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#9722 We're bad at forums

Posted by Rytiko on 07 April 2010 - 12:55 AM in Chat-Box


#9532 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:54 PM in Roleplaying

7. Battle RP Guidelines

Well this can bring up a couple of interesting issues at first. For starters, in a fight based RP. The purpose of the system is combat, rather then plot, this means that there are a few new rules such as no Auto hitting, logic interruptions and the like. I?ll delve into that in a minute, but first let me introduce you to the most important thing in combat role-plays: what is considered a fair fight.

A fair fight often is when you post an attack, and the opponent posts a response if they are hit or not. A fair fight is logical, makes sense, and has each character as equals until the victor is decided. A fair fight only can come to a victory in one sides favour if the otherside admits defeat.

In a RP fight, typically its not about who has the best abilites, who makes the fastest sword stikes or even who is the most litterate. It?s about forcing your opponent into a logic corner until they have to admit that their character is killed. This ultimately takes a lot of smarts.

However, there are some big No-No?s everyone should be aware of.

First of all, the biggest issue is that of auto hitting. Auto hitting is a nasty habit that some new RPers out there have. Auto hitting, as the name would imply, is where you actually just strike an opposing character without giving them a chance to block.

For example
N00b wrote:
I draw my sword and slash you across the chest. Your cut in a horrendous fashion and blood goes everywhere. YOU DIE!!!11! Lol OMG!

Well this has the obvious problem of the person who was being attacked had no opportunity to guard to begin with. N00b just struck the opponent and killed them. End of story, this is obviously not fair.

A Good RP would write something like this.

Good RPer Wrote:
I drew my sword, and prepared to slash down vertically, hoping to cut you across the chest. My intent was to kill you in one move.

The good RP here uses the format of preparing for a strike, this is okay, but still it means the person you are attacking has the issue of being able to control how your fight turns out. This means that it gives them an excuse to GodMod. (I?ll explain GodModding in a minute.)

An Excellent RP on the other hand writes something like this:

My character draws his sword, raised it and slashed down, hoping to leave his opponent with a ghastly cut across his chest. If it were not blocked, the opponent would be killed.

This is excellent, not only is it in 3rd person, which increases the format of the post dramatically. But it also has a forum of objectivity. In this post, you attack, but you also give the opponent the opportunity to dodge/counter attack. You lead up to the attack; you don?t actually post its outcome, that?s the defending characters responsibility.

Now the counter to auto hitting is GodModding. GodModding is much worse then auto hitting because it is much harder to prevent. GodModding is where, as the name implies, means that you make your character virtually unstoppable, unbeatable, and un-killable.

Now I?m not saying that there is nothing wrong with dodging a hit. In-fact, there is not anything wrong with dodging every hit if you can do it logically based on your character. The problem is when you do this in situations where your character would normally not be able to guard or escape. Let me give you an example

Swordsman wrote:
You are strapped to a navel cannon with an unbreakable chain. I fire the cannon. You are a regular human being. (Thus logically you cannot escape)

Now normally, under anyone?s rules, if you were in this situation you would be blown to bits. However, somehow you manage to escape?

N00b wrote:
I jump of the cannon, using my average human speed and strength; I am unhindered by the unbreakable chains. I survive like always!!!!11! lol OMG! And even though you pulled the cannon as I still on the chains, I bend time with my NORMAL HUMAN MIND, and then escape.

Sigh, I?m not even going to explain what is so wrong with this. (GodModding) I feel it?s pretty self-explanatory. GodModding will be punished ruthlessly, in other words the presiding judge can ?puppet master? (puppet mastering is controlling an other persons character.) your character, post for you, and the report the actual outcome of the fight.

You will be ?unfairly? treated if you attempt to GodMod. So Beware.

:: Logic Interruptions ::
Another Important term you should get familiar with is logic interruptions. Logic interruptions are a sound part of combat where you take what the opposing character did, and use it against them. Logic interruptions are highly important, yet be sparing in the use of them. To many can leave bad blood between two people.

There are three types of logic interruptions:
First, and probably the most important is the defensive logic interruption. This logic interruption is used to defend your character from an attack. Lets say we have a scenario in which one character is a mage, and the other is a swordsman.

The Mage Wrote:
I Prepared my spell, a whirling mass of fire appeared over my head. I slowly spoke the incantations my family had passed down for generations.

?Hello, would you like some candy??

The words, like always, brought a glimmer of a tear to my eye. It took a while, but the fireball began to grow in intensity. Then I released it in a flaming torrent at my foe.

Now, the mage broke no rules in casting his spell. However, that doesn?t mean he is invulnerable to a counter attack.

The Swordsman Wrote:
I watched for a split second as the mage began to cast his spell. The fiery death that soon would be launched towards me worried me. Thus, like any smart man, I drew my sword and attacked him. ?That should end his attack?, I thought to myself.

Now naturally, the mages spell has been interrupted, possibly cancled. This means that his spell besides what he posted in his post would not have the opportunity to be launched. This then means the mage would have to disregard his post after the logic interruption and have to continue with the fight as if he had never completed his spell.

For those DnD buffs, this is very similar to an ?attack of opportunity?.

Next, and most importantly comes the offensive Logic Interruption. This type is used to attack a character, rather then defend you from an attack. This type, unlike the previous one does not change the actions the opposing character took, but rather takes advantage of them. There is not a real issue with this logic interruption, since most people will naturally use it. The main purpose behind this type of logic interruption is that ?I don?t necessarily stand around while you do your thing.? For this example, let?s say to people are fighting on a rooftop, and one jumps off and the other jumps off to follow him. ((Kind of like that dumb matrix scene.))

Trinity Wrote:
I jumped off the building to escape my pursuer.

The Agent Wrote:
I saw the human female jump off the building. I was sure of the pathetic life forms demise, but just to make sure I jumped off the building as well. Hoping to reach towards her and grab her. Making sure my own body would weigh her down, and rocket her to ground even faster.

As the ?agent? jumps to follow trinity, she is still falling, but she still can also perform other actions.

Trinity Wrote:
As I watched the agent jump off the building after me, I drew my gun and began to fire at the location the agent would soon be.

Of course, unlike the matrix, trinity probably would end up getting a face shot on the agent. Thus this would possibly kill the agent.

The final type of logic interruption is Mechanical. This type is almost identical to Defensive logic interruptions. However it is used only after their has been an OOC (Out Of Character) debate. This type of logic interruption is usually used by only a judge, and it is to correct incidences of GodModding or auto hits.


Swordsman Wrote:
I slash my sword at you, I aim for your neck hoping to get a slice.

1337 NinaJ Wrote:
I dodge your attack by running through the blade. Then I teleport right behind you and throw a million Kunai! Because they have accelerated due to the moon, the kunai hit you with impossible force. Their million-ness cuts you to pieces, I win!!!11! lol OMG!

Swordsman Wrote:
((Occ: you realize that IS impossible under any of the rules of physics, in ANY sense? But relax; I?ll get a Judge to judge the fight.))

A PM to a Judge later.

