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The Elf King Of Talmarron

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#101 Kinewa


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Posted 30 March 2007 - 06:05 PM

((OOC)) You're right, Rytiko, she's gone.((OOC))

Eli woke up, wondering if he was dead. He could hear faint voices that sounded far away but were swiftly coming closer. It was then he felt the salt hit the gaping wound in the side of his head and the memories came back. This wasn't heaven, it was hell.

The boy was about to scream as the stinging pain bolted though his head, but someone was quick to pour a warm, stinging liquid down his throat. Eli coughed, but soon began to forget his wound. He felt weak, cold from the loss of blood. He could hear only one voice, and could feel the hot breath of the speaker in his one ear.

"Keep strong boy, heh, you belong to me now."

Sex adds inches to your waist... In increasing amounts for about... nine months.

#102 Rytiko



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Posted 30 March 2007 - 07:44 PM

Empty. A quick look around the remains showed no signs of anyone even having been there. Maybe he had just imagined it? No... That couldn't be. He was sure he had heard something. Whatever it was though, it was no longer here.

Almost toppling over as a result of the sudden violent shake and the sound of rocks grinding against each other, the knight looked back to his companions to see that they were rising up on a large upheaval of the Earth. It was just his luck that he wasn't on it.

"Meh... Better to be safe, but that still doesn't give me any comfort," He said quietly as he rose to his feet, brushing the ash, soot, and dust off of himself. Doing something he neglected to do upon leaving the wood, and something that could have resulted in his death not too long ago, he slipped the chainmail vest back on and walked along the edge of the rising until he reached the northernmost point. They were, after all, headed north. In his disappointment, he could do little but get his sulking and thoughts out of the way now before continuing their journey. Besides, he had no complaints being away from the rogue and his orders. He'd have a short moment to relax.

Making the most of things, Leon laid down on the grass with a moan of relief. His muscles ached, and he was tired. Maybe he'd take a little nap...

#103 Mizukage



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Posted 31 March 2007 - 03:04 PM

"hmm, crisis averted, we need to find somewhere to rest, the boy won't be able to make any long trips. Druid? could you do us one more favor?"

I climb on top of the stone embankment and look to the old shell of the house, seeing the flash of the knight's chainmail and make a quick decision.

"we need somewhere, safe and natural to rest up, could you maybe send a scout, like a bird or something to have a look around? somewhere unnoticable, but close to the road if you please."

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#104 Queztatlapoca



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Posted 31 March 2007 - 03:39 PM

"Give me a moment" With that he shifted the earth yet again this time into a small and shallow dent in the ground, he also used the plants in that area to make a water proof floor to the pool by interweaving them repeatedly. He let the water orb fall and splash into the newly made pool. The druid skimmed through the thoughts and instincts constantly flowing through his head and picked out that of a nearby falcon. Looking through its recent memories he noticed a cave that seemed to belong to a brown bear. "Great forager, i seem to be in need of your cavern for a short time would you allow us to share it?" The bears response was begrudged but it did agree to his proposal.

"Hmm..." The druid said, "I have found a cave in the plains the is unnoticeable from the road BUT...It is currently inhabited by a brown bear...HOWEVER he has agreed to share the cave with us" The durid was simling like a rather proud dolt at this point.


#105 Megell


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Posted 31 March 2007 - 08:33 PM

Miguel had done the only logical thing he could think of in the fight; stay out of the way. The terrain wasn?t suited for his combat type and he knew that if he got involved it could have long-term consequences. Such as leaving him tired, wounded, and otherwise unable to escape if the situation got really touchy. He had decided to follow the criminal?s orders down to the letter when he was told to mind to the boy. He didn?t know the first thing about first aid, but if he could reduce the Childs bleeding at least a little, and in life and death, a little could be a lot. The child had, had and ear cut off by one of the wolves things. And Miguel applied a damp cloth too the ear to slow the bleeding till a more capable medic could arrive.

