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Member Since 20 Sep 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 27 2006 10:29 PM

Topics I've Started

storm Eye Ball Twister

15 April 2006 - 11:43 AM

Just saying hi guys i no i do not post all that much but thats becuse i am a realy nasty ass speller.

I well try to post a lettel more than i have been.
I have been told that some of you think i dont like you or i am a bit of a snob becuse i have not been to acktive on the forum.

Trust me i am just trying to save your eye ball and your brane from going in to melt down from trying to read my nasty ass spelling :P

But sice i have been inform that doing this is starting to bug some of the user and staff i have desided to give it a shot.

So my freinds get ready for the eye ball twister :blink:

VB web sit on RPG game makeing

28 November 2005 - 12:33 PM

ok i think this is a good start for enny one in to building a engine.

I be usesing this my self ones i have the basic down :)


Sever is down

07 October 2005 - 10:23 AM

Try to login to day at 10.13 am the clent says the sever is down or i need to update client.

I remove updat INI and reupdated agan but the client keeps saying i need to update or the sever is down.

Drackir i need the sever to stay up so i can build maps in a timely maner. so you can dev the project.

I have set time aside just for this so it is sort of is driveing me nuts when the sever is down and my project time taebull gets buger up like this bud .

How i wold set up Clans

04 October 2005 - 02:51 PM

To setup a Clan the use wold have to be level 35.

He be given 4 maps as his clans lands to rule over as he see fite.

The 4 maps wold eather be maps all ready made or 4 new maps that the user ask to get made.

If the user wants new maps for his clan the user must be at list level 50 and have a lot of gold to pay in to the Fonduis mod bank acont.

The bank wold be in the city of fonduis and only mods of the game cold make lone and remove gold from that bank.

Ther wold be a limmit of 4 maps per Clan master only and only the 4 maps will be made for that Clan master.

If the Clan master lost his lands to another clan he be out of luck and wold have to rebuild his army and take over another Clan.

He wold not be abull to buy new maps AKA Lands agan after buy the fist 4 maps.

Ther wood only be room for 12 Clans at enny one time.

This meens ones a Clan gets wipeout the Fonduis Bank wold post on the forum and the Game that a new Clan spot is open.

If ther was more than one user trying to open a clan then ther wold be a bid on the spot by all partys wanting to have the spot.

Enny user at level 35 cold bid for the spot.

Ones the Fonduis bank got its Gold the user at level 35 wood get to pic 4 maps that border each other as his lands.

A user at level 50 cold Pay to have 4 maps made for him.

All Moola is Game Moola only.

Ok to take over a Clan 3 things must happen.

1 You must post on the forum that you are at war with a Clan and 24 hower must be given to the Clan you are going to war with so that Clan can get his Clan member to gather.

2 Clan must start ther war at a set time between them and have this posted on the forum.

3 to beat a clan you must kill all the other Clan member that have logon at the time you posted on the forum.

If a player logon late ones the war start he will be consiter dead meat all ready.

Not only dos each side have to kill off the other side but thay need to get the leaders Clan key to get in to the Clan hall to get to the Clan magic object and then get it back to ther Clan hall.

Ones this has been done the winer gets the loser lands and can ask the loseing Clan player to jone up with ther Clan.

The loseing Clan member do not need to jone up with the winer but can become Roge waror that will keep killing off member of the wineing Clan.

The Roge can only kill off thows member on the wineing clans lands and can not kill that clan member player on enny other maps inlise the Roge waror rejone a new clane and is infoceing the new Clane leder rule on his new clan lands.

Ones a Roge Jone a new Clan he is no longer a Roge waror and can not atack enny other Clan member off his Clan lands inlise he and his new clan are at war with that other Clan.

last thing ones a clan has been taken over and has new lands the victory will be posted and a list of the lands and goodys and new clan member to the wineing Clane will be posted on the forum under Victorys.

Victory post is wher the clans get to Crow about the battel and the loseing side will Demand Vingens agast the wineing side.

Storm idea

04 October 2005 - 12:15 PM

Give all PC and NPC rang atack.

Make it so the NPC see the PC careater and start a long rang atack.

Let say a NPC has a rang of 5 tiles away but see the PC carater 3 tiles away and starts to shot fire ball at PC.

The NPC careater will try to stay in rang to the PC caretaer intell the PC careater is dead or the PC careter gets out of the 5 tile rang of the NPC.

Make diffrint rang tipe wipeons for the PC carater.

Make it so that each new rang wipon can be used by all level stats.

I wold sojest bows and areows be 2 to 3 tile in rang. long bows 2 to 5 tiles in rang.

have difrent tipe of bows and areows each with diffrent tips of rang and hit ponts.

Same thing for magic user mage 1 fire ball 2 to 3 mage 2 fire ball 2 to 5 and so on.

Each new magic wipon has its own rang and hit ponts.

You cold even have rang healing poson so user can help out each other in a grop atack on a realy Nasty Boss monster or a atack on a Clane that thay are at war with.

Doing this will make object valubull to have and trade between the usesr and give Clans reson to take over other Clan to get ther Objects.

We cold even give out a standed amont of objects to new clans to start out with to build ther Clan with Things like posons magic objects bows and gold to get them started.

The other idea is ones a user gets to a serten level he has the right to build a clane and is given the basic magic and other objects and gold to build a clan.

Then he lay clam to part of the world map as his clan lands wher enny one on that land is subject to that clans rule.

Things like user A is on Clan of the cave bear land.

Clan member ask user A to jone his Clan or Pay up 10 Gold in trust passing tax.

Use A say go buger your self and your Tax.

Clan member kills A user and gets all his gold from the body of the not vary smart A user.

Or the other way arond Clan meber get kill and he loses his moola to user A wich meen clan member is telling his other clan member about get kill and mug buy user A wich meen ther a hit put out on Use A butt by the rest of the Clan member.

Ok giveing Clans land and giveing them the right to rule over thows land will give the game something thats niver been try befor it will make it wher the gold of the game will be to take over other clans land to build on to ther lands to controll.

Leveling up just meen you get to the pont wher you can stat up a clan or you can become a night or genrol or Duke of a Clan.

Wher you help to fight other clan that is paying you lots of Gold to fight on ther side to win more lands for that clan