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The Elf King Of Talmarron

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#21 Duma


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Posted 02 February 2007 - 07:08 PM

Morra pushed open the heavy door to the tavern, and was welcomed by a colourful gentleman doing backflips and throwing about multi-coloured flames as he recounted a tale of his survival among the frozen wastes of the mountains.
She supposed, as she shifted the bow and quiver on her back to allow her to sit on a stool, that had she heard the tale from the beginning, she would be as wide-eyed as the few onlookers in the dark pub. Entering at 'surviving on snow and bark', she suppressed a snort instead. Bark? Only deer survive on bark; they have the teeth for it. Curiosity and a long stay in a blind had proven that.

A young boy looked over to her from the parade the gentleman was carrying on, and raised his eyebrows.
"What can I get fer ya, miss?"
"Ale, si...just ale." She replied, eyeing the last of the stranger's theatrics.
"One moment, miss."

And within a moment, Morra was downing a mug, trying to get the taste of dried groundhog from her mouth. It was the last of what Rig had made in his first attempt to prepare a kill, and was terrible at it. Really, Morra thought to herself, that boy should talk to Mam, if he has the same tongue as the rest of the family. Even adding more salt would have bettered it.

#22 Kinewa


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Posted 05 February 2007 - 09:00 AM

By the end of the story, nearly every customer in the bar was hollering and cheering, excited about what they had just seen. Some of the heavier drinkers were trying to imitate his back flips, but were not causing much damage to anything but themselves.

The bartender was nearly speechless with pleasure. A giant grin had graced his face since Lolith first began to retell his tale, and it had yet to leave. Once the story had finished, Garret sat for a few seconds more, wishing that this amazing character had any more to say. He was disappointed when the man remained seated.

Then, Garret had an idea. It was an excellent idea. A genius idea. As he observed his customers' glee, he decided that this man was just what he needed to bring in more business. Besides, Lolith had mentioned that he had barely a penny to his name. Or something like that.

Garret approached the young man and outstretched his hand.

"What a fine job you have done, sir! I do not believe I have heard a better story, nor seen such a marvelous act! I would like to make a proposal. If you would retell your story, let's say twice a week, I would give you free room and board for as long as you wish to stay in Strokestown. What do you say?"

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#23 Mizukage



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Posted 05 February 2007 - 09:37 PM

" of all the luck! good sir" I take the proffered hand and shake it heartily "you are too kind to a poor vagabond such as I, and it is good that you can notice my training, I will gladly tell my tale, but I fear that I must leave at some point, and at that time, surely my unholy huntress will nash at my very heels." I motion to one of the awestruck serving girls to bring me anther drink and turn back to Garrett. " thus it would be unfortunate that I were to leave, as i had arrived, broke. If you could but spare me a slice of your soon to be growing income <of this I guarantee!> I could tell other tales, tales of the anchients, the gods, the adventurer's of yore. While great, and tiring my story was, variety guarantee's a full house" a quick wink at the maid that brought my drink and a smile to Garrett, " and a small uhh, donation could not possibly hurt your swelling purse, I ask only what is fair good master." and with a small flourish of my cloak and a bow I gesture to my fresh tankard " I pray that I am not being to presumptious?"
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#24 Kinewa


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Posted 07 February 2007 - 08:19 AM

"Of course not, young man, I would be quite happy to share by profits. In fact, I am willing to give you one gold piece for every night you work for me.

I have but one concern on my mind, and that is this 'Unholy Huntress' whom you have spoken of. I want to be sure that this woman, this creature, would not be causing any harm to our fair town. There have been rumours as of late regarding dark creatures prowling the streets at night. Already the residents are beginning to feel uneasy. We all know what happened to the Elves."

Garret ran his right forefinger along the side of his face and then held his hand palm upwards, as is customary of humans to do in memory of the Elven race.

"I want to be sure that you do not mention in your stories any danger that could come to Strokestown. It is imperative that these people feel secure, for surely bedlam qould ensue otherwise. If you do feel that something may be following you, it is important that you tell me, and we will grant you a quiet escape before any damage can be done."

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#25 Mizukage



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Posted 07 February 2007 - 06:56 PM

"heh, forgive my tongue, it twists itself into trouble it seems, the title I have given to you is merely my consideration of Talien, the slayer and my captor. Is it not understandable that I do not hold her in fair light? but I will abide by your request, for there are few that do not know of the ancients, fewer still that remember the truth. fear not! I will speak only of happy things, I shall entertain and you will hear no heresy from me." and with that I spit into the palm of my left hand and grasp Garrett's wrist. "when shall I start?" I lower my voice to little more than a wisper and leancloser to my new patron "I have heard an interesting rumor about the lakes during my travels, perhaps there? the pierced ones seem to be growing more, "active" in the past few years. an interesting thought do you not think?"

and with that I pull back and take my hand from his wrist, give him another wink and turn back to my new beer with a chuckle.

