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#5028 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 10:04 PM in Art Art

(Thank you, Drack! :D)

Right; here's just a really quick sketchy speed paint whatsit I did now that I have GIMP :D It's nothing I'm proud of, but it's nice to use all those Photoshoppy elements again.

Posted Image

...that part below the index finger on the right is glaring at me now. Too bad!

I really want to throw a bunch of sketches in here, and I will soon! Haha, 56kers will rue that day indeed.

#4560 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 27 February 2007 - 10:47 PM in Art Art

:D Thank you! And I agree - the first two are really just the equivalent of doodling (same amount of work involved, as well).
Real corset piercings are much nicer to look at, and tend not to look like they hurt (bmezine.com for that one) and aren't meant to stay for very long.

~ Edit: Fixed your post for you. :) ~Drack ~

#4551 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 27 February 2007 - 03:22 PM in Art Art

Know how I said I'd post things once I found access to a scanner? I found a past work on my flash drive of Photoshop work I did a long, long time ago in 2005. Ah, ComTech.

Moving on!
If it has stock photos, I will say so, and all credit there to the stock photographers.

A Blue Glass Button
Usual, hum drum tutorial following, and I can't remember much of how to do it now, but that reflecting 'profesh' thing helped in a tiny competition. (All work from scratch).

A Red Necklace
Stock photo of a necklace, I added the red inset stones (if that's what they look like) from 'scratch', and some brushwork.

A Corset Piercing
Stock photo of woman's back; all else from scratch. At the time, this was the piece I was most proud of, aside from a rough mouse drawing based on a Hindu myth, but that'll be here, later.
Anyway! I'm now seeing more photos of actual corset piercings, and they're much better than this :D. Also, the ribbons don't line up worth crap when you look at them, but I like the shading with the hooks.

And that is all for now.

#6408 Word Disassociation

Posted by Duma on 17 May 2007 - 01:00 AM in Chat-Box