Judge Wrote:
((I agree with Swordsman on this one 1337, your attack was impossible, thus I will post what would of actually happened in all fairness sake.))
1337 Ninaj jumps back and avoids the swing.

These, in a nutshell are logic interruptions.

#9528 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:51 PM in Roleplaying

2. Introduction

There are four mountains in the world, scattered among vastly different cultures and scenery, with something far more to them. Several cultures in the past and present have discovered these mountains and explored them to find a large golden arch with a black drape covering the entrance… an enticing portal, but a venus fly trap of sorts to all who dare approach.

Those who have entered were separated from the world they knew, instead brought into an entirely different sort of place. The architecture seems old, yet completely foreign – Onyx steps led downward on a steep incline, winding for what seems like miles, with a gigantic onyx column encrusted with peridot rings every few feet.  Each ring seems almost like a watchful eye, staring at whoever descends the stairs.

Aye, the walk alone frightens many. When they reach the bottom though, they have another mile of walkway lined with the same onyx pillars ahead of them before the real fright begins. The sandy trail seems to take days, but eventually comes to its close at a very peculiar site…

A coliseum with an unfathomed size was erected entirely out of stone, with several of the strange peridot circles along the top of the circular arena. Two great gates lay before the adventurer, almost screaming out to them – “Come in, come in! We’re waiting for you!”

Most cannot resist. Many simply don’t want to. Either way, the world entered when the adventurer walks into the great iron gates is something completely different from the one they were used to. Blades slam into each other, combatants sleep soundly in small cots on the inside, but it is the center that catches the adventurer’s eye – A brutal fight rages inside, each party using incredibly high force. Magic is slung around, weapons brandished and prepared to kill…

This place is known, even in legend, only as The Battle Arena.

Key areas in the Arena

Central arena: this arena, despite its simple appearance, is a work of unknown magic. It is capable of complete morphology change, making it possible for several different types of battles to occur.

Infirmary: this place, like the arena, is advanced. Enough so that it can always bring a character back from death, and keep em going! (Just so when you lose a fight, you don?t always need to make a new character.)

#9529 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:51 PM in Roleplaying

3. The Rules

-Obey the TOS of this site.
-Be respectful.
-Listen to the fight Judges. These people are chosen for their high degree of logic in fights. ((Though you don?t have to listen to them outside this thread.))
-Stay in brackets when talking out of character Like so: ((Hello, How are you.))
-You do not need to join the arena to fight in the arena. You join so that you can be placed in the rankings. ((a soon to come feature, once I figure out the higharchy))

4. Battle Types

Type 1 :: No weapons can be used by any fighter.
Type 2 :: No energy, Ki, or magicks can be used by any fighter.
Type 3 :: All fighters are rendered completely blind for the duration of the match. Type 4 :: All fighters' equipment, clothing, and item weight triples.
Type 5 :: All fighters are linked together by an indestructable 20 ft chain held around the waist.
Type 6 :: A magnetic field surrounds the fighters, pulling away all metallic equipment.
Type 7 :: A time bomb is set in the ring, which will detonate after five full rounds of battle, unless it finishes before then.
Type 8 :: All fighters are injected with a poison that lowers their physical abilities.
Type 9 :: All fighters have their hands tied together behind their back, with knots that cannot be undone.
Type 10 :: All fighters become completely deaf.

Arena Types

Setting I :: The pit remains unchanged, just a simple hole in the ground, with obsidian walls and a hardy packed dirt floor.

Setting II :: A winter wonderland, to say the least. The ground turns into tundra and permafrost, covered by a layered of powdered snow. Hail, snow, and sleet also fall from the sky at a moderate pace. Temperatures will drop as well, to nearly freezing.

Setting III :: Talk about a weaponmaster's dream! The pit transforms into a miniature Roman colosseum, complete with a sandy floor, and all manner of weapons dotting the walls. Swords, lances, guns, claws, if you can dream it, it is there.

Setting IV :: Water water everywhere, but not a drop to drink. In all honesty, this is probably one of the hardest arenas to take advantage of. The pit fills completely with saltwater, submerging and threatening to drown both combatants, not to mention the stinging effect salt will have on the eyes and wounds.

Setting V :: It's getting hot in here...Seriously though, volcanos are not the greatest place to fight. The middle of the ring will be drastically reduced to a small 10 meter circle, all the rest of the floor becoming molten lava. The heat is sure to make you work up a sweat, too!

Setting VI :: Now I'm free; free fallin'! No, really, you are, if you make the wrong move. The entire pit seems to fade away, leaving both fighters standing on one of hundreds of small platform that dot the open sky. Be careful you don't fall, though. It's a long way down...

Setting VII :: Welcome to the Jungle! Actually, it's quite unwelcome. The thick foliage is sure to restrict the movement of even the most deft of thieves, and the trees will stop most large attacks. The humidity itself can be enough to stop a man cold. Or hot, as it would be.

Setting VIII :: Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. Indeed, welcome to Hell! Scorching heats welcomes you, not to mention the brimstone that will make your eyes water. Of course, that won't matter very much. All the combatants will be surrounded in utter darkness, invisible to each other.

Setting IX :: Yay; the light at the end of the tunnel! This is Heaven, alright. Of course, you should be celebrating. Both fighters are rendered invincible (but not invulnerable) so fight like you mean it! Also, the massive amounts of mana in this place will keep you from running out of spell energy.

Setting X :: You wouldn’t like it when it’s hungry. The Arena has a violent nature of its own, attacking with the sand that covers the desert-like setting. Pits of quicksand open at random, and tidal waves of sand will shoot forward from time to time to consume the combatants.

Setting XI :: MORTAL KOMBAT!!! You remember the first movie – a narrow bridge over a massive spike pit. The spikes are thick and sharp, capable of putting a very large hole through anybody who falls into it.

Setting XII :: Who ya gonna call? In the middle of a large abandoned ghost town, the fighters face off with all types of houses, a large theater, and even a small armory as either cover or the stage for their brawl.

#9531 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:52 PM in Roleplaying

6. Character Creation Guide

Well, to quote someone else on this, I would probably say:

The best way I know to explain it is in percentages.

Most players divide their characters up on three things subconsciously. The three primary statistics for a fighter of any kind is Physical, Mental, Spiritual.

If you are mostly focused on Physical, you will find that your body is a well toned machine, capable of taking a great deal and dishing out just as much. With physical being your primary concern, you'd find that your body won't be affected by magic, where as mental powers would blow you to bits.

Spiritual powers give you an extreme connection to your body and soul without touching any kind of physical training. This gives you magical ability to turn psi fighters into minced meat, but a warrior will turn you into a hackey sack.

Mental power simply means that you are so focused in your mind that you can manipulate the world around you with thought. As such, you can turn the physical fighter into a child at your feet, but because magic is, in fact, intangible, you can't touch it.

Combining this or that would seriously drain that sort of statistic. Like... A Phy/Spi would be able to throw flaming punches, but would crumble under intense pressure of mental power. Spiritual and Mental warriors are outstanding against most things, but a single hit would turn this guy into a grave filler. Mental and physical fighters are great too, but they really can't touch magic. It hurts them. Bad.


