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There have been 15 items by Azareon (Search limited from 21-September 23)

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#1571 New Stats and Staff

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:40 PM in News

Cool, and congratz Pokey :D

#1570 Minimap!

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:39 PM in News

Sweet, great job Drack :).

#1569 Death To The Conservatives!

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:38 PM in Chat-Box

Lol, I sit here as American and read you guyz trashing our President, and guess what? I don't care because I agree :P.

Bush = Stupid. The end.

#1568 Other games you have played

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:35 PM in Chat-Box

World of Warcraft
Ashen Empires
Lothgar Online
Conquer Online
Helbreath USA
Ultima Online
Ragnarok Online

Yes I know, I have no life....  :P

#1567 Wishlist

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:33 PM in Suggestions

Guild Towns- For the guilds that have been around a long time, they will be able to outline what they want as their town and then it would be implemented, it could have its own NPC's and stuff, and maybe possible for people to give items to an NPC or put it in a "Guild Chest" so that other members of the guild can get the item if needed.

Player-Owned Houses- For those who have been around a long time, and have the money to afford their own home.

#1566 Screeny Of New Client

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:29 PM in Game

The new one looks better :P

#1565 Screen shots of Project

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:28 PM in Game

Looks good! :D

#1564 ~Forum Rules~

Posted by Azareon on 02 March 2006 - 04:28 PM in Chat-Box

Rules are a necessity hehe, and I think these are pretty good, covers everything I would have thought of :P.

#1346 Items

Posted by Azareon on 06 February 2006 - 08:13 PM in Suggestions

We need to come up with item names. I have counted the approximate number of basic items on our object set and those numbers are as follows:
~35 Staffs
~100 Swords
~30 Flails
~32 Claws/Gloves (Mostly claws)
~116 Armors
~53 Helms
~28 Shields
~21 Bows/Ranged weapons (9 bows, 6 crossbows, couple stars, etc.)
~150 Assorted Other Items

So yeah, I want to come up with at least 5 different item

Staves: Boar Spear, Spear, Great Spear, Pine Staff, Small Staff, Lance, Glaive.

Swords: Bastard Sword, Long Sword, Great Sword, Sabre, Broad Sword, Short Sword, Sword, Rapier, Cutlass.

Flail: Heavy Flail, Small Flail, Flail(not very creative names for flails)

Armors: Heavy Mail, Chainmail, Platemail, Steel, Leather, Hardened Leather, Studded Leather, Padded Leather, Coldsteel, Tunic.

Helms: Chainmail Helm, Studded Leather Helm, Hardened LEather Helm, Padded LEather Helm, Leather Helm, Helm(iron), Steel Helm, Coldsteel helm.

Shields: Small Wooden Shield, Wooden Shield, Round Shield, Steel Shield, Coldsteel Shield, Spiked Shield.

Ranged: Small Crossbow, Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Small Wooden Bow, Wooden Bow, Wooden Longbow, Steel Bow, Steel Longbow, Oak Bow.

I wouldn't be too good at coming up with claw names.

#1316 Tradeskills

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 06:27 PM in Game

I was wondering if this game would have tradeskills.

Tradeskills are like Blacskmithing, Fishing, Woodcrafting, stuff like that.

I wonder because I have always been very big on Blacksmithing and being able to create my own weapons/armor so that I can go into battle knowing that everything I'm using was self-made and my victory was due completely to myself and not from buying something from a shop hehe :).

#1315 "Game Mechanics"

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 06:20 PM in Suggestions

How will monsters work, you ask? Well follow closely cause this will probably make no sense. Here I go...
Each NPC (talking monsters here) will have a Level attribute which will determine who can fight with it. People 5 levels below the monster's level will not be able to fight it. Whereas anyone above that can attack it. To make killing monsters fair, the damage you do, the damage the monster does on you, the monster's HP, etc. will be based on both the monster's level and the player's level. There will also be a bonus for exp if you are within a few levels of the monster's level. This will encourage players to level on monsters in their range in order to get the greatest amount of exp. Weapons will increase the raw power of the user by adding on to how much damage the user would do to the monster w/o anything on.

Somewhat. I meant to explain that in my vision, monsters have no levels except relative to players.

Well, I am not sure I myself undesrtand it correctly, but this is how I understand it.

