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#101 Queztatlapoca



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  • Interests:BONGOS! Philosophy, Some martial arts, dnd, people watching...(it's oddly fun)<br><br>Well...my name is Matt, I'm 5'3.5&quot; brown hair and eyes. When people ask what's up I'll normally tell them the sky. I am consistently random. I was also in high school for far too long. My age is...well if you can't figure that out from my date of birth shame on you... want to know more? just ask :)

Posted 06 March 2007 - 11:25 AM

Knocked foward in a counterclockwise spin by the launch off his right shoulder Teyld spun a full 180 degrees still holding the chain with his left hand since it was frozen to it. He then saw an overwhelming blackness emanating from Casey. Not knowing what else to do he leaped towards him with the intention of closing some ground quickly.

[Runic Magick:movement speed x2 1/2]

#102 Megell


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Posted 06 March 2007 - 11:26 AM

Hakishi stared at the man for the briefest second, smiled, and pulled on the dagger strings. Pulling them out of the wall in a single quick motion, they arched in a curved path towards his right hand. Catching them in his off hand, his left, and placing them back in his belt. Hakishi smile crept longer across his face, and for the first time in a long time, he did something odd. He laughed an honest laugh.

?Well,? A now well humoured version of him spoke ?I don?t know of a way to get moon light actually into the arena in a physical way. However, there is a way to get it there still.?

Chuckling to himself, He reached up and grabbed at the piece of cloth, fiddled it for a second and spoke. ?I just can?t believe that anyone would tell you of all people, a near completely physical fighter, about that trick.?

He paused in careful refection for the briefest second, and then continued on a more sober tone. ?The issue here isn?t that it?s impossible to get moon light into the arena, but that it is incredible difficult to do so. I know of several ways to do this, but first I?m going to need to teach you something about magic.?

Hakishi began to walk past were the man was standing, and in a neutral tone said, ?If you want your solution follow me.?

Walking down, out of the arena, through the many, tight and compressed corridors, Hakishi lead the way to a rear exit to the arena. Through this, he came out to an open back ally street. Here he proceeded along a path for a way, until he reached a small book store. Turning his attention back to the man in the purple outfit, Hakishi spoke, ?Well, if you want to learn the most about magic, my friend, this is the place.? He indicated towards the run down little shop with almost a childlike glee.

?And to pull off what you are aiming for, you?ll need a little bit of magic. Want to know m

#103 Rytiko



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Posted 06 March 2007 - 11:58 AM

An old, run down shop with nothing particularly interesting about it. Kobushi wondered just what it was the cloth-wearing person that he had followed thus far had in mind... His questions would surely be answered soon, though, so he nodded and prepared to follow his instructions.

Magic, though? He wondered if he could do such a thing. He had never wielded any kind of foreign energy other than the gift of lunar energy Tsukuyomi had given to their family. Well, it could be called a gift... But in the beginning, it was more of a curse. Luckily its powers have been properly harnessed with the passing of time, though it still seemed like it could be more of a curse at times. Curiosity fueled his actions now, and he would make a solid attempt at any challenge presented.

#104 Megell


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Posted 07 March 2007 - 10:19 AM

?Well then,? Hakishi continued, ?I see you have no complaints. Shall we begin?? Hakishi motioned for the man in the purple to follow him once more. He lead the way through the door of the little shop, inside it was pleasant, a little run down, but still pleasant. It had shelves lining both walls, and a small table off to the side. Each of the books appeared to be old and dusty, well used and loved. Hakishi crossed to the far left of the store and reached out and grabbed a small red book. It was titled, ?The Foundations of Magic?. Hakishi opened the book and flipped to a chart at the back and started to speak again.

?Magic,? he began, ?Is referred to the basic foundation of all the supernatural arts. Magic is fuelled by a force referred to as Mana. Mana, is where all spell casters, illusionists, chi users, and the like draw their power from. Now many would point out that magicians generally can?t use chi attacks, and monks can?t make magic attacks. This would imply that the Mana they use is of a different source or type.