Also, another thing that this person didn’t mention was that you could develop a ?themed? Character. Such as a drunken master or the like. Whose abilities are all centered around a certain idea.

:: Application Forum ::
User Name:
Characters Name:
Short Description of what your does:
Physical, mental, or magical:

PM me all applications, I will need to review them to make sure your character is fair.

#9527 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:51 PM in Roleplaying

“I have walked through the gates of Valhalla and fought for a lifetime. I return to you today to warn you that Odin’s eyes cannot see this arena.”

Valhalla, some have called it. Others revere it still, but not as the battleground for their Gods. Most know it as folklore, spoken about in battle-centered cultures. Some, however, know it more intimately. Some have seen it. Some have fought in it. It is their tales that tell the strangest stories of all about the Arena – but the common agreement is that, in this place, the Gods have turned their eyes from them.
The thing is, most of the people there prefer it that way. A warrior’s paradise…

The Battle Arena

1. Exposition
2. “True” Introduction
3. Rules
4. Battle Types
5. Players and Scores (during tournaments)
6. Character Creation Guideline
7. Battle RP Guidelines

Yes, this is largely a copy of Megell’s old Battle Arena, with a few twists of my own. He and I talked about it and concluded that it would be fine if I were the one to bring it back. Hopefully it enjoys a similar success to the old BA.

#9530 The Battle Arena

Posted by Rytiko on 04 June 2009 - 01:52 PM in Roleplaying

5. Player Scores/Standing

Not currently applicable.

#9494 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 28 May 2009 - 11:51 PM in Roleplaying

Oren saw the knee flying like a rocket toward his chest, packed with all the deadly force it would need to break right through his sternum and damage internal organs. He quickly sidestepped the steely blow and, more to test the durability of Hector's body than for anything else, brought his katar slamming down into the leg that had just shot at him. It bounced right off, not even leaving a mark on his body.

"Ah... I won't be able to hurt you like that, will I?" said Oren aloud, keeping an eye on the steel man. He could already tell this match would end up a stalemate. Oren couldn't hurt Hector, and Hector's body was too bulky to achieve the speed necessary to hit Oren. If it came to a battle of attrition though, Oren knew he would lose...

#9455 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 24 May 2009 - 02:15 AM in Roleplaying

OOC: Alright! Badass. Everyone that I was waiting for is here, save for Megell, but he’ll come when he comes I guess. I’m probably not going to take more than one or two more people, just so that the situation doesn’t get out of hand in group combat scenarios. Having to wait for 10 people to post before you can do anything is a pain.

That aside, I’m going to lay down a ground rule – if you are inactive for four days, I will assume control of your character temporarily. If you return within a week from the day I take control, you may continue playing and I will relinquish control of your character. If not, I will write your character off somehow, most likely by killing them. Any questions, comments, or concerns should be sent to me via PM.

So, let’s get this show on the road!

Oh, and by the way - any new character sheets, PLEASE SEND THROUGH PM.

It hadn’t been very long since the small group of travelers set sail from New River, but the frigid cold hadn’t taken more than a few hours to set in. Oren felt fine, relying on the whiskey he’d brought to give him warmth and company. He wouldn’t approach the others -some of them were creepy looking, and others just looked like they’d be a buzz-kill. Whatever. At least when he was intoxicated, the time passed a little faster.

’Still,’ Oren thought, ’I need to be at my best for this trip.’ But then, what was his best? If his mind was clear, his head hurt too bad to function. If it wasn’t, his powers felt like they did years ago, when they were young and unwieldy. Would that be enough…? He pondered this while tossing one of his bullets in the air to see if he could catch it between his thumb and index finger. He was testing his thought speed and reflexes. He caught it perfectly, as always.

As he thought about this longer and longer, his mind guided him away from any relinquishing of his habits. Whether that was his addiction or his rationality speaking was something that even Oren didn’t really know. He just liked the option that let him escape the pain, one deep swig of whiskey at a time.

“Oren, was it?” asked a woman’s voice. Cheryll Adams, the captain of their expedition.

“What do you want? Can’t you see I’m busy?” Not checking to see if his sarcasm had phased her, he took another drink and tossed the bullet into the air again, higher this time.

“Well, when you can make time, we need you to take a shift watching for icebergs or sandbars in the crow’s nest. I think you’ll have an opening in your schedule in about an hour,” she said in an orderly tone. Then, just as soon as she had come, she walked away.

“Bitch,” mocked Oren quietly. Still, at least he’d have a nice view from atop the wooden vessel. The coastline to the east was majestic in its own right, and the sun should be setting in about an hour. The arctic seas were never more enticing than when the sun reflected brilliantly off their waters. And for now at least, he was happy with that – just the boat, the coast, and the sea. It was a break from all the damn trees. He’d been looking at damn trees since he was born, and they’ve only gotten less and less impressive over the years.

The night would be soothing; almost as soothing as the whiskey he had just poured down his throat. He snatched at the bullet again, but his attempt was soon followed by the thud of it hitting the ground. Damn.

#9429 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 16 May 2009 - 02:50 PM in Roleplaying

Current Players:


Username: Rytiko

Name: Oren

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Physical Appearance: Oren's face is one that would look younger if he took better care of himself. He has a rugged goatee covering his pale white skin, connected by sideburns to his wavy chin-length amber hair. It was not stylized in any way, but rather hung as an unruly frame for an otherwise thin face. His brown eyes were often glazed over from his drug use, but still his face managed to appear serious most times. Perhaps it was the long, somewhat sharp nose or the prominent cheekbones that gave him a harsher-looking expression.

His attire may also have contributed to his serious look. He wore collared button-up shirts and blue jeans with steel-toed brown boots. Whenever he would go out and hunt, his brown leather belt with a pistol holster and slot for his katar's scabbard would be around his waste, and a brown leather vest with steel-armored shoulder plates went on over his shirt. The vest had another set of strapping on the back for his hunting rifle, completing the deadly arsenal of arms.

Combat Info: Oren was capable of enhanced neural function. It started out as enhanced cognitive ability, but since had grown into something more dangerous. He thinks fast, and processes events with an inhuman speed. His reflexes are unreal, making him very deadly in close-range combat. Lately, he had even been able to run faster and strike like a lightning bolt. Unfortunately, he was rarely at his full potential - the headaches caused by his brain and nervous system being overstressed had led him into a long cycle of drug and alcohol abuse, and he sometimes experienced seizures. Thus, he always carried a kit with epinephrine, a drug from the old world used to counter seizures. His companions are instructed of what to do if Oren seizes.

He was also an incredible shot. His enhanced cognitive speed gives him more ability to process his surroundings and line up quick shots, and he was always one step ahead of the game if he isn't too high. Sometimes though, combat is brought closer. For these situations, he carried a katar. Another weapon from the old world, the katar was a blade fastened to a wooden handle capable of being held in the hand. The blade rested in front of the knuckles, an extension of the fist. As a side arm, he had a small pistol.

Short Biography: Will come out throughout the RP.


Username: Coma

Name: Thirteen.

