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Dragonmaster Dyne

Member Since 29 Nov 2007
Offline Last Active Dec 18 2007 03:38 AM

Topics I've Started

More findings stuff complain about to.

06 December 2007 - 12:33 PM

Yea I was bored... and didn't know what to call this... so yea.

I don't know how I didn't notice it before, as I have added a few extra SP, but in the add points menu, it says add 5 SP, the multiplier says you get 5 SP, but you only get 3... which is what I think you are supposed to get and the 5's never got changed.

Also, I have collected all items that can be sold to the shop except one, the Moth egg. I have killed me many, many Giant Moths, like 3 lvl's worth, trying to get their eggs, but have been unsuccessful, and I was wondering if they are just a nearly impossible drop, or if they don't drop them.

Finally, the Backwood Lantern item is probably the hardest item to get, aside from the moth egg... but it is worth less to the shop than both kinds of snake scales, and the moth eggs, was this done for a reason, or could it be a mistake?


Possible problem with skill point and lvl system

30 November 2007 - 01:24 PM

While playing, I got myself to lvl 9, and wanted to put multiple points on strength, so I purposely left one of my stat points unused. Then I found out that there was no way to put on stat points between lvl's, which is a little annoying, but I could get over it. So I had to wait untill I got to lvl 10 to use the point. But when I reached lvl 10, I went to the same menu as with the previous lvl's but, I had no stat points to distribute. And not only did I not get any points, I didn't get any extra hp, mp, or sp to boot. I tested this a few more times to see if it happened again; I purposely left a stat point off at lvl 13, but had to log off before I got to lvl 14, and I lost my extra point somewhere, either when I lvled or when I logged off. And left another one off at lvl 15, but when I got to lvl 16 I had all three stat points. I am not really sure what to think of this... but I'll probably start a new character sometime and run a few more tests. Till then I'll be playin around, your game looks great, and has a real original feel, I really think I could get stuck on it for a long time.