He was relieved when the ?leader? took back over watching the urchin. The man was easily a better doctor, but beating Miguel in that category wasn?t much of an achievement. If the thief wanted to treat the child, he would welcome the opportunity to put his talents to better use. Pulling out a small book from the little sack he carried, he walked over too one of the down creatures. It appeared to be some sort of wolf, but he wanted to examine it better to see if he could get any clues about its origins.

The few books he carried around with him were quite useful, they were a set of six in total containing all sorts of useful knowledge that research had yielded. He would use this too pick up what he could about the creatures. The book he had drawn was a field book filled with knowledge regarding too all sorts of creatures in the entire world. He flipped to the section labelled animalia; for knowledge on creatures that where classified as beasts. He examined the creatures, it appeared to have extended K-nines, and a mortise placed abdomen, size constant with that of either the canine genus suggesting that it was a Dog or wolf. However, it also seemed to have a skin constant of some type of reptile of the Squamata Order under the tuffs of fur, in other words, something similar to an alligator or an iguana. The eyes on the other hand were familiar with some type of fish of Celpalasipomorpi. In other words, Miguel couldn?t make heads or tales of what this thing was.

He reached for another one of the books in his set; it was labelled ?Chemicals and Reactions?. An old favourite of his for figuring out poisons and other such traps when caught unprepared. He examined the wounds on the creature, used his finger to draw some of its blood. It was red like any mammals should be, however it lacked something though that normal blood of such creatures should have; it lacked iron. The blood appeared thin and watery which was his first hint of its odd nature. Also he tested it further by testing it on his tongue. It lacked the zinc like taste that normal hemoglobin it blood had, it rather had a bitter, bile like taste similar too that of Trioxyhydrate, or common fertilizer.

His eyes went wide, if this was true, then this implied there was a high probability that the beasts were producing venom within their mandibles and claws. He flipped through the book looking for answers, however this was far out his league, they would need a professional alchemist or the like, else everyone who had been so much as scratched by these beasts were at a high risk of death.

Now the only question was, what too do with this knowledge?

He though carefully, he could tell the group, but that might start a panic and a break down in order which was crucial to survival, if he kept it too himself then the group might not rush for attention to save the injured members, and most likely would result in his protection dwindling. He then would be left in a situation in which if they were surrounded, the enemies would just have to wait until the strongest members of the group died and then attack in force. Either way the out come did not look good.

He yet still had to tell someone. From his sitting position in front of the remains of the beast, Miguel raised his hand into the air and snapped his fingers, then turned his eyes towards the rouge making sure to make eye contact, to let him know that there was something serious he had to tell him, just him. He was the ?leader?, and it was about time he started too taking the responsibility rather then just enjoying the perks.

Miguel grabbed a piece of paper from his bag and wrote out the following message. ?The claws and teeth of these things are poisoned.? He folded the piece of paper and raised it into the air from where he was sitting.

#106 Mizukage



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Posted 01 April 2007 - 12:45 PM

"a bear hmm, he would not mind our presence for a night? maybe longer?"

I fill up all of my empty flasks with the water then wash the gore off of my chest arms, and face.

" how far is it from here? we can carry the boy there correct?"

I then notice the foolish merchant sitting, as though in a classroom, waving a scrap of paper at me, I thought it best to humor the man.

"Thank you Druid, you have been most kind, we need to gather the attention of the warrior, he seems to have strayed off. excuse me a moment."

I walk calmly to the fool and crouch beside him, snatching the scrap from his outstretched hand

"now what do you have for me? hmmm, ahhh. This is good, forgive my previous disposition towards you Laviler, you seem to have your wits about you. I had guessed there was poison involved, but this other information is very useful."

I reach into my cloak and hand him the vials of body parts I had taken from the creature

"If what you say is true, you should guard these with your life. Are you ready to move? excellent, we depart soon."

And with that I stand up, redon my shirt and cloak and proceed back to the boy who seemed to be sturggling with conciousness.

