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Member Since 16 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Oct 10 2007 04:56 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: The Person Above You Game

19 September 2007 - 11:14 AM

^^ Dude, those are totally dolls. I've seen them before, as have many, many others, and it is a painted doll's head on a cooked duck. No fetus involved.

Snopes backs me Up

Seriously, guys, it's the internet. Storehold of endless knowledge, most of which isn't all that true.

In Topic: Debate? Win vs Linux? Maybe...

12 September 2007 - 04:33 PM

While reading this over, I have come to the decision that saying which OS is better is much like (someone'll hate me over this) saying what religion is better. All OS's have their benefits and drawbacks, much like all the religions out there. Some have more followers than others, and some are more popular than others, some are more complicated than others.
I, personally, have no preference between OS's, and my faith is my own business, but I find it irritating when someone attempts to make whatever they stand for as the ONLY way to think, and everyone else MUST accept it as so, while debating with opposers over how the other is a terrible, horrible thing.
The more I read this debate, the more I find these viciously passionate supporters. All computers on earth cannot run on only one OS, no matter how large the majority is; someone will always choose or create another one.

In Topic: Harry Potter

25 July 2007 - 12:09 AM

Ooh! CNAnime's coming up in August, if you're lookning - it's also combined w/ a SciFi, comic book, horror film, and tabletop gaming con!
(So, like, so much fun and costumes about)

In Topic: Harry Potter

24 July 2007 - 10:59 AM

Got the book Saturday morning, and finished it Sunday morning. :D

Right: To Everyone, about writing styles - both Rowling and Tolkein have their own styles, and considering one was a University English professor, and the other was an elementary school teacher, their writing styles would respect the environments that they were constantly in. The End.

Moving back to DH-
Could I put it down? Nope.
Did I like it? I thought it was fair for the most part.

Now, I'm not the slavering HP fan I was about 6 years ago, but I still read the books, and so I don't have as close an affinity with the characters, but some people will be upset.
Also, I think there were a few parts that JK Rowling totally copped out on.


In Topic: UFO's?

14 July 2007 - 04:38 PM

As much as I respect your arguement - who's to say that we're the only stupid and sentient beings in the universe?
(Hitchiker's Guide, anyone?)