Mana is derived into six key types, and then numerous sub types. The six major types are the four elemental brands, shadow, and light. Combining certain amounts of these auras in special ways can produced a sub type.

Let me elaborate a bit. Each of the six major key types of Mana each serves a different purpose, have different abilities, and can perform varied tasks. Now if we examine the auras individual we see the following traits about them. The elemental brands are found in the physical world. They cover the elements of fire, ice, air, and earth. Each of these had a unique strength and weakness.

Fire, the element of raw power, represents the power to plough through all obstacles. Its uses are direct, and deadly. Ice, or more often refereed to as the water aura, is the most flexible of all the auras, being able to get around problems with ease and efficiency. The draw back being that because it is used in getting around problems, in a direct situation it lacks power. Air, the element of speed and support, difficult to commonly apply to magic, though it can be used to make minor, fine adjustment to things for fine art casting. Artist mages most commonly use this form of aura. And last but not least is the elemental brand of earth, inflexible, but unmoving, it makes the ultimate shield. Utterly indestructible and always able to defend its user, earth is the best choice to keep you safe. The elemental brands are represented by the avatar of the earth.

Now, if we examine the other auras; shadow and light. These auras can never exist naturally at the same time at once. If they do, they react violently because of there drastically opposing natures.

Light aura, referred to as the aura of law, represents all that is good, natural, and right in the universe. In the case of common application, light aura has the potential to be more powerful then all the others combined. However, because it adheres strictly to the laws of the universe, it?s very inflexible, and takes an extreme mastery to apply. Currently, people have only been able to apply this aura to the healing arts. In the source of avatars, the aura of light is represented by the sun.

Now, the remaining aura, shadow aura is the weakest of all the auras. It takes a massive amount of focusing to give it any real power. Now this doesn?t mean it is useless. Think of all the other auras as stones, now think of shadow aura as sand that fills the space between these stones. Without shadow aura, most spell craft would be impossible. Shadow aura is also very useful because it is the most flexible of any of the auras, it can break the laws of the world, and it is chaos. Like wise, its avatar is the void of space. Utter blackness.

Now because of this, the avatar of light is the sun, and the avatar of shadow being void. It seems impossible to get them to mix. And naturally it normally is. However, there is a complex way to get them to mix; the moon.?

Hakishi took a breath. Then went on; ?The moon brings over light from the sun. It hits the moon and reflexes it down to the earth. At the same time, upon hitting the moon the light aura takes on many of the properties of the shadow aura because of the influence of the void. It loses it strict adherence to law, then conforms to a sort of neutral in between the two typically opposing forces. It gains the power of light aura, and the flexibility of shadow aura.

This is referred to as ?moon beams?, arguably the most hard to replicate, but once done the most powerful and useful of any type of sub type aura.?

Hakishi stopped for a second, and reached into his pocket and pulled out the shattered remains of his mask. Tossing it onto the table he spoke, ?this mask, before it broke was endowed with the power of a sub type of earth and shadow. Though not nearly as powerful and light and shadow, it gave the mask a composition similar to that of tempered steel.

Mixed auras have insane strength. And thus a sub type takes on only the positive benefits that the mix, completely ignoring the weaknesses. That?s why shadow and light are so strong together, they are opposites. They overlap and make the perfect sub aura, with only pure Mana possible more powerful.
Now, because of its shadow component, you could use pure shadow aura to help bring this mixed aura into the arena. I can teach you how to create a ?Gate? that can move this mixed aura into the ring.?

Hakishi put the book back and turned back to his companion. He spoke in a low, menacing tone, ?And it?s really easy to learn.?

Hakishi walked towards the door of the book store, before he left, he grabbed what appeared to be an old cane from a bin by the door. He walked outside, walked about fifteen meters down the street, and drew a line in the dirt. He spoke again, this time with a lot of humour in his voice.

?All you have to do is cross this line.?

