what's dragging me in. The turn-based fighting I find both a blessing and curse, though - you can plan what move you make next, but it can be a painfully long time before you get through that battle and on to the next part of the storyline. I also want to break Seymour's arm.

Also, Sephiroth has been around about 10 years (Is it?) and has not lost any of his a) sex appeal and b ) bad-ass appeal. If you can have the same theme in 2007 as you did in 1997 and it still works, you've got something going for you.

#4229 The Elf King Of Talmarron

Posted by Duma on 02 February 2007 - 07:08 PM in RP Archive

Morra pushed open the heavy door to the tavern, and was welcomed by a colourful gentleman doing backflips and throwing about multi-coloured flames as he recounted a tale of his survival among the frozen wastes of the mountains.
She supposed, as she shifted the bow and quiver on her back to allow her to sit on a stool, that had she heard the tale from the beginning, she would be as wide-eyed as the few onlookers in the dark pub. Entering at 'surviving on snow and bark', she suppressed a snort instead. Bark? Only deer survive on bark; they have the teeth for it. Curiosity and a long stay in a blind had proven that.

A young boy looked over to her from the parade the gentleman was carrying on, and raised his eyebrows.
"What can I get fer ya, miss?"
"Ale, si...just ale." She replied, eyeing the last of the stranger's theatrics.
"One moment, miss."

And within a moment, Morra was downing a mug, trying to get the taste of dried groundhog from her mouth. It was the last of what Rig had made in his first attempt to prepare a kill, and was terrible at it. Really, Morra thought to herself, that boy should talk to Mam, if he has the same tongue as the rest of the family. Even adding more salt would have bettered it.

#6018 Siggy Competition Entries

Posted by Duma on 24 April 2007 - 10:27 AM in Art Art

Mah Sigs, what.

1. First try - Gradient and white paintbrush wth tablet, 2 layers, need to clean up more, in retro.

Posted Image

2. Set down then put back up again. Text by tablet, background: Noise w/ Turbulence, added some Wind, threw in some Noise. Hands by tablet. About 5 layers, if I remember correctly. Bah, it's not showing up as well, here.

Posted Image

3. Last one: Endorsing NIN's new album which has an entire AU around it. Seal owned by NIN or creator, text all mine. Funny numbers also owned by NIN. 6 layers.

Posted Image

#6149 Siggy Competition Entries

Posted by Duma on 02 May 2007 - 02:04 PM in Art Art

Rytiko, I agree with you wholeheartedly on everything.
I felt really could have done better; Vamp's were very cleaned up and professional looking.

#5029 Questions, Read and Answer

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 10:11 PM in Chat-Box

Ooh! And another question - Drackir, did you set the board's time ahead for DST? Eg - it says I posted at 10 when most clocks around me say 11.
But really, it's not that big of a deal, and I was just wondering :S

#4531 Questions, Read and Answer

Posted by Duma on 26 February 2007 - 04:54 PM in Chat-Box

I will, as soon as I get access to a scanner or digital camera.
*cough* School, anyone?

#4695 Questions, Read and Answer

Posted by Duma on 06 March 2007 - 02:28 PM in Chat-Box

*raises hand* Ooh!
This will sound really incriminating, but it's not meant to be :D

What are the restrictions/guidelines as to what we can and can not post under Visual Art? I understand no explicit nudity or sexual content, no extreme violence, no offensive material, but to what degree?
Eg: Would life drawings from nude models apply? What about the typical uber-warrior fantasy character carrying skulls around? Are we to use our own judgement? Has this been answered somewhere else?