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Member Since 14 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2009 05:46 PM

Topics I've Started


06 July 2009 - 08:22 AM

Sorry I haven't been posting at all in the past few weeks. I was on vacation, mostly at the beach. Anyway, moving on.

I recently got a PS3 as a late birthday present. I don't have any games for it yet, but I still own PS2 with a lot of games. I've been trying to transfer files from my PC to my PS3 via a flash drive, but either the file type is wrong or i'm not naming my folders in the flash drive right. Any comments or help? Also anyone that owns a PS3 will be my very bestest pal :P


08 June 2009 - 02:16 PM

I'm 13! Yeah! Yesterday was the big day! :D Happy happy birthday!

Kingda Ka

27 May 2009 - 07:06 PM

Went to Six Flags this past weekend with some friends. Fun. Rode the worlds tallest, fastest, roller coaster. :P

Here's a front row POV video:

I really rode in the second row, but this is about what I was seeing/feeling. I would've filmed it but they wouldn't allow cameras on anymore, apparently one person lost his and complained to six flags saying it was their fault. Fun times.


03 May 2009 - 07:01 PM

Fondusis is perched at the edge of a cliff hanging by weeds implanted into the face of the cliff! Death yells, "Prepare for your
total demise!" Suddenly Death takes out his double edged sword, then raises it into the air. The dark alloy metal glistens in the sun as the sword pauses in mid-air. Death swings the sword towards Fondusis. Death strikes the rock with a loud "CLANG". The loose piece of limestone is knocked free. Fondusis falls towards the dark unknown abyss laid before him.

I just felt like writing something :P. Anyway, FONDUSIS IS DYING!!! We need to bring this forum back to life.

Favorite Song

07 April 2009 - 06:50 AM

Here's katamari on the rocks, my favorite song:

What's your favorite song. POST LINKS! :P