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#107 Megell


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Posted 01 April 2007 - 10:19 PM

Miguel didn?t put too much faith in the mans abilities to actual devise coherent strategies, but he did put some trust in the fact that despite how he had seen the group perform prior the man did hold some sort of hold over the others command. And right now, order outweighed everything else. Miguel nodded as the man handed him the body parts, a smart move on his part, these could be later used to refine a general antidote, a must. Placing them inside some old paper then placing them inside his little ruff sack, Miguel continued to analyse the situation as fast as his mind would work, something seemed out of place too him. He just couldn?t put his finger on what it was. He sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes tight and began to think.

The creatures obviously were the same type as he had seen earlier, plus their general characteristics seemed to mirror the description of what the ?ragged little thing? had described. However, the beasts he had encountered before seemed to show a level of intelligence, capable of adapt strategy and even sophistication enough to craft general tools and some form alliance between very different, though equally awkward beasts. However these wolf things had show a complete lack of ability to actually strategies a decent assault. Miguel rubbed his forehead, it just didn?t add up. Why would beasts of this nature employ such weak strategies? Also, the beasts had attacked from behind, suggesting that they were following them, meaning like wolves, they had been tracking his party.

But such beasts were ill suited for combat; the same number of ape creatures could have made fast work of any resistance they might have been able to muster. So what did this mean? Miguel?s head was throbbing, the answer was so simple, and it was right in front of him. What was it? He opened his eyes for the briefest second, and took note of the druid. It was peculiar on how a old man would be able to find his party? Then Miguel realized, he didn?t, the wolves had.

Miguel stood up suddenly, he knew what it all meant; they were in the middle of an ambush. The wolf creatures had not been sent to kill them, but mealy to wear them down after they had served their purpose. That purpose was to track them for the larger more deadly creature or creatures that still lurked it the shadows.

Working his eyes around the group, Miguel took count of everyone. He didn?t have the time to voice this opinion at all, merely to hope that everyone would be safe in this open meadow. He counted the woodsman, the ?leader?, the urchin, himself? but the knight was missing. He then remembered something about him wandering off too investigate some buildings. He was walking smack into the middle of a trap of the strongest enemies with no back up. He didn?t have time to play this one cool, nor inform his allies of his discoveries, he just prayed that they were semi intelligent.

?And I?m no hero?, Miguel thought to himself, ?all I want is some peace and quite?. Sighing, for a brief second in complaint, then he reached into his bag, grabbed a length of adamantine wire, dropped his belongings and began to run as fast as he could toward where the want to be knight was. He smiled, if this went wrong, he would be the one who needed rescuing.

#108 Mizukage



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Posted 01 April 2007 - 10:30 PM

iy was strange to see the merchant suddenly burst up and run off into the horizon, but I only paid it half a mind, he brought little to this group and had left most of his belongings lying in the middle of the road, odd, but not out of place for the brother I knew about.

" we are all good to go then druid? I wouldn't want to startle our boarder, if they don't return soon the boy will not heal quickly in the open."

A quick look at the sky was enough to affirm my thoughts, it was going to be night soon.

"we must hurry, we cannot be caught out in the open when the sun finally sets."

I walk towards where the merchant had run off an let out a loud piercing whistle, hoping to catch the attention of the knight, if the peddler wanted to go for a jog so be it but the knight would have to carry the boy.

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#109 Kinewa


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 12:34 PM

<DM's Notes> Just to let you guys *Ahem Megell* know, these creatures look nothing like those mentioned at the beginning of the story. If you were to read my descriptions, you might have noted that?

Now, this week I will be staying in an internet free abyss. For now you guys can feel free to leave Eli unconscous, I think he's been through enough lately.</DM>

Sex adds inches to your waist... In increasing amounts for about... nine months.

#110 Queztatlapoca



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Posted 02 April 2007 - 04:12 PM

"Yes yes he will be expecting us. and it should only be about a mile or 2 away" as the druid said this his placed his sword back on his hip. He hadn't been out of the forest in a long time and was unsure if he was scared or exicited.