#105 Rytiko



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Posted 07 March 2007 - 10:58 AM

Listening diligently, he was beginning to understand his power from a technical aspect. He had been able to use it, sure... But he'd never understood it by such standards. Thus, the entire lecture was incredibly interesting to Kobushi. And now, as he was asked to cross a line the man had drawn in the dirt, he could only wonder what was going to happen to him.

He had no fear, though... Something about him drew Kobushi to trust him, despite his frequently changing vocal tones and cloth-covered eyes. Perhaps it was blind trust, but it wasn't as though he had much of a choice. He had to figure this out, and this was the best way to do that...

Gathering his courage, he walked forward. The final step seemed to be ins low motion, giving time for all of Kobushi's fears to explode and make him question what he was doing... Squinting and taking a deep breath, he placed his foot over the line...

#106 Megell


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Posted 07 March 2007 - 05:49 PM

Hakishi watched as Kobushi, or that?s what he thought his name was, approach the line. At the same time he focused on gathering a multitude of earth auras into the ground around the line. Positioning most of them directly in front of the line. Hakishi let this auras build in magnitude as the ?target? got closer and closer to the line. Eventually coming to the point in which one foot was about to come down across the line. At the last second, before Kobushi could fully cross the line, Hakishi triggered the auras.

A hard, granite fist came rocketing out of the ground right for the chest of the man. It was powerful, but the attack had been distributed so that it would cause no real harm other then a bruised ego. And so it would knock his student several meters back onto his rear.

?Oh,? Hakishi said in a happy tone, ?Did I forget to mention that I would be defending that line?? Smiling, Hakishi spoke again, in a mocking tone. ?Care to try again??

((Sorry, another auto hit for plot, but it did no damage, just a plot device. Now the real fight starts.))

#107 Rytiko



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Posted 07 March 2007 - 07:39 PM

((It's no problem. I understand - I was thinking you may have something like that in mind, so I was considering having him ask something along the lines of "So what's the catch?" So, is my goal just to get across the line, or to defeat you...?))

Kobushi had thought there might be a catch. He smiled and looked to the magic user as he rose to his feet. He wondered for a moment if he had a chance, but disregarded this thought. He had been taught long ago that fear is the ultimate weakness, and will lead to defeat in any fight. With a smirk, he spoke - "I see. Then let us see how solid your defense is..."

He felt a small amount of pain in his hands as he directed a solid flow of energy to each of his ten fingers, forming pale, silvery claws of light out of the lunar energy at the precise area that the metal half-gloves stopped.

"These claws should have no problem cutting through stone... But I know that you'll reinforce it. So I guess I have to make sure you're out of the way before I can proceed?" Kobushi asked, though he thought he knew the answer. He readied himself for a large burst attack. He doubted he stood a chance if he remained at a distance, so his only choice was to hit him hard and then burst through whatever defense he put up against the line.

The man had made a slight mistake by labeling him as a pure physical fighter... Though he doubted he would make another.

#108 Megell


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Posted 07 March 2007 - 08:39 PM

((there is little to no chance at the moment for you to pull of either. Hakishi is way to rigged for defense for that ever to succeed. There is a goal in this excercise, but I'll give it away in character over time.))

?Well then,? Hakishi said, ?Isn?t this a treat. But you should learn that any forum of magic is the worst possible thing you can use against me.? Leaning back, Hakishi replicated the man?s footwork and body stance as he had seen it in the previous fight he had watched him partake in. Also at the same time he studied the magic behind the claw extensions. I appeared to be a mix of shadow and light auras, lunar auras. ?Interesting? was the only word he though to himself as he drew a set of kunai knives from his belt. At the same time he zeroed in on the way that his opponent was creating, maintaining and producing this magic. Hakishi replicated it in a moment, focusing the aura down the blades of the knives that were running in front of him, giving them each the same shadowy illumination that the Kobushi?s own claws had.