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#26 Mizukage



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Posted 21 February 2007 - 03:45 PM

As I wait for his response to my most recent proposal a frantic man bursts into the hall screaming "the myst! the Myst is eating the village!"

we all turn to him and laugh, "looks like you have had too much to drink!" someone shouts.

But then a tendril of mist streams in through the open door, everything it touches disapears with a mournful sigh.

at the sight of the tendril seemingly eating everything in its path the hall erupts with a panic. tables are overturned and the people try to get past the mist into the night.

Not wanting a good situation to go to waste I hop over the bar and clean out the money box. then i hurry up the stairs and look out a window. the tavern seems to sit as a boat in an ocean, thick fog envelops the entire area.

I crawl through the window and jump off the ledge to grap the roof and pull myself up. the fog rises slowly.

"well, this is a fine situation, to think they would try this." i say to myself as i pace from one side of the small rooftop to the other. "I guess i have no choice then, Rotoli de Ossa!" I take a running leap and jump into the growing myst. the instant it touches my my body is overcome with a numbing feeling and i hear in my ear a slight voice, as though from far away, "very well, try me" I land outside the tavern with a tumble, immediately alert..

as the mist disapates I hear the sound of combat and the cries of fear, human cries. suddenly a strange shape runs through the mist at me, a monsterous simian, armed with a stone axe.

I reach into my cloak and grap one of my knives and hurl it to hit the beast in the throat. It stumbles with the impact and i sidestep its charge easily. i grab my knife and wipe it off on the creatures tattered clothing, then i turn and proceed into the mist, keeping my hand on my knives.

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#27 Kinewa


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Posted 01 March 2007 - 08:55 PM

The creatures of the mist let out shreeking wails as they overtake the village. They manipulate the foggy air to make things seem to disappear as a means to disorient the humans. Accompanied by monstrous war apes, they proceed to beat loudly at the doors of buildings with their thorny arms. Soon enough they hear the satisfying screams of human men at the tavern on the edge of town.

The group separates as five of the creatures turn to the tavern and the rest continue on. They set to work beating at their prey with their heavy limbs; an easy job when most of the victims are intoxicated. The war apes get to work pulling doors from homes and beating strays with their heavy axes. The men who try to fight back soon realize that their meager weapons fail to have a lasting effect.

A particularly large ape senses one of these men landing right next to it, and it turns to charge. Taking a stinging stab to its neck, it angrily waves at the knife butt still lodged in its skin. Its blood pours onto the ground, painting it a scarlet so dark that it looks like ink. None of its comerades realize or care. Its body twitches a slight bit before it gives up, leaving the creature as stiff as a log. As the battle comes near an end, other apes gather around the carcass, and with loud cries begin to feast.

Many creatures return from the now deserted settlement, dragging behind them the unconscious bodies of women and children. By now most of the men have been either knocked out or killed and are also being dragged, their limp legs making weaving trails on the sand.


The sky fades from navy blue to a bright pink as the sun slowly rises. All is still but for a calm breeze. If it were not for the unnatural silence and the damaged buildings, it would seem like nothing had happened at all. This time it was easy, just as their first attack on the Elves was. It is time to see if the humans will be able to adapt now that they know what they are up against.

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#28 Kinewa


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:21 PM

Eli sat in a curled position in a small cupboard behind the bar. He was amazed that he had not been discovered if only because the stench of his own sweat. The smell of fear.

He had not heard a single noise besides the slow, daunting squeak of the door hinges as they swung freely in the breeze for what seemed like hours. Despite this, he remained perfectly still, worried that this may be a trap.

He had seen the creatures swoop into the Tavern, attacking full grown men and tearing them apart like old rags. He had heard their shreeks and smelled them even from a distance. Knowing that he had no chance fighting back, he had been quick to squeeze into his nearest hiding place.

Eli knew of a few places within the Tavern and the attached kitchen where he had hidden from Garret. Sometimes the old bartender would forget about him if he wasn't seen, and other times he would leave his spot to impatiently and receive a beating twice as harsh as usual. Needless to say, he had learned to be cautious.

Finally, Eli slowly pushed open the door and unfolded his body, smoothly sliding out of the cupboard. He looked around the tavern to find it completely empty. The door was almost completely shattered to splinters, save for a single plank still attached to the doorpost by the rusty hinges.

The town looked empty. It was alarming to the boy, and yet somehow elifting. He was free. He would no longer be beaten simply for trying to make money to help support his family - his family!

The boy ran out of the door, no longer caring about being cautious. After having searched his home, he realized the bitter truth. The town was completely empty. Everyone was gone. Knowing that he had to do something, Eli gathered what food he could an a small blanket and began to hike north towards Aldreida. He needed to find help before it was too late.