#111 Megell


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:00 PM

((Did I make a goof? from your earlier post on page 6 I was under the impression that the creatures resmembled those pokemon things, or at very least had some general characteristics of a dog. Also if I remember rightly you mentioned a creature that was intrested in the palliden, If I'm off bases here, let me know. :blink: ))

#112 Rytiko



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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:13 PM

As he lay in the grass, his consciousness began to fade. He was so exhausted that he couldn't keep himself awake. Why was he doing this...? 'To protect and serve' .. .Such a wonderful phrase. But it was just that - a phrase. One that he had left behind long ago. So why was it now that he felt he had something to live up to...? Why was it now, when his thoughts told him that he ought to stay away from these things for several different reasons, that his emotions decided to help this child?

It didn't make sense to him. But then, nothing did. Particularly the feeling he had gotten in that rubble. It was so... Cold. Cold, dark, and consuming. It lingered still, despite the intense sunlight beating down on them. It was as if it didn't exist to Leon at the moment. It was the same dark feeling he had gotten when he had first entered the town, but far more intense. What was this darkness moving now, and why was it moving?

Now having no distinction between his waking moments and his unconscious ones, he wasn't sure if the memories that guided him were real or not... But they led him to an old friend who had once spoken of the evil within the world.... The Elves? Were they gone now, or was that a dream too? It made no sense for him to have memories of an elf. Yet, somehow, this logic had not penetrated his thoughts.

An equilibrium. It guided the world and all in it, and consumed those who opposed it. Despair, joy, war, and peace - All were necessary for one reason or another. Those who would try and confirm their place in the world would be consumed. Darkness, light... What did it matter? They were all going to die here...

A sharp whistle triggered a jolt in the knight. Sitting bolt upright, he saw that the earth was returning to its rightful position. It was time to move out. Still, that was such an odd dream... But was that all it was?

#113 Megell


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:17 PM

((Wow, Kinewa did you just paraphrase/quick read my post or something. Sorry, I originally pretty shocked, but after I read over my work twice I found I?m on the right base still. Anyways, I only mentioned the creatures from before saying that they were stronger them these ones, also I did catch reference to the pokemon stuff and looked them up. So to be honest, I haven?t screwed up here at all, my works on the monies.

Also what descriptions? All right, there was some; the stuff you gave out was all right, but like any piece of literature was subject to user imaginations. If I?ve gone against your vision of the creatures in his analysing, don?t sweat it too much, its not like it really matters much as long as we are on the same base, besides I took the pokemon thing as a higher reference.

Anyways, in other words, what the heck is up? I don?t see an issue, but if there is please bring it too light? but don?t waste my time on trivial stuff. That is the death of RP.

Also? I think the others and me are under the impression? or at very least Rytiko and I that there are still other creatures lying in wait. Is this true? Please clarify before you go AWAL, Its just so important it can't be overlooked...))

#114 Mizukage



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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:21 PM

'the trial of leading fools' Really it was of no concern that they would run off but we had something to do so until the completion they served under me.

Cupping my hands around my mouth I call out "we have a place to stay! hurry up and get back here! we don't have much time!"

And with that I turn to the boy, pick him up in a fireman's carry and motion the druid to lead on.

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#115 Megell


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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:30 PM

((Anyways, I suppose it doesn?t matter immediately, I?ll just flow with the current trend of events.))

Miguel reached the paladin and noticed that he was lying amongst the rubble of an old torn down building. He was fine, this shocked Miguel to no end, and he was so sure that the group was in for an immediate attack. Had he judge the situation incorrectly? He was positive that they were under the creatures gaze, however it didn?t make any sense. They should be attacking them. He heard the ?leader? yell something, he didn?t bother too turn however.

Was he just being paranoid? He looked over to where the wanna be knight was lying and spoke up,

?Are you alright?? Miguel voice was filled with worry and concern.

#116 Rytiko



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Posted 02 April 2007 - 08:54 PM

He had barely heard both the call of the leader and the concern of the merchant. He was still desperately attempting to separate dream from reality, as was often the case of dreamers. It seemed real, yet also fake. Even sitting upright, he felt as though he may not really be there...

