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Member Since 21 Nov 2005
Offline Last Active Nov 25 2005 11:32 AM

Topics I've Started

*Idea*-they don't come to often-

23 November 2005 - 09:42 AM

I think it'd be sweet if, there was some sort of floating isle with either a good castle or bad castle, tower, town, anything. This could be a place for clan battles, arena, or uber lvling up area. Dragons??? Harpys??? Aliens???<-nah Little Humans???(100 yrs ago... experiments, lsd, and a little booze cause an erruption...... so now they've lived in complete solitude for 100 yrs....) I'm just trying to think of some stuff for the game. Take care.


Sounds so good...

21 November 2005 - 06:39 PM

Hey I met this dude this morning, on Deloria who told me about this game. Said him and a buddy were doing this game, gave me website and all-- I forgot his name lol.. perfectdark maybe???>......< long day at work.... I just started the new deloria which is amazing but this looks even better!!!!! Id be very interested in any beta testing/ playing this game whenever... My favorite games are snes rpg(Lufia,FF3, Breath of Fire style) this looks like a dream come true-- Online Bad ass!! game.. :D Email me or just post back with anything... up and coming with Drackir! please(-.o) -EvilDonnie