?By the way, I think you should also be aware a direct physical assault will also end in disaster on your part. But I still encourage you to try.? Hakishi said with the same hint of humour.

#109 Rytiko



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Posted 07 March 2007 - 09:15 PM

He had replicated, perfectly, everything Kobushi had just done. The stance, the energy used in the claws, and Kobsuhi could even sense that the magic was flowing in a similar manner. The question from before returned to his mind - 'What is this man...?'

He made a point to take his time. The time it took him to analyze the situation and determine he had little chance of succeeding was a fraction of what he spent standing there. He had come to a conclusion while doing so, though - the energy within his opponents body began to come closer in its replication of his with every passing second. He was studying him, figuring out everything with the short amount of time available. He had figured out his abilities, and was succeeding in recreating them within his own body...

'But there's no way that they're even close in terms of power and control. His defense will probably shut me out unless I move quickly enough to stop him from putting up one. That means that I have one shot. I'd better make it count...'

An intenst pain shot through all of Kobushi's body, particularly on his leg and abdomen muscles. The energy, though primarily for external use, was now being used to push each of his well built muscles to their limit - They would enable him to execute a burst dash, with seemingly inhuman speed. Of course, if he missed, his legs would likely be shot until he was able to rest them. It was designed by Kobushi himself as a one-shot kill, but he wouldn't use it to kill this time. In fact, his purpose wasn't even to attack.

His plan was to use this dash to cross the line. He had a fleeting assumption that it wouldn't work though, and if that were the case he would use any wall or weapon the copycat warrior conjured to launch himself at him and, depending on the stance and situation, latch onto one of his arms and tear it apart or deliver a bone-cutting slash to his shoulder. There were a lot of "ifs" in his plan, but Kobushi was used to that. One way or another, he would cross that line.

"Copy this!!" Kobushi bellowed as he pushed off to begin his dash.

#110 Megell


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 09:52 AM

Hakishi watched as the man built up a substantial amount of his aura, he rushed it into the muscles of his body and stored up power rapidly. Hakishi?s face turned into a huge grin. Kobushi was attempting to build up a dash technique. Of course, he was using a much different aura pattern then he himself would use. But in all, the effects would be the same. And Hakishi was prepared to counter it with a little thing called common sense.

He would use a barrier of granite to block the man?s advance, channelling the earth auras through his feat, the makeshift barrier would pop up instantly. As the man yelled out copy this, Hakishi released the auras and a meter in front of the line a wall of stone shot up out of the ground.

Hakishi at the same time as the wall began to pop up, prepared his version of the dash technique. Focusing in on his fire aura and the chemical components of his biochemistry, he prepared to release a good portion of his body?s inner cretin and adrenalin. With the amount he had stored up, he would be able to make a dash at any time he needed it. But for now, he would simply focus in on building up more fire aura.

?If he doesn?t figure out that he can only use one aura type to slip past me,? Hakishi thought, ?I might have to kill him.?

#111 Rytiko



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Posted 08 March 2007 - 10:22 AM

He had done exactly as Kobushi assumed he would do, and had been preparing for from the instant he started. His victory seemed false though, as he sensed the same aura build up as when the man had used the dash before. Rather than further exert his muscles, he managed to use the wall to bring himslef to a stop without taking damage. The dash had barely been active, so his legs, though sore, had some use left.

He chuckled a bit at his own misunderstanding of things. Of course. Why would he go through the trouble of explaning all of the different aura forms if he thought Kobushi could get past him? He was asking him to separate the lunar aura into shadow and light auras. The only way to go from there would be the one that was unbound by physics - the shadow aura... Of course, though he understood his goal, he had no idea how to do that.

Dispelling the lunar claws, Kobushi sat down and began to meditate. He didn't believe his opponent would attack, as he was taking a defensive position. Surely he understood that he couldn't separate the auras with such ease. In his meditative position, he raised his arms and formed a small orb of the swirling lunar aura and began to focus on pulling a shadow orb and a light orb from within it.