Should he answer him? He couldn't even remember the question. Blinking and licking his dry lips, he managed to nod. To what? Leon hadn't the slightest idea. HE had assumed it was something along the lines of "Are yo u ready?" or "Are you okay?", so there could be no harm in his response. It was not the case though... The things that lay in wait for the party, and inevitably the fate of many more lives, was in their hands. The pressure was immense. But because of the pressure, there was no room for weakness. It was time to move forward.

Rising to his feet and stretching, he said in a quiet, breaking voice "We should go now, before he decides to kill something in his boredom..."

And with that Leon, gave one final yawn and began to walk forward in the group's direction. Surely the man was too lazy to carry the boy for long, so he was sure that that would become his responsibility when he got close enough.... Damn. How bothersome. Why was he here...?

#117 Mizukage



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Posted 02 April 2007 - 09:50 PM

appearences could be decieving, and carrying the boy was of no discourse for my deceptive strength. wwhen the knight and peddler rejoined the group me made a slow march to the cave.

As promised it was abandoned but the sent of the previous inhabitant was still present, like a screen baring entrance.

The cave was no more than a hole in the side of the cliff, barely warranting the name cave. The small entrance led into a narrow tunnel that gradually widened the father you went back, the darkness was opressive, denying a clear view of the back of the cave, though a breeze hinted at a back entrance.

Sticking my head back out of the cave mouth I tell the squad, "its a little tight, almost claustrophobic, but its dry and out of the weather, its too late for a forage so we will have to sleep in the dark and hungry."

I turn back into the cave and call back. " we should set a watch, shall we draw lots? or can we decide an order amoungst ourselves?

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#118 Rytiko



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Posted 03 April 2007 - 12:18 PM

So they'd sleep in a cave that could hardly be called such a thing. It was more of an indent, really. Another night on the cold, hard ground with nothing to eat or drink... This was all too familiar to Leon, but he still hated it. There was nowhere else to go though. All of them were exhausted, and nightfall was coming. He didn't want to be left out in the open for any more surprise attacks at night.

But then, would being cornered in a cave be any better? This thought was answered almost immediately with the question of who would stand watch first. Knowing that he probably would not wake up if he were to fall asleep, Leon saw it best for him to go first. That way, when he finally did lay down, he could get a decent sleep. He'd been away from a town for so long, and could barely keep his eyes open anymore. HE needed an uninterrupted rest.

"I'll go first," Leon volunteered. "I'm tired, and I don't think I'll be able to wake up if I go to sleep. It'd be best for me to get it out of the way. However..." he mused, "Would it really be necessary to have such a thing? Couldn't you raise a wall? I don't mean to ask too much of you, however it is fairly obvious that we are all exhausted. We should all get a full night's sleep so that we've no fatigue when we set off again."

As he leaned against one of the walls within the cave (or indent), he looked at the druid and awaited his response.

#119 Mizukage



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Posted 03 April 2007 - 12:22 PM

"an interesting idea, but would it stay while you are asleep? and if it did would you wake up fully charged? a divine caster's spells are different, you should know that Paladin. It would save us a lot of trouble, but at what cost?"
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#120 Queztatlapoca



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Posted 03 April 2007 - 03:53 PM

"My connection with the earth mother is a friendship. The things i do i can only do because she agrees with what i ask of her. I could never force her to do anything she didn't want to. So to answer your question I, or should I say she, can erect a wall for us that should last the night unless it is tore down by some animal of tremdous strength."

The rest of the group didn't seem to realize the bear was still in the small alcove fast asleep quite far down the tunnel but the druid felt no need to alarm anyone so he merely made the bear aware of their presence through a dream so it wouldn't wake and be startled. The druid then opened a mental connection with the earth mother. And asked for protection throughout the dark time in the form of a stone wall sealing the entrance shut.

"Cover you heads some rocks may fall" the druid announced as the ground shook again and a stone wall formed over the entrance.


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