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There have been 54 items by Duma (Search limited from 18-June 23)

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#8416 The Person Above You Game

Posted by Duma on 19 September 2007 - 11:14 AM in Chat-Box

^^ Dude, those are totally dolls. I've seen them before, as have many, many others, and it is a painted doll's head on a cooked duck. No fetus involved.

Snopes backs me Up

Seriously, guys, it's the internet. Storehold of endless knowledge, most of which isn't all that true.

#8378 Debate? Win vs Linux? Maybe...

Posted by Duma on 12 September 2007 - 04:33 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

While reading this over, I have come to the decision that saying which OS is better is much like (someone'll hate me over this) saying what religion is better. All OS's have their benefits and drawbacks, much like all the religions out there. Some have more followers than others, and some are more popular than others, some are more complicated than others.
I, personally, have no preference between OS's, and my faith is my own business, but I find it irritating when someone attempts to make whatever they stand for as the ONLY way to think, and everyone else MUST accept it as so, while debating with opposers over how the other is a terrible, horrible thing.
The more I read this debate, the more I find these viciously passionate supporters. All computers on earth cannot run on only one OS, no matter how large the majority is; someone will always choose or create another one.

#7881 Harry Potter

Posted by Duma on 25 July 2007 - 12:09 AM in Chat-Box

Ooh! CNAnime's coming up in August, if you're lookning - it's also combined w/ a SciFi, comic book, horror film, and tabletop gaming con!
(So, like, so much fun and costumes about)

#7867 Harry Potter

Posted by Duma on 24 July 2007 - 10:59 AM in Chat-Box

Got the book Saturday morning, and finished it Sunday morning. :D

Right: To Everyone, about writing styles - both Rowling and Tolkein have their own styles, and considering one was a University English professor, and the other was an elementary school teacher, their writing styles would respect the environments that they were constantly in. The End.

Moving back to DH-
Could I put it down? Nope.
Did I like it? I thought it was fair for the most part.

Now, I'm not the slavering HP fan I was about 6 years ago, but I still read the books, and so I don't have as close an affinity with the characters, but some people will be upset.
Also, I think there were a few parts that JK Rowling totally copped out on.


#7711 UFO's?

Posted by Duma on 14 July 2007 - 04:38 PM in Chat-Box

As much as I respect your arguement - who's to say that we're the only stupid and sentient beings in the universe?
(Hitchiker's Guide, anyone?)

#7672 UFO's?

Posted by Duma on 12 July 2007 - 03:33 PM in Chat-Box

I vote yes, because the universe is a very big place, and to believe that we're the only things in this huge place to have discovered space travel is a little silly. (Add that to the fact we've only physically been around our own solar system, and so many other planets out there are laughing at us for our equivalent of training wheels on a bike).

Do I believe in Roswell and almond-eyed aliens and all that? Haven't decided, but leaning towards a 'Yes, flying things', but 'No, movie looking aliens' thing. Roswell could go either way - no human knows entirely what goes on in the world, but sometimes, science fiction sounds a bit out there.

And that's just what I think~

#7088 Prom zaps away your digninty.

Posted by Duma on 16 June 2007 - 11:39 PM in Chat-Box

But we must question...
if you are so shameful of this video...why do you bring it up? And why do you want others to see it?


#6408 Word Disassociation

Posted by Duma on 17 May 2007 - 01:00 AM in Chat-Box


#6232 Drawings and Doodles

Posted by Duma on 07 May 2007 - 10:01 AM in Art Art

Thank you~
(Thanks to your famous quote; I've figured it out)
Why would he want to be tame, in the first place?

#6213 Cause i think i can

Posted by Duma on 05 May 2007 - 11:07 PM in Chat-Box

Full body harnesses allow for easy body storage in a safe place, as well as allowing you to see if they're alive.
I think I have a coupon if you need it...

#6149 Siggy Competition Entries

Posted by Duma on 02 May 2007 - 02:04 PM in Art Art

Rytiko, I agree with you wholeheartedly on everything.
I felt really could have done better; Vamp's were very cleaned up and professional looking.

#6114 Drawings and Doodles

Posted by Duma on 30 April 2007 - 01:00 PM in Art Art

The Code! Ooh-
What's the sign above the door say?
Is it in english? Because any time I try working with what I know, and a crossword puzzle helper, I get 'sauteed adulates'.
Is it sauteed adulates?

#6018 Siggy Competition Entries

Posted by Duma on 24 April 2007 - 10:27 AM in Art Art

Mah Sigs, what.

1. First try - Gradient and white paintbrush wth tablet, 2 layers, need to clean up more, in retro.

Posted Image

2. Set down then put back up again. Text by tablet, background: Noise w/ Turbulence, added some Wind, threw in some Noise. Hands by tablet. About 5 layers, if I remember correctly. Bah, it's not showing up as well, here.

Posted Image

3. Last one: Endorsing NIN's new album which has an entire AU around it. Seal owned by NIN or creator, text all mine. Funny numbers also owned by NIN. 6 layers.

Posted Image

#5927 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Duma on 20 April 2007 - 10:53 PM in Chat-Box

You're back!
No more person above you game, this time!