A monsters toughness and what you get out of that monster depends on how close to that monsters level you are. If you are 5 levels or more below it, you cannot fight it because it would kill you and you would get nothing out of it, but say you are 4 levels below it, it would be hard to kill it, but it would be possible if you were good enough, and the reward for taking such a risk would be great.

As you come closer to the level of the monster, the reward is still good, but it is not as good as it was, the closer you get. And every level you achieve, the monster becomes easier to kill. Eventually you will start getting a higher level than the monster, and instead of the monster having the advantage, you will have the advantage, and because of that, you will have less reward for killing it.

So the monster has a level, but the way I read it is the level is only a statement of how hard that monster is and how well you, at your level, should do.

So, if I were to fight a lvl 5 monster at lvl 1, it would be extremely hard and more than likely I would die, but if I were to win, then I would have a big reward. Now if I were level 9, and I went back and fought that level 5 again, then I will own the crap out of that level 5, but my reward will not be that great. But, the monster will always be level 5, it just means that better you get, the worse the monster is compared to you.

Well, that's how I understand it hehe, dunno if I'm correct on all points though, Iunno. But if this is how it's set up, congratz for an ingenius setup for monster fighting hehe :D.

#1314 How do you like the new forum look?

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 06:03 PM in Suggestions

Looks nice, not too hard on the eye and I can read everything! (As surprising as it may sound, I've found some message boards quite unreadable haha, kinda dumb eh? :P)

#1313 Player Killing (PKing)

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 05:48 PM in Suggestions

I think there should be two kinds of criminal. The wanted and the evil. You see, even in real life, if a criminal is not caught fast enough then eventually that case will be discarded if it cannot be solved, and that person is no longer highly searched for, but yet if found would be captured if possible.

What I mean is, that after you commit a crime, say killing someone or beating them up, you will go wanted for a certain amount of time. This means that no matter where you go, people can attack you and beat you up, including guards if they are stationed in a town, and if you are killed in this state then you will lose lots of stuff.

BUT, if you are not caught while you are wanted, you will eventually become simply evil, and no longer wanted. What this means is that you cannot enter towns that are deemed "good", but there should be towns that you can enter because they are "evil". It also means you are not known right now for a particular crime, but you are known to be evil, which means that you will lose stuff, but not as much as if you were wanted, and also you cannot be mildly attacked by other players.

What I mean by this is, unless a player is wanted, then they should not be aloud to be attacked because you do not know the definite crime that that person commited, and so therefore it would be best for the authorities to handle it(the guards in good towns), and if you were to attack an evil person, who is not wanted, then you yourself would become wanted for becoming a vigilante, and not allowing justice be done by the authorities.

So to sum it all up, when you attack somene you go wanted for a while until you go back to evil. During wanted you can be attacked by anyone and you will lose a lot if killed/captured, but if you survive until you are simply evil, you can go into evil towns and act like a normal player, just without the ability to go into good towns, and if someone attacks you while you are simply evil, that person will become wanted and you in turn can attack them back and hurt THEM.

This makes it fair for both evil and good players, I think.

Also, as far as friendly matches go, and areas of pk... I agree that all areas should be PvP areas, except for inside newb towns and newb hunting areas, those should be completely off limits for PvP because if people were allowed to PK new players then that would drive away new players. Also, there should be arenas in the game that allow people to agree to fight eachother and lose absolutely nothing from the result of the battle, because it was inside an arena and was a sanctioned fight.

Whew, that took a while to write that simple idea down hehe :P

#1312 Classes

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 05:38 PM in Suggestions

There are many classes you can consider.

Barbarian: Brute with no real intelligence but massive strength and durability. (STR)

Paladin: Intelligent fighter who relies on his wits in combat and tends towards being able to use Holy spells to make him/herself better. (STR/INT)

Shaman: Mage-like person who deals in spirits mostly to cause damage. (INT)

Mage: Someone who uses the elements to cause damage. (INT)

Assasin: Very quick and hard to hit character, but is not very durable so if hit will go down easily. (DEX)

Ranger: Someone who deals in ranged combat, such as throwing knives/daggers, slings, bows, crossbows, and the like. (DEX)

Well, this is all I can think of right now hehe.

#1318 Welcomes and Hellos

Posted by Azareon on 02 February 2006 - 05:30 PM in Chat-Box

Felt like posting and saying hi :). Saw this game when I was looking through some sites so I figured I'd come check it out, looks pretty nice so I think I'll stay and play with you guys hehe :).

Well, gotta go obsess read everything so I can find out all I can about the game hehe :).