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#29 Rytiko



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Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:50 PM

((I'm not satisfied with this post at all. I feel taht I have much to improve on in my writing of a situation like this.... However, I'm able to pass it off as the result of being tired and having already written two chapters in my other projects today.

Also, about the colors in Kinewa's next post - That's fine, but... All the easy to read colors seem to be taken. I guess grey will have to do.))

It had been a few hours now since he had left the Darkwoods, and Leon was beginning to feel hungry. A great fight would normally do that to him, especially if it was with someone he had chased from Whisper for an entire day. And the fight was truly glorious; The use of the terrain was well executed, and his enemy?s strategy was almost flawless. It was almost with a small bit of regret that he struck the criminal down. But in the end he did, because someone of such skill wouldn?t stick to petty theft for long.

Heading east, he knew that the small settlement of Strokesville wasn?t too far. In fact, as Leon passed over the hill, he could see it. His stomach roared in excitement and his muscles called upon some hidden source to propel him towards the small town. Oh, how he looked forward to some food and a bed to rest upon for the night!

As he drew closer though, his excitement was cast away. Something was amiss. The mist, and a dark feeling he got in the pit of his empty stomach urged him away from the town, though Leon was never one to run- His immortal valor guided him down the hill to the town in a jog. Hopefully, he could reach them before something terrible happened?

But Leon was too late. He had no idea what had happened, but after ten minutes in the town spent calling out for signs of life he had come to the conclusion that the town was empty. His sword still ready in case of whatever had done this launching an attack at him, he headed toward the other edge of the town as quietly as the jingling chain mail would allow him too.

He jumped at every sound, fearing the absolute worst. He had never seen anything like this before. There didn?t appear to be any major destruction, and there were no bodies. ?What in God?s name has happened here??? he spoke to the emptiness of the town.

He could see the northern exit from here. And it was then that he could notice the many footprints, almost like a stampede, rushing in and out of the town. He could see lines where it appeared people had been dragged out, and he eventually noticed someone else also heading to the northern edge of the town?

He placed his blade back in its holster, sensing no danger in the direction of the other person. Shouting at the unknown to wait, he began to jog towards what he could now discern as a boy.

#30 Kinewa


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 10:07 PM

((Pick a post colour, my friend. I have you down for yellow so far but you may choose different one if you wish. I like my roleplays to be colour-coded for easy reading. ))

Eli swung around at the sound of yelling. His first impulse was to hide, and he trusted himself enough to follow that. Diving to the ground in a small divet, he watched the now approaching figure froma prone position.

It did not take long for the boy to realize that this person was not in any way like the monsters from the night before. Once sure that it was in fact a human that he saw, Eli stood and waved gratefully.

"Sir!" He called out as soon as the man was close enough to see in detail, "You've gotta help me!"

In rushed words, Eli explained to the man the events of the night before. The words slipped from his mouth like a torrent of water that had been dammed up for too long. He was anxious to share his plight, and at the same time his responsibility.

"We need to warn people, sir! Will you come with me to Aldreida?"

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#31 Mizukage



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 08:24 AM

The night had been spent easily enough, I have always been hard to find, and near impossible to notice when i don't want to be. I had sat in the old well, letting the water hide my scent from the beasts that would seek to harm me, the deep shaft and the dark water did the rest, My natural boyancy helping me to catch some sleep as I hung inside my cloak, snagged above the water.

In the morning I had no trouble climbing the slick, cobbled walls with my stiff limbs and when I was just below the lip I slowly brought my small mirror over the top, so that I could see without being seen.

I had watched as the runty boy from the inn had walked from house to house, gathering a small bundle of articles "amature" I murmered to myself. I was just about to follow him and see what he had gathered when I heard a clink of metal. The boy had ducked like a scared phesant when he too caught sight of the armored lad striding self importantly throught the empty town, steriotypical sword at the ready.

"damn, bounty hunter. why do I never get a break?" I climbed out of the well and stealthily approached the two boys as they talked, knives at the ready.

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#32 Rytiko



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:00 AM

Leon was very intrigued by the boy?s tale, though not entirely sure he wanted to believe it. The evidence seemed to support what he said, and the footprints were even ape-like? But it was still hard to grasp, even in a world filled with magic. The part of him that wished to be a hero jumped at the request for aid though, and ignoring his disbelief of the details, he agreed to help stop whatever it was that had done this?

There was someone else though, doing an otherwise great job of sneaking up on them, daggers at the ready. ?Who are you?? Leon shouted as he heard the soft echo of footsteps and drips of water. Not knowing what else to do, a placed a hand firmly on his sword and removed it from its holster. If the bandit looking man continued his advance, Leon feared he may have to fight. Unfortunately, he was famished. He wouldn?t stand a chance.