#5918 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Duma on 20 April 2007 - 10:23 PM in Chat-Box

yes, he is great.

And casey? that was a lame rapeass quote, it actually goes : you should taste your words to be certain they are palatable.

So you should taste your words to be sure they taste good.
I'm going with Casey on this one. Short words make anecdotes more accessible to the masses, and easier to remember.

#5869 The Final Fantasy Thread!

Posted by Duma on 19 April 2007 - 07:53 PM in Chat-Box

I always thought you were one for kink ass...

Yes and its damn sexy to boot. ;) Your just jelous that your ass isn't as half as kinky as mine.

I can outkink you both, with sources to boot. Oh, you better believe pun was intended.

Anyway -
Concerning FF, I've only played FFX on and off, and I think the story is what's dragging me in. The turn-based fighting I find both a blessing and curse, though - you can plan what move you make next, but it can be a painfully long time before you get through that battle and on to the next part of the storyline. I also want to break Seymour's arm.

Also, Sephiroth has been around about 10 years (Is it?) and has not lost any of his a) sex appeal and b ) bad-ass appeal. If you can have the same theme in 2007 as you did in 1997 and it still works, you've got something going for you.

#5699 Im eating Scrambelled eggs

Posted by Duma on 15 April 2007 - 04:35 PM in Chat-Box

Rhubarb pie, in the summer. Rhubarb pie made by my mother....

This past week I've been away from home and my body was mysteriously failing me. All my muscles were cramped, I was short on breath, and I needed way more sleep than usual. Eventually I figured out the problem: I was feeding myself rice (and only rice) every day. >_<

I'm going to accidentally kill myself when I go to university. :blink:

Dude! I did exactly the same thing for the first few months I had moved out - it's not fun.
So I try to have a balanced diet, now.
Also - have some sort of protein. You'll feel better when it's there. Hot dogs, tuna, whatever.
And some sort of salad. Not just cooked/canned/frozen veggies - even chop up a head of lettuce. Cellulose = happy person.
Aaand - always remember that things have a due date: freeze bread if you can't finish a loaf in a week, and that chopped up lettuce will only last about a week before having a salad isn't too much fun. (Learned that one way...)
  Budgets + Food Pyramid = creativity.

Back to fave snacks!

#5694 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 14 April 2007 - 11:38 PM in Art Art

Right, just a quick thingy-

This is the rough thing on an endeavor to recreate my younger sister's 'dance' she does when nervous - it's rather easy: hop to either foot, elbows at 90degrees at the waist, wave hands in a fan-style.


Posted Image

Although the more I see them, the more they look like they're running.

#5673 Im eating Scrambelled eggs

Posted by Duma on 13 April 2007 - 10:15 PM in Chat-Box

I like..Samosas, Hawaiian Pizza, Chicken Wings, and Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Or anything spicy,in terms of snack/not really meal food.

And hey, if anything deserves to have a good wine with it, it's Chicken Cordon Bleu. And maybe a good roast.

#5530 PS vs GIMP vs other paint progs

Posted by Duma on 08 April 2007 - 11:51 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

I figured there would be some way to shift things around to the user's liking, and yeah, I have a long way to go, but I like being a lazy, mindless user. :P

And I'll duely note the HotKeys, thank you.

#5483 PS vs GIMP vs other paint progs

Posted by Duma on 07 April 2007 - 09:52 PM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

I'm sorry Casey, but the Gimp will never live up to PS.

Dude, Thank you.
As much as I like Gimp for being free, I miss my 'Ctrl-Shift-N' for new layers. And Moving selections. And those damn confusing floating selections that don't stick to layers...

#5171 My Art

Posted by Duma on 25 March 2007 - 01:36 PM in Art Art

Omg,I love how you love working with sculpture - because it's so much fun to look at.
1. For the quilt-looking piece, how did you make that? Is it enamel and metal?

2. Also, I agree with you on the pendant.

3. Loff the sculptures :D

Also,also - what course are you taking?

#5029 Questions, Read and Answer

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 10:11 PM in Chat-Box

Ooh! And another question - Drackir, did you set the board's time ahead for DST? Eg - it says I posted at 10 when most clocks around me say 11.
But really, it's not that big of a deal, and I was just wondering :S

#5028 What Duma found under her bed

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 10:04 PM in Art Art

(Thank you, Drack! :D)

Right; here's just a really quick sketchy speed paint whatsit I did now that I have GIMP :D It's nothing I'm proud of, but it's nice to use all those Photoshoppy elements again.

Posted Image

...that part below the index finger on the right is glaring at me now. Too bad!

I really want to throw a bunch of sketches in here, and I will soon! Haha, 56kers will rue that day indeed.

#5022 Professional Man

Posted by Duma on 17 March 2007 - 03:13 PM in Chat-Box

Well personally I still hold the bielf that the human race is good in essance. Were just the biggest pesimests around, and can only focus on our draw backs. Not saying that were perfect, but on a whole, we could have done alot worse. >_<

Megell, Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, Casey - I like these; please continue with them.