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Huge, over 350lbs of pure muscle. A horrible branding scar mars the right side of his face, and the left is packed with dense tattoos. Thirteen once clothed himself only in the skins of his hunting kills, but his new role as a bandit precludes this. Thirteen wears the ragged clothing he finds after attacks. His most prized piece is an ancient protective tunic (Flak jacket, fyi.) that Thirteen has decorated with ears and silver. As a symbol of his status, Thirteen wears a cloak made of the largest bear he ever took.

Combat Info (power, weapon, etc.): Although affected by the Silver Comet as anyone else was, Thirteen is either unaware of his power or unwilling to use it. Instead he relies on his amazing strength and never-dying stamina. Around Thirteen's body is a dizzying array of clubs, swords, daggers, and other instruments of cutting, ripping, and crushing. Collected from victims or crafted by hand, Thirteen is an expert in the use of them all. The giant axe "Nergal" is Thirteen's favorite weapon, seldom far from his hands. Although he mistrusts it, Thirteen carries an ancient Webley revolver under his clothing.

These weapons, including brute strength, are tempered by Thirteen's mental state. Entirely self-educated, Thirteen cares only for the here-and-now, having no concept of a future. While he is not slow, Thirteen appears very dim to the average person. Planning ahead or seeing the extent of his actions are entirely unknown to this barbarian. Furthermore, he is easily driven to murderous anger by even the most simple of tasks (that don't involve destruction).

Short Biography: A massive hulking monster, Thirteen is the Alpha Male of his traveling band of bandits. Thirteen is a child of the Meteor; his parents were members of the cult centered around the Silver Forest. Deemed at birth as being a feeble genetic reject, Thirteen was branded with his characteristic Roman numeral 'XIII' under his right eye, indicating his worthless status and inferiority. Unlike other 'feeble' children, Thirteen took pride in his brand and flaunts it even now.

At the age of 11, Thirteen was expelled from the cult's village after killing another boy. Abandoned in the desert, left to die, Thirteen once again denied his own fate. Using primitive weapons crafted of stone and wood the boy fed himself with animals poisoned by the curse of the Silver Forest. Their meat nourished him, and the alien nutrients within transformed the boy. Years of eating only Silver Forest meat and hard living crafted the boy into a fierce some warrior, unstoppable and calculating.


Username: Ravenglass

Name: Heroi Nusakan (a.k.a. “The Good Doctor”)

Age: 42

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Tall, lanky, long black hair chased with silver tied in a ponytail wears a frayed lab-coat, a pair of wire mounted spectacles, a black button down shirt with a scalpel in the breast pocket, wears a pair of frayed black jeans and no shoes, (the relevance of no shoes comes in later).

Combat Info: reffered to as “shifting” Nusakan possesses the power to alter the physical structure of matter at will. This allows him to turn stone into liquid, or concentrate lemon juice into battery acid. He molds steel like it’s made out of putty. Organic compounds present small problems because of complexity but given time he can alter even a person’s molecular structure.

Short Bio: Heroi Nusakan wasn’t always this way, he used to be a great surgeon, a man who saved lives and helped people. He came from a long medical tradition, he was trained in the workings of the human body and how to mend hurts and broken bones and cure diseases. But that was before, before the Silver.

So much bad happened, and he couldn’t fix it, he couldn’t help them all, he couldn’t save them, no matter how much he wanted to. He wanted to find new medicine, a new way to treat patients, and so he needed a new substance, something that had never been thought of as a curative, The Silver. He left his home city and traveled to the silver forest. There avoided the meteor worshippers and managed to capture many specimens which had been altered from exposure to the Silver. He caught specimens large and small, he found an old bombed out shelter near the forest and began his experiments.

The years he spent weighed heavily upon him, he began to hear things, he didn’t sleep, he barely ate, he became a waif-like skeleton of a man. He used all his time to develop a method to extract pure Silver from the twisted creatures.
The meteor worshippers eventually found him and chased him off, but not before he had managed to develop a method for extract amounts of pure Silver from these twisted animals, and he escaped with large amounts of the precious substance.

The initial testing on using Silver as a curative was initially very successful, the Silver caused disease to recede, unfortunately it also caused mutations which were unpredictable in animals the first human tests of the effect of pure Silver were done by Nusakan on himself, he acquired the use of a medical facility after returning to New River. Using a syringe Nusakan injected himself with the pure silver…

That’s where it all went wrong; the injection of the strange substance shattered his mind, which was already unbalanced from years spent in isolation near the silver forest and his inability to help those around him. The Silver also conferred upon him the strange power by which he could “see” how something was constructed, right down to the molecular level, and he found that with just a little twisting he could alter the way a substance looked, felt or behaved. This opened up grand new possibilities in the shattered mind of the doctor.

He initially continued his research and perhaps even now he still believes he does but in reality he has long since abandoned the use of Silver for curative purposes. He began to experiment on the changes it could affect on the human body.

He kidnapped people off the streets, and cut them apart to experiment on dead tissue or see the way in which his new found powers could alter a humans appearance or physical structure. The killings, kidnappings, dismemberments, and corpses, infected with silver, began to pile up and Gradually rumors began to spread, rumors which talked about a mad doctor who took people off the streets and experimented on them, this figure came to be known as the “good doctor:” a name which is now spoken with equal parts fear and revulsion, a name which is used to frighten small children into line. Nusakan continues his work to this day, sealed away in his lab, no one knows where it is located, and no one is willing to go looking.


Username: Kinewa

Name: Angus Mackenzie

Age: 64 (50 in his mind)

Gender: Male

Physical Description: Although he is only fifty years old, Angus looks much older. His stark white hair is still thick, and he wears it long and scraggly. His beard is shorter than his hair, but not by much. It, too is turning white, but specks of bright coppery red still shine through. His face is etched with scars and wrinkles, many of which are indecipherable from one another.

Angus is generally seen in a brown leather jacket and a tattered pair of jeans. His ancient tattered shirt has a picture of Mel Gibson on the front, depicted as the character William Wallace. In the cool winter months, he wears leather chaps on his legs to stay warm.

Combat Info (power, weapon, etc.):

Powers: Angus has been granted the ability of focusing all of his energy to one specific task. For example, through extended focus, he can lift something the weighs twice as much as his usual limitations. Unfortunately, whenever he uses this ability he ages approximately six months to a year because of the strain it exhibits on his body.

Weapons – Angus does not feel the need for a permanent weapon, but he is more than willing to make use of nearby objects when engaged in combat.

Short Biography:
Let's keep it a mystery


Username: Virgil

Name: Acerbus

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Physical Description: In form and proportion nothing more than an adolescent. Thin, drawn taunt like wire, he is but a shadow of what one would consider a warrior, however this image and the presumption it carries is perhaps his greatest deception and weapon. His eyes are heavily marked from a life of little repast, some have even said the iris’s themselves ignite telling of a danger within. His hair is mostly left to hang where it may, often down over his telling eyes, he does not appreciate that the obvious lack of sleep could be perceived as a personal flaw. His skin itself is lacking in pigment, seeming to enhance his aversion to the light. His clothing is simple and varies from time to time as he carries a quick satchel to change garments, he abhors a dirty environment, especially a personal one. Often unlayered shirts and denim are the choice pieces. For shoes he has tabi of sorts from the remnants of sneakers and tied fiber. He prefers solid dark colors and is often sporting a hat of some kind if the day strikes as unusually warm. The only real consistency in his appearance is fingerless wrist length gloves and a black bandana usually tied around his upper arm. If he is to be seen at all that is. If he is in the mood for something more sinister it is usually tied around his lower face. Those in proximity to him have only managed to gather the consistent objects are part of an unspoken time in Acerbus’s life. The donning of such attire is more habit than choice.