So, perhaps desperately, he asked again ? ?Who are you??

#33 Mizukage



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 01:04 PM

when I was called I cursed the day the gods make water wet, I then stood up from my stalk no more than fifteen paces away from the pair and said"hold good sir, you do not recognize me?" the warrior shakes his head and before the boy can say anything I reply "excellent. I am Felixe. I was merely wary of a new warrior's arrival at such a fortuitous time. rather late are we not?" I look around the carnage as if for the first time and say whistfully" ahhh, if we had a fine knight such as yourself on the night before, i could have slept in a warm bed."

I start making a large effort in wringing out my cloak turning away from the pair i call over my shoulder" It is somewhat suspicious, good sir, as to why a strong fighter such as yourself would approach this poor boy, a lad that has suffered so much" I turn back to face them "you wouldn't be holding an alterior motive now would you? Sir Badtouch?"

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#34 Rytiko



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 02:28 PM

"Ah, but I merely wish to know what has happened to this place. I have visited here before, and it was nothing close to such a disastrous sight. So yes, I approached him. Though with no motive other than to question what has happened. Surely you understand?" Leon finished his mimicking exaggerated speech with a somewhat mocking bow; The man had never been good about picking his battles, so when the opportunity for sarcasm and mockery presented itself, he often found it impossible to resist.

Placing his sword back in its rightful place upon his back, he didn't wait for the eccentric bandit's reply. Rather, he followed up his words with yet another question, this time dropping the mocking tone - "Surely you were listening this whole time. Can you confirm the events the boy spoke of? I wish to help, though I also wish to know the truth."

#35 Mizukage



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 03:12 PM

" well sir Badtouch, I do not make a habit of sleeping in the town's water supply, nor do I seek to interrupt your illicit business. If you are so curious, ask your victim." he will explain all."
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#36 Rytiko



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 03:51 PM

((Agh, I forgot the color thing. I'll edit my last few posts.))

'Victim?' What was this guy talking about? A look of complete bafflement made up Leon's face at the moment as he tried to comprehend what in the world this man was talking about. He came to two possible conclusions: a ) the man was insane; even HE didn't know what he was talking about, or b ) the man had made a mistake in judging Leon's character.

All things considered, choice 'A' seemed more plausible - He had been sleeping in the well, brought up pieces of conversation taht had nothing to do with what was going on, and labled the boy standing beside me as his "Victim". However, he would give the benefit of the doubt once more and go along thinking the man had made a mistake.

"Victim? I'm afraid you're mistaken... I came here from Whisper chasing a thief, whom I encountered in the Darkwoods. I have only come in search of food and shelter... Something clearly not present here. I'd like to know what did happen, so that I may help in any way possible. What the boy has told me sounds a bit absurd, and I'd like to hear you either confirm or deny that you were atacked by a group of... Apes, I think it was..."

#37 Kinewa


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 08:20 PM

Although he had remained silent for the entire conversation, Eli payed close attention. He wanted to make notes on these two men, currently his only hope of allys. If the event arose in which he would have to choose a companion, he wanted to make the right choice.

Finally, he worked up the nerve to speak. "Not only apes, sir, but other creatures as well. They were like no animals I have ever seen, and they hovered above the ground!" He wanted to make sure that this stranger got his story right. He would not be called a liar if they ever attacked again. Gods forbid that they would.

"I'm not a victim, either. If I didn't want to be seen, I wouldn't have been." He put it simply; not to brag, but only to convey a point.

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#38 Mizukage



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:06 PM

" how, foolish of me. the circumstances merely pointed at an unpleasant arrangement. I thought only for the best of the poor lad, we have been through so much this past night." So he is a bounty hunter.

" a acute and obviously dangerous man such as yourself, well trained in wilderness lore. you should be able to recognize what has happened, open your eyes boy and look around, how dense can you be? now if you excuse me, I must leave for Aldreida, Someone has to tell them what has happened."

I quickly stride forward and shoulder the paladin out of the way "excuse me sir Badtouch."

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#39 Kinewa


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:35 PM

Eli considered following Felixe. It seemed like the perfect oppurtunity, as they both shared a common destination. The man had impressed him quite a bit with his stories the night before, and he trusted that at least some of them had to be true. Stories like that could not be made up. Despite this trust, he felt reluctant.

By now, Felixe was striding away, obviously meaning not to return. Before it was too late, the boy cried out to him: "Wait!" The man did not turn, but slowed his step just a bit.

"Wouldn't it be safer if we all go together? I mean, what if those things come back?"

He shuddered at the thought.

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#40 Mizukage



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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:57 PM

I stop and turn to the boys " don't worry, they won't bother here again, especially with the armored child. If you will join me however, at least let me know why I would bother? What do you bring to a squad? it is very dangerous to trust someone you don't know and I wouldn't make such a mistake."
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