"This," Kobushi spoke softly, "May take some time to complete. I apologize."

#112 Megell


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 06:51 PM

((@ Cassy: Cassy, if you?re not currently in the mood to fight and finish the battle you and Quez are involved in. Please post as such. You?ve been in essence hogging the arena for the last 2-4 days with inactivity. If you don?t post a reply sometime soon, I might have to end the fight in Quez favour. D: and I don?t want to do any OCC ends.))

Hakishi stood behind his wall, observing the aura of the man beyond. ?I think he is starting to get it. But he?s not pressured enough to actual manage to do something great with it.? Hakishi thought to himself. Smiling, he began to focus a blast of shadow aura. He was going to inspire a little more of a need to succeed in this man.

Drawing a single one of his kunai knives, then focusing on the shadows of the area, he would in essence turn them into portals. This would allow him to through the knife into the shadow of the large rock wall, then let it shoot out of any of the shadows he felt like around the area. In essence, the shadows would become his attack points.

Now he was doing this for a reason. You see, if his opponent had the ability to surmise the location of auras, he would probably be able to tell that they were odd. If this happened, he would focus on the shadows, and maybe, just maybe, be able train his awareness to figure out the distortions in the auras that were as minuscule as a knife. If this happened? he in essence would cut the amount of time it would take him to master shadow manipulation from years to days. If he didn?t, then he would be a corpse. Hakishi, realized that people performed best when their lives were on the line. He was going to push this man to his limit.
Opening up the shadow portal to a shadow parallel to the man?s face, Hakishi through a single dagger. It would come from the area of the door of the shop, and was aimed to cut the man?s cheek. He considered it a warning to what was going to come next.

#113 Caseyweederman


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 09:16 PM

((Hey, uh, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'll wait until you're done...?))

sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...

#114 Megell


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 10:14 PM

((Hey, uh, I'm a bit overwhelmed. I'll wait until you're done...?))

((I'm not fighting in the arena. Read the back story.

Anyways, I'll give you a couple more days to clear up, after that I'm gunna have to cancel your fight so the arena can be open for others. :cry: Please don't let it come to that!))

#115 Caseyweederman


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 10:23 PM

((Man, don't come down hard on me. You guys completely flooded my fight!!
Perhaps for future tangents and vague character buildups we (you) could branch off into another thread?
I'm sorry. This is how I feel. I was having an intense fight, and then suddenly there were thirty posts that all might or might not affect my battle but that I'd have to completely read through in order to find out. This is the source of my discouragement. Sure, I'd love to read all twelve novels of shadow-knife-teleportation pre-description character intros of yours, but later.
And it's Casey. K.C. Cay sea.))

sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...

#116 Megell


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 11:50 PM

((Man, don't come down hard on me. You guys completely flooded my fight!!
Perhaps for future tangents and vague character buildups we (you) could branch off into another thread?
I'm sorry. This is how I feel. I was having an intense fight, and then suddenly there were thirty posts that all might or might not affect my battle but that I'd have to completely read through in order to find out. This is the source of my discouragement. Sure, I'd love to read all twelve novels of shadow-knife-teleportation pre-description character intros of yours, but later.
And it's Casey. K.C. Cay sea.))

((generally speaking, nothing that happens outside of the opponents in the arena can effect the fight. And no casey, I'm not comming down hard on you at all. I'm actually going quite easy on you to be honest. If I was in my usual mood and I didn't know you i might of cancel the fight earlier. If your going to go Awal for what ever reason, at least send me a pm so I know whats up.

Also, if your not sure if something effects you or not, then if you don't want to read it it can be easier to ask by Pm. Can save alot of effort on your part, and also I've showed through the forms that I'm very avaliable as such. So just drop me a line if there is an issue that your just not too sure of. Thanks for your time anyways. and have fun.))