Combat Info (power, weapon, etc.):
Acerbus’s power is technically defined as a specific sort of electromagnetic, light wave manipulation. His body has been made extremely sensitive to light, and his powers cannot be accessed during the day, or in exposure to bright light. If he were to try and manipulate the particles around him in such a circumstance, it would harm him physically and the endeavor itself would be nearly ineffectual. This limits Acerbus to relying on darkness and shadow. With fewer particles of radiation, he can manipulate the shadows around him and wield them to nearly limitless potential. For offense purposes the shadows can be forged into a blade capable of tearing flesh, for defense, the can use the radiation to capture energy based projectiles, and with focus he can solidify the form even blocking out any sort of missile. He is even capable of moving between dark area’s by imbuing his own body with the scarce radiation and then willing it to move to another locale. As he grows be becomes more and more resourceful with this ability, for Acerbus, despite him knowing and understanding the physical attribution of his power, it has taken on a near spiritual context, he relates the darkness as his own hate and power, and wields it in accordance to emotion. Hating to be out of control, he will use any means necessary to stay away from needing his power, which means he often struggles with his own internal humanity.
For Physical weaponry, Acerbus seems relatively unarmed. On his person he may carry a set of knives which are as well set for throwing as thrusting. His foes may have seen him draw a full length blade which he can meld with his own ability, but none have lived to account for this. Physical mutation aside, Acerbus is incredibly nimble and lithe. Nearly any surface is scalable and his aptitude for stealth has only been strengthened by his years in the dark.

Short Biography:
Reveal bits and bits with the story. For now let’s just say he’s got some pretty troubled roots.


Username: Queztatlapoca (or Quez)

Name: Hecktor

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Physical Description: A brawler by trade, he's covered in taught ropey muscles, and nearly as many scars. A short repeatedly broken nose dawns his face, and just above that sits two nearly black beady eyes. His 5'7" height puts him a bit shorter then most of his competitors but he nevertheless comes out the victor. His brown pants, sun dulled and torn, haven't been changed in at least 2 years. Those however are in perfect condition when compared to his vest he wears before and after fights. A keepsake from his childhood, he refuses to wear anything on top of or under it. He wears a pair of combats on his feet, he says, for style.

Combat Info: As tough and as grisly as he is, Hecktor's ability heightens that. With the ability to turn parts of himself or all of himself into solid steel in the blink of an eye it's no wonder he hasn't lost a fight. Combining he's unarmed speed style with his body of steel he is a threat to any who get in his way. The downsides to this are quite visible. The injuries he does sustain last for days longer then they should. His metabolism is nearly one quarter that of the average person. Flus, colds, diseases linger and eat away at him. His acute asthma doesn't help either.

Background: Work in progress


Username: Megell

Names: Simon Grounds and Penelope

Ages: 23 and 18 respectively.

Genders: Simon; Male. Penelope; Female.

Physical description: A businessman and a model of some sorts, or so it would appear at first glance if you met them in any town or city. Simon wears high-end suits that are made from some of the fine remaining fabrics that are left in the world. His hair is a simple auburn brown, and his eyes a pale green, light in his features, and always carrying a brief case. Ultimately he would be rather unremarkable in any town. His compatriot Penelope on the other hand tends to draw much attention. Here figure, where many male eyes are drawn is slim with the “right proportions”, is covered by a tight, blue low cut dress. She Wears high healed boots, made out of white varnished leather. However, she does have some other rather unique features, her hair, which is silver, and her eyes which are bluer then what one would ever dream of finding on a human. Also, her body language, most notably is more shy then one would ever suspect to find on someone with such features.

Combat Info: ??????

Biography: ??????

Additional notes: Not currently with the party, while you guys are on the ship.

GM’s Note: Details will be made available upon appearance of certain traits related to this character. The nature of Megell’s role in this RP prohibits all information from being made available at this time.

#9506 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 29 May 2009 - 03:47 PM in Roleplaying

"Hey, don't just walk away from me!" Oren shouted as Hector turned to Cheryll. Being completely ignored set him over the edge; he walked forward, dropping his katar and getting ready to beat his fleshy face to a pulp. Before he got that far though, Hector had started to cough up blood. He collapsed, complaining about his rib. Damn. Oren knew that he must have still caused some damage by kicking off his chest.

And now he was asking for painkillers. Oren had a lot of that, including some intravenous stuff, but his addiction clamped his mouth shut before he even began to make the offer. 'What if I run out?' he thought. Why should I give this guy peace when I can't have it?' It was in that moment that Oren saw the extent of his problem... would he really let a man lay in agony so he didn't deplete his stash?

The answer was yes. He would. Oren said nothing, but he did get on the ground to try and lift Hector onto a bed. With Cheryll's help, they got him up onto the bottom bunk of the nearest bedset. After, Cheryll began ranting about teamwork and trustworthiness... Oren wasn't listening. Thinking about the drugs made him want another pill, and he was going through his usual futile hesitance. Despite all of the fights he had won in his life, Oren had never won this fight with himself. The score now was 0 and God knows how many.

He shamelessly took a pill out of his pocket and popped it right in front of them all.

#9497 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 29 May 2009 - 12:43 AM in Roleplaying

"Apologize? Huh," Oren began, "I'm not sorry. I never actually did anything, other than fail to understand your shouting. You're the one that did all the yelling and punching."

But Oren didn't really see what he could do against the steel body. Armor piercing weapon as it may be, it couldn't go through a body made entirely of steel. Even his bullets would bounce off... but maybe if he fought long enough, he'd find a weak point. With a smirk, Oren jumped into the air. It was the perfect temptation for Hector to try and hit Oren like a limp pinata. At the first sign of movement, however, Oren planned to deliver a well-aimed kick to the moving joint. It was only a theory, but maybe Hector was forced to de-metalicize joints with movement... Hopefully, because otherwise Oren probably would be a limp pinata, not to mention attract everybody on the boat that was looking for a fight when his body was slammed into the ship.

#9428 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 16 May 2009 - 02:24 PM in Roleplaying

NOTE: Upon review of my abysmal geography, I realized that I had to change some details of the journey. Please review these changes in the overview of the RP objectives below the intro and above the character sheets. Also, some changes will be noted in Cheryll's letter, but it is better explained in the overview.

Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent’s Eden

Several centuries ago, the world as we know it came to its apocalyptic climax. A grand symphony of war, conducted with weapons as deadly to the planet as they were to humans, consumed all of mankind. Entire continents were ravaged, histories completely lost, and civilizations annihilated. All it took to unsettle the world and plunge it into an all-consuming war was a little push from the cosmos – a meteor.

