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There have been 64 items by rickoshay818 (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#9638 What's New With Kinewa

Posted by rickoshay818 on 16 September 2009 - 05:47 PM in Chat-Box

Oh nice, I will enjoy reading this, yes yes. Domo for the win by the way moose :P.

#9636 Rollcall!

Posted by rickoshay818 on 15 September 2009 - 06:59 AM in News

WACHAAA! Karate choppage! I am here.

#9593 PS3

Posted by rickoshay818 on 14 July 2009 - 01:25 PM in Chat-Box

Not where I am. People here are all Xbox 360 nerds.. :(

#9585 PS3

Posted by rickoshay818 on 06 July 2009 - 12:06 PM in Chat-Box

How much memory do the game saves take up? Also I bought the 80 gb version so I think I'm fine for now. I remember you mentioning some stuff about PS3s in the past. What's your PSN?

#9583 PS3

Posted by rickoshay818 on 06 July 2009 - 08:22 AM in Chat-Box

Sorry I haven't been posting at all in the past few weeks. I was on vacation, mostly at the beach. Anyway, moving on.

I recently got a PS3 as a late birthday present. I don't have any games for it yet, but I still own PS2 with a lot of games. I've been trying to transfer files from my PC to my PS3 via a flash drive, but either the file type is wrong or i'm not naming my folders in the flash drive right. Any comments or help? Also anyone that owns a PS3 will be my very bestest pal :P

#9582 日本に行きましょう!

Posted by rickoshay818 on 06 July 2009 - 08:17 AM in Chat-Box

A family about 10 miles from where I live got the swine flu. They took a vacation to mexico and came back sick.
Anyway, good luck on your trip to japan moose! *sit's in corner writhing with jealousy*

#9550 13

Posted by rickoshay818 on 10 June 2009 - 01:14 PM in Chat-Box


#9539 13

Posted by rickoshay818 on 08 June 2009 - 02:16 PM in Chat-Box

I'm 13! Yeah! Yesterday was the big day! :D Happy happy birthday!

#9538 Kingda Ka

Posted by rickoshay818 on 08 June 2009 - 02:14 PM in Chat-Box

I want to see it so bad! I recently saw Terminator: Salvation this past weekend and it was pretty flippin' sweet. Anyway, the guy at the end of the trailer sucking up sand is Devastator. He's made up of like 5 smaller depecticons. He's the biggest one. The next biggest would be that guy on the giant wheel that goes through the bridge. He's Scavenger. If you don't know what i'm talking about go watch the trailer.


Posted by rickoshay818 on 04 June 2009 - 06:44 PM in Chat-Box

Yeah I was wondering that too.


Posted by rickoshay818 on 03 June 2009 - 06:26 AM in Chat-Box

Ooh Haha. I like these things. Kinewa! You must now do snakes on a train!

#9516 Kingda Ka

Posted by rickoshay818 on 02 June 2009 - 06:35 AM in Chat-Box

Procrastination ruins everything! :( Too bad I too abuse it a lot.

#9509 Kingda Ka

Posted by rickoshay818 on 30 May 2009 - 03:43 PM in Chat-Box

It was really fun. And actually I almost did puke. If I had eaten one more slice of pizza I would have.

#9490 What would you do if you had an ________ for a week?

Posted by rickoshay818 on 28 May 2009 - 08:32 PM in Chat-Box

If I had an accountant, I would turn the sun into a russian, bomb the boss' house, then die.

#9479 Kingda Ka

Posted by rickoshay818 on 27 May 2009 - 07:06 PM in Chat-Box

Went to Six Flags this past weekend with some friends. Fun. Rode the worlds tallest, fastest, roller coaster. :P

Here's a front row POV video:

I really rode in the second row, but this is about what I was seeing/feeling. I would've filmed it but they wouldn't allow cameras on anymore, apparently one person lost his and complained to six flags saying it was their fault. Fun times.

#9478 Eww

Posted by rickoshay818 on 27 May 2009 - 06:55 PM in Chat-Box

Pssh. Pfft. Shovel? Pfft. *cough*. Shovels are like a jackhammer's little cousin that cowers in fear over his mighty power of awesomeness. Or just buy a chainsaw. Cut a circle out of the ground and pick up the mud with a forklift. B)

#9476 The Webcomic.

Posted by rickoshay818 on 27 May 2009 - 06:51 PM in Chat-Box

Also, I've been wondering for a while, did you draw that girl on the archive page? It looks really good. ^_^

#9431 We are worth.

Posted by rickoshay818 on 18 May 2009 - 06:33 PM in Chat-Box

Eskimos are a threat to whales living everywhere! Run, Shamu! RUN!

#9430 Eww

Posted by rickoshay818 on 18 May 2009 - 06:32 PM in Chat-Box

Pfft. I still think F is a cooler letter. It's like a man standing looking at his hand. C is just a worm, or some lazy guy.

#9416 Drack's Back

Posted by rickoshay818 on 10 May 2009 - 06:30 AM in News

Yay fas is back ^_^ And yes drack is very clever. By the way, fas, I could never really figure out your avatar. Is it like a robot on mars?

#9403 Eww

Posted by rickoshay818 on 06 May 2009 - 07:26 PM in Chat-Box

Oh. We're we talking about celcius? I'm such a dummy.. :(
Also, 15 degrees isn't cold at all. You see, thats what hobos have their room temperature on (if hobos had houses), just to save a few bucks.

#9399 Eww

Posted by rickoshay818 on 05 May 2009 - 04:57 PM in Chat-Box

Haha! I got up to 78 this past weekend. Was sick though, so I couldn't do anything. :(

#9398 Drack's Back

Posted by rickoshay818 on 05 May 2009 - 04:55 PM in News

Whats with the food prospect in everything? Are you guys going fatty on me? :blink:

#9387 Eww

Posted by rickoshay818 on 03 May 2009 - 07:01 PM in Chat-Box

Fondusis is perched at the edge of a cliff hanging by weeds implanted into the face of the cliff! Death yells, "Prepare for your
total demise!" Suddenly Death takes out his double edged sword, then raises it into the air. The dark alloy metal glistens in the sun as the sword pauses in mid-air. Death swings the sword towards Fondusis. Death strikes the rock with a loud "CLANG". The loose piece of limestone is knocked free. Fondusis falls towards the dark unknown abyss laid before him.

I just felt like writing something :P. Anyway, FONDUSIS IS DYING!!! We need to bring this forum back to life.

#9379 What would you do if you had an ________ for a week?

Posted by rickoshay818 on 15 April 2009 - 06:57 AM in Chat-Box

If me and my accountant hung out, We'd eat flying homeless monkeys, land on disco balls, and keep the beat rollin'.