#117 Rytiko



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Posted 10 March 2007 - 12:15 AM

((While a thread for character related things may be desirable, I think it'd get too complicated when fights actually did come up. After all, submitting a challenge in one thread and then going to another to carry out that challenge seems like it'd get very confusing, especially to someone controlling two characters as I am.))

It was a slight change, one that he probably wouldn't have noticed if he weren't in a meditative state. He felt the flow to the shadows, but could not discern exactly what it was that he was feeling. The amount of magic being used was minuscule, and seemed harmless at first; Kobushi knew otherwise, for there was no reason to create something that would do nothing, no matter how little energy it took...

Before he had time to even comprehend it, he heard the whirring of a kunai knife blazing past him. It grazed his cheek, so it wasn't particularly harmful, but he was experienced enough to know what defined a warning shot. If his opponent would be launching attacks, then his goal would be to study the shadow auras being used until he could manage to replicate them.

He understood the motive, but the problem remained that he had never once separated the lunar energy he used. If fact, the thought that his power was comprised of two separate auras had never held any water before today. Using the aura a tall would take much time. Using it successfully would likely take even more. Rising from his meditation, Kobushi focused on tracking the creation of new shadow auras. Avoiding the attacks, though important, was not at the top of his to do list. In fact, if Kobush expected the attack to be non-deadly, he may just take the hit to help him feel the way the aura was used...

((referring to next post, so as not to post again needlessly - Casey, wtf? That was more than an auto-hit... o_o))

#118 Caseyweederman


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Posted 12 March 2007 - 02:51 PM

Casey looked at the barbarian in front of him. He planted his feet, crouched down, and slammed his palms deep into the snow. The entire mass of dark life swarmed into the ground and back up in an extremely concentrated blackness and completely engulfed Telyd.

Hate. Terror. So thickly layered that even the particles in the air collided with each other in their mad rush to flee. The darkness was the most ultimate form of ill will, the physical realm decomposing by the effect of the emotional. Utter chaos.

Casey started walking away. This fight was over.

sum day ill eat ur cat ricko...

#119 Queztatlapoca



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Posted 12 March 2007 - 05:04 PM

Telyd was hit with the full force of the blast. He landed face down a skinless mass. But he gathered the strength to lift himself off of the ground. Rising to his full height he reached foward to grab Casey's shoulder with a bloodied hand. When he hand a solid grip he would invoke his stoneskin. And then crush Casey...

#120 Megell


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Posted 13 March 2007 - 05:24 PM

?Does Not Effect the Combatants in Anyway?.

((All right, I?ve made up my mind on a couple of key things. I apologise to everyone one how this took so long, it required a lot of thought and consideration. From this point on, I?m implementing a colour code/label requirement for discerning whether a post affects the arena or not. This way people who are completest like Casey here can still go through their fights without interruption. Because that way they can just look at what section effects them at the time.

I?ve posted it under a new section labelled ?Colour Codes? in one of my reserved posts. I won?t enforce this with nazi like thoroughness. But I feel that if you don?t do it, your fellow Rpers will rip into you enough after being forced to read extra junk, then you?ll be a little more motivated to do so next time. I intend to also get Casey or Kinewa to go over and format the prior posts. That way everything will be good! Anyways to my little side fight.))

Hakishi chuckled ?well he does learn fast?. Moving his hands closer together he began to rapidly make many hand signs. ?But it?ll take more then that for him to master this.? He then focused on pulling up a good amount of his ice aura, focusing it into his hands, freezing the air itself into solid daggers, at the same time he focused on creating a little fire aura to contradict the effect in his own hand. As he grabbed the first of the little daggers from the air, he smiled. These ones were a real kicker, they not only would cut, but if they hit the skin and stuck for more then a second, would turn flesh to ice.

?I might be overdoing it a little?, he thought ?But he did ask for my training??

Hakishi through the first dagger into the shadow, this one would fly from the same location as the first, he would then grab another and throw it, this one would come from the shadow of a building across the way roads shadow.

He would hit him from two opposing angles at once.

He threw the first dagger, then the second. Watching for the effect

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