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#6227 Cause i think i can

Posted by Mizukage on 06 May 2007 - 10:15 PM in Chat-Box

4th demension storage, keep them in times before they are born. thier death would result in a time paradox.

#4180 Dreamstone

Posted by Mizukage on 26 January 2007 - 03:44 PM in Corridors of Time

Don't delude yourself, FFXI wil never end, it is a monstosity.
But I like the thought that we could recieve more excellence, maybe DS compatible? I mean even if they brought back the old titles for DS, that system was made for the RPG.

#4182 Dreamstone

Posted by Mizukage on 26 January 2007 - 05:52 PM in Corridors of Time

ahh, one could only hope, guess you'd have to upgrade though.

#4204 Dreamstone

Posted by Mizukage on 30 January 2007 - 06:16 PM in Corridors of Time

Beautiful, that means more for me to spend my hard earned wealth upon.

Did you see? POP the two thrones on Wii? WOOOOO! its gonna kick more ass!

sorry for the digression

#4074 Dreamstone

Posted by Mizukage on 19 January 2007 - 04:04 PM in Corridors of Time

the dreamstone isn't tied in because it really is quite good and we wouldn't want it to be tied into the one thing that is despised equally amoungst they that should know better.
or maybe were talking sequel?

#4168 Dreamstone

Posted by Mizukage on 24 January 2007 - 05:33 PM in Corridors of Time

I wasn't really saying that we should refer to only one instance, I merely supposed that a brand new title be formed to sort the question out, god knows the series ends with a cliffhanger for each game.

#7513 Rubiks cube

Posted by Mizukage on 05 July 2007 - 07:49 PM in Chat-Box

in this instance I agree with megell, they are seriously easy. the simple application of a fitting math equation and you can solve it, logic helps too.

#5006 Moose's pics

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 08:15 PM in Art Art

very skillfully done, one minor problem though, its too real. I like the 1st

#6273 epic questions.

Posted by Mizukage on 09 May 2007 - 02:35 PM in Chat-Box

alright, so please I would like some answers for character, ummm, development, so if you could answer the following questions truthfully. one answer for each it would be much appreciated. any secondaries could be followed up on later.

Mind it is your single most absolute favorite of all time. i need facts, not feelings.

Favorite anime:

Favorite anime character:

Favorite game:

Favorite game character:

I guess I can go first.

Samurai X OST
Spike Spegiel
Zelda: Orcarina of Time

#6337 epic questions.

Posted by Mizukage on 13 May 2007 - 08:38 PM in Chat-Box

for those who know me really well, tamiki is like me

See Kinewa? it works!

Never mind that. 5? five is the number of people on this site that qualify for this question?

I don't know wether to be dissapointed or impressed.

come on! I need more data! I mean, saite my humanic curiousity!

#6277 epic questions.

Posted by Mizukage on 09 May 2007 - 05:49 PM in Chat-Box

Tamaki? I am not personally familiar with that anime or its characters. is he similar to Onizuka Eikichi or a Kentaro Oe?

#4167 Firefox Extensions

Posted by Mizukage on 24 January 2007 - 05:31 PM in Chat-Box

dude, you should buy a mac.
I sold one to some foreign dude and I don't even work for them.

#4017 Firefox Extensions

Posted by Mizukage on 16 January 2007 - 02:44 PM in Chat-Box

That isn't saying much.

but if you have a problem with IE Megell, might I suggest something?

#4178 Firefox Extensions

Posted by Mizukage on 26 January 2007 - 03:39 PM in Chat-Box

It is nothing, merely sowing the seeds of discord.

I like to thing of myself as an advocate of chaos.

#4394 If I had to die, how would I want to go?

Posted by Mizukage on 20 February 2007 - 03:20 PM in Chat-Box

I cannot Die, I have yet to unite the world in my image.

I hope to die by the blade.
my burial would be a spectacle. think ancient rome. but with a twist. they would load my torso with as much comp-B as they can, and a timer. I would then be paraded to a large cannon, that is set up alongside a busy higway. (if we even have highways in the 27nd century) then i would be doused in kerosene, light on fire and fired out over top of the highway, the resulting explosion would be Wrath-Of-God good. think of what would be an everybodies mind? Me! Ha!

#5831 n00bing it up in Photoshop!

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 06:55 PM in Art Art

Pfft, i've seen worse, casey?

#4325 Corridors of Time

Posted by Mizukage on 15 February 2007 - 10:01 PM in Corridors of Time

she is pretty sweet, but how can you not love a frog that speakes in ye olde english? and the masamune quest? pretty slick. it makes the game.

#3680 Corridors of Time

Posted by Mizukage on 18 December 2006 - 05:52 PM in Corridors of Time

are we the only chaps that dig Chronos and the crew?
do you still have radical dreamers?

#3341 Corridors of Time

Posted by Mizukage on 27 November 2006 - 11:29 PM in Corridors of Time

A subhuman must have an antagonist, its more kickass to keep magus.

and remember when he kicked your ass the first time you meet? wanna know why?

cause he's hardcore!

#3687 Corridors of Time

Posted by Mizukage on 18 December 2006 - 11:50 PM in Corridors of Time

sweet, Besides, you know me. I'm good for it.
I would only use them for the good of me, I mean mankind.

#3290 Corridors of Time

Posted by Mizukage on 25 November 2006 - 03:09 PM in Corridors of Time

Word up! Frog is king!

#6504 Questions About Morality

Posted by Mizukage on 22 May 2007 - 11:57 AM in Rants, Raves 'n Debates

In that, you are wrong, for I am now a part of this discussion.

to understand morals, you must understand humans, more importantly, the way humans percieve. it is now cliche for a person to look at another race, or culture, and say "now, thats just wrong, they should be like me!"

what the observer, in this instance, does not realize, is that the observed have existed for several years/centuries, without outside influence.

In 1995 clinton held an invasion, for humanitarian reasons of course, of the african nation of somalia. a hotbed of rebels, vagrance and violence. vice at its finest.

the americans were forced to tactically withdraw after a large sortie with an aboriginie warband resulted in 19 fatalities.

the americans, in thier infinite wisdom and military prowess entered into an area that they had faulty info about the people. the somalians were warriors, born and bred, logic did not apply to the horde of african fighters, running and gunning in the effort to be the one to hold the ranger's head above his shoulders, still dripping his lifeblood.

At the heart of this all is logic. it was logical to stop this sort of behavior from our point of view, but in the eyes of the somalians, bloodshed was a form of freedom.

a militaristic society, shunned by the "civilized" world. there are countless examples like this. it simply goes to show you that logic, and its subsiquent morality are seen through different lenses, in different lands.

#4696 A Collection of Webcomics

Posted by Mizukage on 06 March 2007 - 03:15 PM in Chat-Box

And of character development? Megatokyo.com

#5788 A Collection of Webcomics

Posted by Mizukage on 18 April 2007 - 10:00 AM in Chat-Box

best to add http://www.leasticoulddo.com/ to the pile, it is an excellent mirror of life as I see it.

#4991 Hey guys!

Posted by Mizukage on 16 March 2007 - 11:37 AM in Chat-Box

why? you know the information I want. I would be wise of you to surrender it willingly