It came suddenly. No news network or scientific research saw it before it was far too late. It was over a mile in diameter, consumed in silvery flames. There were a few fragments that showered all of the Americas, but the bulk of it all slammed down somewhere in what was then known as Texas. These days, it’s simply called the Silver Forest.

Silver seems to be the uniting theme here, doesn’t it? That’s not without reason. The silver flames were paranormal, almost as much so as the meteor’s affect on the planet. People were changed. So were plants and animals. A common feature among plants and animals, one not found so often in humans, is a color alteration – the leaves of some plants were turned luminescent silver, as was the fur or feathers of some animals. But it changed so much more than just color…

Those nearest the impact site were affected the most. They developed extraordinary abilities, ranging from strength to mental ability… and myself. I was so close that I should have been incinerated, but the effects of the meteor operated so quickly that its alteration to my own DNA happened in an instant.

The reason I am alive today is my gift, and my curse – regeneration. I cannot be permanently damaged, nor can I age. I have seen the world destroy itself, and I have twice watched it be destroyed. The meteor has a cult. It invokes temptation. It is greed and power that destroyed the world the first time, but the meteor does not seem to like the idea of humanity rebuilding itself. Most documents and knowledge have been eradicated due to the fact that the two times that humans have managed to resettle and develop a wide-span civilization in North America, the meteor’s following – those controlled by it – have ravaged civilization with their vastly superior power. Especially that of the Plant Man.

The Plant Man is a human being, but you couldn’t tell anymore. He glows silver, and rarely appears outside his plant pod that protects him, that he uses to fight. He controls the growth of plants, and can make them grow from nothing. He was with me at the impact, but his power far exceeds mine. The meteor chose him as its host. He is the manifestation of its will, the wielder of its immense power. He will not allow us to thrive, and nobody seems capable of killing him, even those of us with powers.

So what will happen next time we get close…? We need something else. We need to be able to fight him. I’ve heard rumor of a girl on the other side of the Atlantic that has a similar power to him, but hers seems superior. She can create life from lifelessness, and has crafted a “Garden of Eden” in what I knew as Siberia. Would she help us in America? Or does she think like the Plant Man? It seems, unfortunately, that it might be the latter. The source of the rumor is a philosopher from her Garden that was forced to abandon it because of his scientific ideas and craving for rebirth of the world. He was banished, and managed to make the journey to New River, built atop what I knew as New York, by traveling across the Arctic Circle. The Atlantic is far too dangerous to traverse – the Leviathans lurk in its waters. They are massive, and they are vicious. Nobody has seen them and lived, save for myself. Trust me though – you don’t want to meet one.

That out of the way, the reason I’m writing this is because I want to put together an expedition, conducted by myself and the bravest adventurers New River has to offer. Please, help me – we could save the world. We could be safe again.


Cheryll Adams

Oren put down the letter and took another puff from his pipe of opium. His head hurt, more than usual today. The headaches were getting worse. The drugs were getting weaker. Even with the alcohol, it barely took the edge off. Even through the pain though, his thoughts were gathered enough to know what he had to do. This was his chance to make the world a suitable place once more – he couldn’t possibly pass it up. Besides, maybe the stimulation would help his head. The pain was almost unbearable now…

Oren sucked deeply from the pipe one last time before passing out on his floor. This was routine for him now – wake up, get high enough to numb the pain, and eventually pass out. He was a pathetic, broken man. The only reason he kept living was because he knew he was destined for something great. Maybe this would give him the satisfaction he needed…


There were others who received the same letter from Cheryll Adams. One week later, they had all gathered and set sail from New River to a large island to the Northeast (Greenland). They would be able to stick very close to the shores, close enough to limit the danger from creatures in the sea that may serve the Meteor. Once in the arctic circle, the waters would be far too cold for the Leviathans. They need only cross the landmass and, according to Cheryll's informant, an ice bridge extends from northern Greenland to the Siberian region. From there, they need only find this "Garden of Eden."

But many dangers lay ahead for the adventurers, both on land and on sea. Let us only hope that they are strong enough, and brave enough, for the long journey ahead.

P.S. - For your humor, I will give you a single hint about the world the RP is set in - the area that they are headed to, this Garden of Eden, is located in none other than Modern-day Tunguska. Oooooh... Foreshadowing? Yay for historical fiction!


Submit character sheets to me – I am not imposing a limit upon the number of RPers that may join. Anybody who wants to may, though I will be starting the RP within the next couple of days. You may join afterwards, though it may be difficult to work yourself into the story. Just send me a PM and we’ll figure something out.

On your character sheet, please supply the following information:




Physical Description:

Note: Clothing is often modified from things that exist today in the real world to include basic armor and protection, though some more tribal cultures have developed their own completely separate style of clothing.

Combat Info (power, weapon, etc.):


Powers - Does your character have a power? If so, keep in mind that most abilities come with some type of handicap. My character, for example, has
enhanced cognitive ability, enabling very fast thought and reflexes. It is a nervous system ability that has other side effects, beneficial (neurons fire faster, enabling him to move more quickly than normal humans) and malicious. He gets very bad headaches, and sometimes will experience dangerous seizures. This has caused him to become a drug addict, and thus his thoughts, though fast, are often hazy and impaired.

Weapons – Nothing too advanced. Think civil-war type weaponry. I will make some exceptions, but you need to have them approved. Mention to me what you would like and I will see if it fits into the world.

Short Biography:

Note: This is NOT a requirement. If you wish to do so, you may leave this blank in order to explain your character throughout the story. That is perhaps a better option for a writer who wants to maintain some mystery to his/her character.

#9466 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 25 May 2009 - 09:23 AM in Roleplaying

OOC: Virgil and I did something in his post that I want to point out – in dialogue situations, rather than make small posts and waiting for someone else to reply with another short paragraph, you can contact the person whose character yours is talking to and work out the post with them beforehand, thus streamlining the process.

“You’re a lofty one, aren’t you?” said Oren, humored by his manner of speech. It was just as hazy and shadowed as he was. “Alright, we’ll get out of the sunlight.”

So Oren was right – the kid couldn’t even operate in the direct sunlight. But he was also wrong about his control – he was better than Oren initially thought. He had perfectly removed all light from the perimeter of his hands. Very interesting indeed… What else could the kid do?

The pair of them walked off of the ship deck, passing an old man on their way into the crew’s cabin. Inside, it was still cold, but it was much darker save for the columns of light from the row of windows on one side of the ship. They went through this room down a trapdoor near the entrance and made their way into the crew’s dormitory, lined with several bunk beds. It was very dark here, and Oren could tell that the kid loved it.

“So,” Oren began, “You mentioned an injection. I was given my ability the same way… I can’t begin to count the days I spent locked up, praying for a chance to escape. It actually never came until a couple of kids decided they were going to bust out with me. Nero and Eron… They couldn’t have been older than 14. They took my ability and made them far more powerful than I am, albeit underdeveloped at the time. What’s become of them, I have no idea… So what’s your story? What brought you here?”

Oren offered this story as a gesture of good will. He didn’t tell it often, but knew that it might open things up to further indulge his curiosity. Essentially, Oren had just found a new item of interest. Oddly enough, while his mind was occupied talking to him and watching the light move in slow motion, the pain was dampened. Even if it was only for a few minutes, it was worth it.

#9522 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 03 June 2009 - 12:24 AM in Roleplaying

OOC: I figure it's time to end the boat scene. It was essentially my tool to figure out the types of bonds that will be formed between the characters. I think we've established that, and I don't want to do much else on the boat. Any type of sea attack pretty much guarantees all of our deaths, because the sea creatures in this world are enormous and are, without doubt, more than capable of destroying the ship in a second. That in mind, the best option now is a time skip.

Any character development or relationship development you want to have ellaborated upon by/with another player, feel free to discuss this through PMs. I'm always happy to be surprised by players' collaboration. Ahoy!

Oren sat atop the crow's nest on the fifth evening, watching the icy waters around the ship with what can only be described as boredom. The days had become routine: Wake up, eat, drink, and maybe talk to the kid. The nights were even more routine - every evening, he had his shift in the crow's nest for an hour. After watching nothing for an hour, he would head to dinner and then lay motionless in bed for hours before finally drifting off to sleep. He was trying his hardest not to get back into the habit of pushing himself to a daily pass-out. Addicted as he was, he knew that he would have to think clearly once they hit land.

Land. If only. All Oren saw were icebergs... but then, there was something that seemed too large to be an iceberg. Upon closer examination though, maybe not - it was just a very large cluster of icebergs. And they were headed straight for it for some reason. Watching for a moment longer, Oren saw why. The moving horizon opened the view like theater drapes to reveal a giant landmass behind the cluster of icy spikes.

He shouted down to Cheryll, "Hey! I see land, but there's no path to it! How are we getting through here?" Before she answered though, Oren had the feelitng suspicion that there was no intention of this ship making it through in one piece. Damn. It was about to get very cold...

#9457 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 24 May 2009 - 03:03 PM in Roleplaying

The man’s wild-looking eyes and less-than-charming smile would likely have frightened a normal woman. Cheryll, however, had seen far worse in her long life. The odd thing about him was that he had not been a recipient of one of her letters. In fact, she’d never seen or heard of him before in her life. All of the others, even Oren and Ascerbus, she had at least heard of from prison camp records. Not him though.

But no, that wasn’t right – the last name was familiar. But from an odd source. Was she mistaken…?

’So either I should have him killed,’ Cheryll thought, ’Or make him useful to me.’ She weighed the options while he spoke and made her decision before he finished. With a smirk, she replied, “We can always hope, right?”

But while that might be the answer everybody was able to hear, she drew closer to the doctor. Wistfully, she cast her hair aside and moved in toward his ear, whispering, “I’d like to speak with you in private tonight.”

She stepped away and turned around, leaving a key to the captain’s cabin in his hand. Maybe this would turn out well for her after all…

#9463 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 24 May 2009 - 10:25 PM in Roleplaying

Oren had seen many things, many abilities, in his life. One thing he had not seen yet, however, was what this kid next to him was doing. He was moving light around like it was nothing, like it didn't even require him to focus. He was notably impressed. As he watched, it only took him a second or two to figure out how his power worked. He could control energy associated with light, but he didn't seem to like it too much – his skin was far too pale. If anything, he liked to move it away from him. But he had to be somewhat new to this, because his control seemed sloppy. It was unlikely that anyone else would notice, but Oren's mind had gone into hyperdrive when he began to focus on the kid – he was seeing things in slow motion, giving him time to analyze it. In the same stroke as his inexperience, however, he saw the kids potential – there were shimmers that seemed like they were breaching far beyond the visible spectrum.

'Interesting,' thought Oren. 'Very interesting. I wonder what he's thinking about?' He was intrigued enough to actually approach him, something very uncommon with him. People normally bored him. They were too simple. This kid probably was too, but at least his ability was enticing enough for him to start a conversation.

“What's going on in that head of yours, kid? You seem very focused on something,” Oren said in his gruff voice. He wasn't looking at him instead staring off the side of the ship, but the target of his sentence was clear.

#9503 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 29 May 2009 - 03:02 PM in Roleplaying

Oren watched Hector's body carefully, looking for any kind of opening in his steel frame. 'Nothing... Damn,' he thought. The only way out was to put himself into even more of a predicament than he was already in and just hope that Hector was too slow to catch him. He thought about his options for what seemed like thirty or so seconds to Oren, but in reality only a small fraction of a second had passed. The decision was reached to go for the Hail Mary approach.

Utilizing his quick-moving muscles once more, he brought his legs out in front of him and propped them on Hector's broad chest, preparing to launch himself off into a back flip in order to distance himself from the steel juggernaut. Once he was back on his feet, he would either have to give up or keep looking for a weakness...


Cheryll rushed to the bottom of the ship at the sounds of yelling and the clash of steel. Already, a fight had exploded among the crew. She peeled through the ship, rushing as quickly as she could toward their origin with her rapier now drawn. She didn't want to have to put herself in the middle, but if the men were going to beat each other to death anyway, she'd rather them beat the one who couldn't die.

She ran into the room to see Hector and Oren in a full out brawl, Oren holding his blade and Hector completely covered in steel. Off to the side stood another member of the party, Ascerbus. Light was dancing around him madly, and his eyes gave the impression that he wanted in on the action. Cheryll was more worried about Ascerbus drawing blood than either Hector or Oren - the two of them would probably fight for hours without even touching each other. The shadow-clad assassin however was a completely different story...

#9540 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 09 June 2009 - 12:08 AM in Roleplaying

OOC: Sorry about the time delay – at first I was going to leave time for everybody to give their character some type of orientation before this, but the last couple of days I honestly just haven't gotten to posting. Graduation, exam schedules, etc... Sorry!

It was as Oren had predicted. There was never any intention of the ship surviving their landing. Cheryll stood at the front of the ship, looking somehow different, with a fiery charge in her eyes set straight forward.

“No need to try and avoid the ice – it's a losing battle!” She shouted to the helmsman. “We'll go straight through. All decks, brace for impact! Get ready to abandon ship! When you hit the water, the current will take you to shore! We'll meet in the central valley!”

She was of course referring to the strange two-pronged claw formation made from the icy mountains on the shore. But a lot of good that did him! It was great to know what to do when he got to shore, it was the getting there that proved ever problematic. If they were headed straight through, they'd have at least six holes in the ship by the time they were still the great span of 500 feet away.

“You got that kid?” Oren said to Ascerbus after getting back to the deck and approaching the young shadow-wielder. He had abandoned the crow's nest – there was no point anymore. “We're going to stay on this ship for as long as possible. We'll ride it in until we can cross with the least amount of swimming... 'cause once we hit that water, there's no guarantee we'll be surviving the swim.”


The ship jolted forward as the wooden starboard side ripped around the ice cap. From here on in, they were at the mercy of the tugging currents. Cheryll was right – there was no point in even trying to navigate through. The ship was pulled sideways straight into another ice cap, and the port side let out a strange scream as the hull was punctured.

Oren could see that the ship was getting lower and lower in the water already. He take a sip of whiskey and said, “Here's to hope!”

#9552 Shattered Renaissance: The Serpent's Eden

Posted by Rytiko on 12 June 2009 - 08:01 AM in Roleplaying

OOC: What's happening guys? I can see where Ravenglass might be waiting for me, but what about the rest of you?

Cheryll stood at the helm as the ship crashed against the ice. Shards of hail rained onto them with each crushing blow to the ship's hull. All the meanwhile, the doctor was making jokes. She wasn't paying much attention though... She had a nasty feeling that the iceberg pinball game wasn't the most deadly challenge for the party. Still, she had to do something. The crew was getting nervous. Ascerbus and Oren looked as if they were about to jump ship.

"We're not swimming. Or at least, I get the impression that you aren't. What have you got up your --" She was cut off as the bow smashed heavily into another iceberg, sending a crack through the entire deck. She saw Oren and Ascerbus leaping off of the rig onto the icebergs around them - they were trained for such agility, after all. More importantly though, she saw the mast falling in her direction, threatening to crush her...

#9616 Rollcall!

Posted by Rytiko on 07 August 2009 - 01:44 PM in News

Yeah, I'm still here. I check in every now and then, but everything just completely died a couple months ago. What happened?

#9426 Playing With New RP Ideas

Posted by Rytiko on 15 May 2009 - 12:30 AM in OOC Information and Planning

I've been trying to come up with something, anything, but I just can't put my finger on what exactly I want to do. I was going to run a few ideas past you guys, and I want to know what you'd want to see.

1. Modern World, Heroes-style RP

I was thinking of something kind of like the TV show Heroes. Ordinary people developing incredible abilities. It'll be kind of fan fiction-ish, which I don't really like, but I'll put a unique twist on it. Don't worry, the source of the powers and such will be slightly different, so it's not just going to be a rip from the show. I'll figure it out somehow, and it might be fun.

2. Ruina-based RP, pre-Rytiko

Assuming nobody has read my Ruina story, allow me to explain. To preface though, let me say that I've significantly changed the details of the world since the last time I started writing it. But I'll get to it -

Basically, it's a mixed technology world (no guns quite yet) centered around two things - Manipulation of an energy granted by a crystal to those who are around it for long periods of time or those who are born from those who already have the mutation, and alchemy based around two unique elements that were ever present in the world. The Magi, those affected by the crystal, are those that a certain religious group view as blessed or godsent. The group is in stark opposition to the scientific transcendance desired by Alchemists.

When I say "pre-Rytiko", I am refering to the origin of my character. His presence significantly changes the world, and thus I am not willing to have him there. He would dominate the RP, and that isn't fair to the players.

Things will be better explained if this option is preferred.

3. Shattered Renaissance RP

Another world I've been developing. It's set a few centuries after our world, in a completely ravaged world in the process of rebuilding itself. It presents another mixed technology situation, but with crude guns. Gunpowder is expensive and limited severely by a lack of contact between areas and thus a lack of trade between the largest American settlements. There are highways, but they are dangerous due to the effects of what is believed to be a meteor in modern-day Texas. The world seems to be retaliating against humanity - Some plants are sentient and aggressive, animals have mutated and become more dangerous and capable... All of this seems to be bent by the will of a mysterious entity that has appeared twice now, just when the world was on the verge of a true rebirth. It destroyed everything along with a large tribe of super-powered worshipers centered around the meteor in Texas.

This meteor has created slight mutations in some humans, and some mutations have even been created by man using fragments that can sometimes be found in the wild by hunters or wandering tribes. Such things include enhanced physique, hightened senses, enhanced cognitive speed, ability, and reflexes, and some more severe mutations have created things like rapid cellular regeneration (think Wolverine), or even things like rock-hard skin or a vampire-like effect.

Not many people are gifted, keep in mind, and generally those who are do not have extreme abilities and, if they do, they are probably infertile or suffer from other immensely detrimental effects.

It'll be a fun RP that probably ventures away from the central plot of my story by actually leaving the North American continent. Perhaps a naval scene will start it out?

#9437 Get this forum up and going again.

Posted by Rytiko on 20 May 2009 - 10:19 PM in OOC Information and Planning

As long as you can post once a day, you're welcome to jump into the RP I just put up. I'm not restricting access at all with this one, so if it ends up a little big, oh well. I think it'll probably cap out around 5 players though, maybe 6. That's within an operable range, assuming everyone is reliable.

Naturally, it'll probably die eventually, as do all RPs... but I'm gonna try and keep this one kind of short, so maybe we'll get a ways into it before one of the members stops posting or vanishes. Hell, maybe it can go all the way if I assume some level of God Modding in the case of inactivity. I might just kill off characters that prove inactive for a few days. We'll see how it goes.

#9380 Get this forum up and going again.

Posted by Rytiko on 29 April 2009 - 12:00 AM in OOC Information and Planning

What we need is a new reason for them to join. Consider that the forum is empty - there's nothing to join as far as roleplaying goes, so no initiative for Gaian roleplayers or anyone else, for that matter, to join.

I'd love to be able to come back here and RP with you guys again - I miss doing it, and I liked all of your styles.

As far as giant banners go, let's hold back on the high-res desktop-size image, lol. But a banner is a good idea. I think what needs to happen first, though, is that we need to get going again. We're essentially asking for more blood for a patient with a stopped heart. Let's pull out the paddles and get it pumping first, and then we can worry about the blood transfusions.

#9388 Get this forum up and going again.

Posted by Rytiko on 03 May 2009 - 07:09 PM in OOC Information and Planning

Here's my plan -

I'll start working on a new RP, and try to have it up within the next day or so.

Megell, pitch us a new Battle Arena - it's great for quick one-on-one RP's with a gradually unfolding story. As I kind of did with a few of my characters, hint at some mysterious background with random characters, but then you have something that we don't - the power to truly shape the history and real story of the arena, if you so choose. I liked the semi-omnipotence of your character if only for that reason - it seemed to be a hint at something, like maybe he was somehow involved with its creation in order to become more powerful? Either way, loved the arena, and there's no reason to let it die.

Anybody that does some more classic fantasy stuff that is going to attract mass loads of people, why not do something simple? Kinewa, we could try again with your RP, or at least in the same setting.

Ric, make a banner. Why not? You're good at that type of thing, and I don't have PS anymore. GIMP just doesn't do it for me - I don't understand it quite yet. Post whatever you do in a separate thread in this forum, and we can throw away our pride and head back to Gaia for a little bit. My account with the guild and the shitload of gold and cool stuff got hacked a long time ago, and I just don't have the patience to try and go back to it. No idea what the password for that account is anyway, so I'll use the new one I made a month or so ago.

Anyway, that's irrelevant. The next step is that we all need to be a bit more active and make the RPs roll forward - nobody really cares enough to join a dead forum.

Does anybody have a problem with this plan? Or any ideas to offer?